Specialist Physical and Functional Rehabilitation – RDC At Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion

Handicap International /Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international solidarity association, which intervenes in situations of poverty and’exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerabilities, she acts and testifies to meet their basic needs and improve their living conditions. It is’ committed to promoting respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. Since its creation in 1982, the, HI has implemented development programs in more than 60 countries and is involved in many’ emergencies. Today’, we have a budget of’about 255 million’euros, with 4794 employees worldwide.

At Handicap International, we strongly believe in the’ importance of’inclusion and diversity within our structure. This is why we are engaged in a disability policy to promote the’accueil and’integration of people with disabilities.

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In response to needs and as part of its technical expertise, HI has been operating in the DRC since 1995 in many sectors and is a recognized player in humanitarian assistance and logistics .

  • In Kinshasa, multi-year development projects are being set up on the themes of physical and Functional Rehabilitation, from Maternal and Child Health,’Inclusive Education and Inclusive Governance.
  • In Kasai and Kasai Centrale, initially engaged in development activities HI intervened since the crisis of 2016 on Food Security projects (modality Cash then support to agricultural production) and currently intervenes in a ’inclusive education project.
  • In North Kivu, to date, the Goma base is implementing 6 projects :
  • Two mobile clinic projects in mental health and Psychosocial Support with a component of Physical and Functional Rehabilitation ,
  • A road rehabilitation project in Mweso ;
  • A project in the field of community protection, mental health emergency’ response and kit distribution in Mweso ;
  • A Logistics and Storage Platform project offering a service to humanitarian actors ;
  • A project of rehabilitation integrated with stimulation therapy in the Mweso health zone

HI reviewed its multi-year strategy for the DRC in 2022. It shows a desire to diversify activities in the’East of the DRC and growth in terms of volume.

The year 2024 will be devoted to the deployment and closure of the multi-annual strategy of the DRC Programme, but also to the definition of the strategy 2024-2026 with reflections focused in particular on the capacities of emergency response’, economic recovery, etc, and’improvement of’access to rehabilitation care and services in DRC.

Within the framework of the 2022-2024 strategy, taking into account operational issues and the local context, the improvement of the qualitative monitoring and accountability framework is a high priority. In the first months of the post-taking, attention will have to be paid to strengthening support for the project implemented in Kinshasa.


Under the management of the Responsible of the’Technical Unit, the/the Rehabilitation Specialist contributes within the HI mission in the DRC to the implementation of the mandate and the 10-year strategy of HI.

He/she ensures the’ optimization of quality and’impact of projects implemented in the country, through’ a delegation system with appropriate control mechanisms.

He/she shares with all the other HI RDC managers the charge of’a sound management and’a smooth functioning of the global organisation, through paradigm shifts.

1. Expertise

  • 1.1 Contributes to the mission strategy in accordance with HI’s overall strategies
    • Provides sector-specific technical inputs to the mission’s operational strategy within its scope and sector, in line with HI’s overall technical strategy, and provides relevant follow-up
    • Assesses priority physical and functional rehabilitation needs, local resources and capacities, and other contextual elements relevant to its sector-wide scope and assists in their understanding within the mission
  • 1.2 Ensures technical support to projects and teams in accordance with global standards and technical frameworks within its sectoral scope
    • Provide appropriate technical guidance and support to project managers, supervisors and physiotherapists where appropriate or (adapts standards to project managers’ tools, etc, contributes to proposal writing, reporting, and design and compilation of MEAL tools) in accordance with mandatory cross-cutting strategies, standards, and approaches
    • Ensure adequate support for multisectoral interventions within the projects, in line with other specialists
    • Ensures a local sector watch and collects good practices in its sector perimeter
    • Contributes to the recruitment and briefing of supervisors or physiotherapists, if applicable
  • 1.3 Ensuring technical learning from projects
    • Contributes to the capitalization of projects and ensures technical learning from projects within its sector perimeter
    • Analyzes capacity building needs, defines a technical training program, organizes and conducts training for HI teams and partners in its sector perimeter
  • 1.4 Ensures the control and monitoring of the technical quality and relevance of HI’s activities within the mission within its sector perimeter
    • Ensures the definition of physical and functional rehabilitation activities to be implemented, and contributes, with project managers, to the’ identification of equipment and material needs for teams
    • Ensures regular monitoring of the technical quality of projects and programmes and issues warnings and recommendations
    • Follows the implementation of the recommendations of’audit, where appropriate, within its sectoral scope
  • 1.5 Contributes to the’animation of the professional channel of the technical divisions
    • Contributes to the global animation of professional channels in its sectoral perimeter from the technical divisions (community of practice..).
    • Animate a local talent pool within its sector perimeter (performs technical interviews of candidates and makes recommendations, identifies training needs)
    • Creates spaces for’ exchanges of good practices to improve the quality of activities

