STC Opportunity with GEMS Team, Dhaka At The World Bank

Closing date: Thursday, 14 September 2023

STC Opportunity with GEMS Team in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Start Date: October 16, 2023

Express Interest By: 9/14/2023

Duration: 150

Topics: Not Available

Business Function: Not Available

Skills: Not Available

Language Skills: English

Assignment Location: Bangladesh

Institution: IBRD

VPU: South Asia (SAR)

Contact Person: Elma Zahir (

Task Description: The WBG Bangladesh Country Office is looking to hire a short-term consultant (STC) to join the GEMS team. The consultant will be based in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and fully embedded in the GEMS team, within the World Bank’s FCV Group. The consultant will work under the guidance of the GEMS TTL and in very close coordination with the CMU.

The focus of the consultancy will be to systematically implement the digital data collection/analysis method across WBG portfolio in Bangladesh, with a focus on the use of KoBoToolbox as well as PowerBI for customized project monitoring. The consultant will be responsible for the delivery of capacity-building trainings in the use of the KoBoToolbox and other software suites and ongoing hands-on support for projects, government agencies, safeguards specialists, and select partners. This will also include reviewing and contribution to project documents

and regular follow-up engagement and technical assistance for clients. The STC will also be responsible for managing the CMU’s digital data collection and remote supervision platform and conduct tailored data analyses, based on demand.

The consultant will directly support ministries and government agencies in Bangladesh, as well as donors and other partners, subject to interest, in setting up systems for data collection, sharing and coordination. To leverage the GEMS system as an inter-agency coordination tool, the consultant will also build capacity with stakeholders outside of the World Bank. To this end, the consultant will closely work with government agencies, donors, UN agencies and other partners to leverage the GEMS tools and method for supervision and coordination. In this regard, the consultant will oversee the technical cooperation in terms of leveraging the GEMS tool, develop strategies for joint data analysis, and create data collection questionnaires upon agreement with the partners.

A complementary focus will be on developing training guidelines, protocols, and technical platforms, for systematizing and scaling the GEMS support across clients in Bangladesh. The consultant will support the team in (1) rolling out a standard learning package on the use of digital monitoring tools; (2) developing and managing cost-effective dashboards combining spatial project implementation data with other relevant contextual information; and (3) establishing internal standards and guidelines for the sustainable implementation of the GEMS method.

The consultant will also support the wider remote supervision agenda. The consultant will work with the GEMS team, the CMU, and a range of partners to explore and apply complementary field-appropriate ICT tools and procedures to improve remote supervision as well as effectiveness and accountability of operational engagement. Supervision solutions that will be explored will include inter alia (a) earth observation and remote sensing through satellite imagery; (b) “big data” including call detail records and social media data for complementary monitoring tasks; and (c) mobile network/SMS-based systems for citizen engagement, beneficiary feedback, and grievance redress mechanisms. The above list is not exhaustive and may be extended during implementation of the activity.

The selected STC will be responsible for the following main deliverables:

  •  Manage and expand the portfolio-wide project mapping and remote supervision platform, based on KoBoToolbox, PowerBI and potentially complementary tools
  •  Support the sustainable application of the GEMS method for digital data collection and operations monitoring across projects in the Bangladesh CMU’s portfolio
  •  Deliver technical capacity building trainings to project task teams, client Project Implementation Units, and select partners, in cooperation with the global GEMS team.
  •  Engage clients, partners, and other stakeholders in Bangladesh to build lasting capacity and institutionalize sustainable digital monitoring beyond the WBG portfolio on a regular basis
  •  Support back-office tasks required for the systematic application of digital monitoring tools across the WBG portfolio.
  •  Provide follow-up support to clients, the CMU and project teams to ensure that the system is leveraged sustainably. Provide analytical support to the CMU and individual projects
  •  Review or support the digitalization of data collection questionnaires and methods for specific clients and projects.
  •  Explore options for collaboration on data exchange and analysis with partners.
  •  Explore the use of complementary technology and procedures for remote supervision of operational engagement, support project teams with the implementation and produce practical guidance material.
  •  Keep real-time statistics on project support in databases crafted for CMU and GEMS Team overview

Please review the attached TOR for more information.


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