2. Influence

  • Contributes to local external prestige and’influence of HI’expertise
    • Represents HI’s technical expertise in relevant local networks
    • Establishes a mapping and links with the actors of physical and functional rehabilitation in the country of’intervention
    • Contributes to advocacy on specific themes in line with global advocacy priorities
    • Contributes to communication messages at the local level in accordance with global communication priorities

3. Development of the social mission

Ensures the development of major opportunities or new projects within the country within its sectoral scope.

  • Contributes to the’analysis of the context in its sectoral perimeter
  • Contributes to the design and drafting of new projects in the country and, if requested, in other countries within the geographical division
  • Identifies and transforms major opportunities within the region within its scope
  • Identifies and develops local partnerships and/or consortia with NGOs, institutions, companies on technical priorities or important themes in the region within its sectoral scope


The position is based on choice in Goma or Kinshasa, with trips to the’ intervention areas (North Kivu, Kasai, Kinshasa).

Kinshasa: context is relatively stable, with comfortable living conditions and the presence of’an important expatriate community. The political context requires regular vigilance, and crime remains high in many neighbourhoods.

Goma : good living conditions with the presence of’an important humanitarian community and many opportunities for EXTRA-professional activities. The security conditions in the city are currently good even if a small urban crime persists.

The province of North Kivu, outside the city of Goma, is the prey of many conflicts that have persisted for more than 20 years. Security incidents, including targeting humanitarian actors, are numerous and constrain the proper deployment of humanitarian actors’ activities. North Kivu province is currently under Siege, which means the entire province is under curfew at 22H. The movements on the ground of the HI teams are the object of’a strict security protocol.

The province of Central Kasai suffers from’a significant enclavement, and travel in the province is complicated. After an acute crisis due to a major political-military crisis between 2016 and 2018, the context is now that of early recovery. Security is rather good in Kananga despite the persistence of’a significant crime.

Profile sought

  • You hold a diploma in physical and functional rehabilitation
  • You have at least 5 years of’ experience in rehabilitation integrating an experience at’ abroad in low and middle income countries
  • You master international frameworks and standards related to rehabilitation
  • You have’ experience in capacity building
  • You are resilient to stress and’ uncertainty
  • You are reactive and like to work in a team/network


At HI, the starting conditions are commensurate with your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission. Particular attention is paid to health issues and to your personal situation :

To know our’integration and training path, and our mobility policy, click here :

  • International contract from 12 to 24 months depending on the location from 1 July 2024
  • The international contract allows social coverage adapted to the needs of each
  • Unemployment insurance levied only for nationals of’UE
  • Retirement insurance
  • Health coverage, repatriation, pension covered by HI and’employee

If based in Kinshasa

  • Salary : from 2757 € gross/month according to professional experience
  • Perdiem : 945,15 € net/month – paid in USD on the ground
  • Hardship :0
  • R&R : 11 days /year
  • Post open possibly to a couple or a family depending on the profile
  • Individual housing

If based in Goma

  • Salary : from 2757 € gross/month according to professional experience
  • Perdiem : 562,75 € net/month – paid in USD on the ground
  • Hardship : 250 € net/month
  • R&R: 5 days /8 weeks
  • Unaccompanied post
  • Collective housing

NB : If you are resident(e) in the country : local package


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