Specialist in’insecticide impregnated mosquito nets (MII), Multiple positions At UNOPS

Background Information – Job-specific

RBM Partnership to End Malaria

The RBM Partnership is a global health initiative created to implement coordinated action against malaria. It mobilizes efforts and resources and forges consensus among partners. It acts mainly through its Partners Committees, which are intended to formalize, consolidate and amplify the priorities of the Partnership, namely advocacy, resource mobilization and support to countries and regions. Each Partners Committee is supported by a (e) responsible for the Partners Committee employed(e) by the RBM management team.

The Committee of Partners responsible for regional and country support (CRSPC) provides a platform that allows’ to involve the RBM Partnership community in coordinating support to countries and regions then that’s are implementing their programmes for the fight against malaria and the eradication of the disease. The support provided is tailored to the needs and existing capacities in each country and region.

The specialist or specialist in’insecticide treated nets (MII) works for the RBM Committee of country/regional support partners (CRSPC). He or she provides advice and technical support to national malaria control programmes to optimize the quality and effectiveness of regional and country malaria control programmes. Its functions will include: the preparation of plans, the realization of’examinations, the provision of’a continuous technical support in the implementation of programs, the resolution of bottlenecks of’, resource mobilization and’organization of’advocacy activities.

Functions & responsibilities
Technical assistance in strategy, planning and implementation

  • To make a technical contribution to the definition of the campaign strategy, in particular the’ microplanning approach, the’ attribution of MII to households and the’ identification of households, and, ITN distribution methods and digitized components
  • To make a technical contribution to the’ development of the’ action plan (based on the defined strategy), the calendar of activities and the macro-budget for the mass distribution of ITNs, namely : the roles and responsibilities of campaign partners, the quantification of human resources and materials required, the identification of specific problems related to multi-product and digitized campaigns, and, necessary adjustments and modifications to the security environment
  • Facilitate discussions on the digitization of campaign processes in the’optic of’improve the’efficiency,’efficiency and overall campaign outcomes
  • Assist in the development of the calendar of activities and budget for the mass distribution of long-term’insecticide-treated nets (MILDs)
  • Advise on the development or modification of’tools for the implementation of campaigns, such as training guides, data collection forms, etc, training simulation exercises, checklists for supervision and follow-up, etc.
  • Facilitate discussions on strategies to ensure that all targeted households are reached, including through the planning of the’ mapping and’ registration team, and, independent monitoring of the registration of households and/or distribution of’insecticide-treated nets and ongoing or final assessments
  • To make technical contributions to the development of supports for the microplanning of’activities at all levels and/or to the establishment of’ microplanning workshops for operational planning and budgeting, and, as well as’ to the consolidation of data
  • Support the implementation of activities during key phases (e.g., training,’ household registration, ITN distribution)
  • Provide advice at post-campaign’assessment meetings, including on the’ development of’tools for the collection of information from decentralized levels, including, to enable national malaria control programmes and partners to have final information available for’ reporting

Technical assistance to the logistics and management of the’ supply chain in the countries

  • To make a technical contribution to the definition of the strategy of logistics and management of the’ supply chain : storage, transport and security of ITNs and global management of the’ supply chain
  • Provide technical input to the’ development of the’ action plan, logistics schedule and budget, as well as supporting documents : roles and responsibilities of campaign partners, and, quantification of macro-storage and transport needs, human resources and ITN distribution methods, waste management and reverse logistics ; identifying specific issues related to digitization, and, multi-product campaigns and macro-planning security
  • Provide a technical contribution during the development of the logistics calendar and budget, as well as the’ risk assessment and the’ mitigation plan
  • Facilitate discussions related to the digitization of logistics processes with a focus on’improvement of’efficiency, and overall supply chain management outcomes’
  • Examine the final version of campaign implementation logistics tools, such as training guides, logistics tracking tools, training simulation exercises, etc, standard operating procedures, monitoring and follow-up checklists, etc.
  • To guide the identification of strategies to ensure a responsible and optimal distribution of ITNs, in particular standard operating procedures for warehouse and transport management, planning and tools for spot checks and reconciliation of ITNs at each phase of the campaign and at each level of the’ supply chain
  • To make technical contributions to the development of supports for the microplanning of’activities at all levels and/or to the establishment of’ microplanning workshops for operational planning and budgeting, and, as well as’ to the consolidation of data
  • Provide a technical contribution when developing feasible plans for waste management and’a budget aligned with the’infrastructure and/or the country context
  • To make a technical contribution during the development of supports and/or the implementation of’evaluations of the management of products, to, including training in countries and supervision of the collection, analysis and communication of data
  • Provide advice when implementing activities during key phases (e.g., receipt of ITNs, logistics training, warehouse evaluation, ITN transport, etc, ITN distribution, ITN reconciliation/reverse logistics, waste management)
  • Support independent evaluations of the campaign implementation process to provide input from outside’s to national malaria control programmes and partners
  • Provide advice at post-campaign’assessment meetings, including on the’ development of’tools for the collection of information from decentralized levels, including, to enable national malaria control programmes and partners to have final information available for’ reporting

Technical assistance for social and behavioural change (CSC)

  • To make a technical contribution to the development and drafting of the comprehensive CSC’action Plan (which includes advocacy activities, including, social mobilization and communication for social and behavioural change [CCSC]), timing and budget for the pre-distribution, distribution and post-distribution phases ; define CSC objectives accompanied by clear and measurable’ indicators that can be taken into account during monitoring and’assessment ; identify specific issues related to multi-product campaigns, and, digitization and security at macro level.
  • Provide technical input to the development of key messages for advocacy, social mobilization and CCSC activities for all phases of the campaign, including, in particular the’ registration of households and the distribution of ITNs, and for the promotion of the instructions for’ use, maintenance and/or disposal of obsolete mosquito nets, as well as concerning the’ elimination of the’ packaging of mosquito nets.
  • To make a technical contribution to the development of strategies for social mobilization and other appropriate communication approaches,’, including the use of mass media for target groups with different communication needs, as well as the development of advocacy and mobilization dossiers for specific audiences.
  • To make a technical contribution to the development of’ tools and CSC supports for all CSC activities defined in the CSC’action Plan
  • To examine the final version of the communication modules contained in the instructional manual for the training of trainers and the tools of’enseignement and’apprentissage for the training of supervisors, controllers and those responsible for implementation at the regional and local levels.
  • To make a technical contribution to the development of models and supports (agenda, guides for filling and cleaning microplanes, etc.) necessary for CSC microplanning, in particular, to help national malaria control programmes to identify digital options for micro-planning
  • To make a technical contribution to the development of the rumour management plan by ensuring its adequacy with the context and the risks of the targeted areas for the distribution of ITNs
  • Facilitate discussions related to the digitization of CSC processes in the’optic of’improve the effectiveness,’efficiency and overall CCS results
  • Framing the’ identification of gaps in planning or CSC resources for monitoring the’ high-quality execution of the campaign
  • Provide advice at post-campaign’assessment meetings, including on the’ development of’tools for the collection of information from decentralized levels, including, to enable national malaria control programmes and partners to have final information available for’ reporting


  • Make a technical contribution to the development of the monitoring and evaluation framework including key indicators based on the technical, logistical and CCS strategies defined for the campaign
  • To make a technical contribution to the development of the monitoring and evaluation plan (either autonomous or within the framework of the global campaign plan), the calendar of activities and the macro-budget, namely: the roles and responsibilities of campaign partners, the quantification of the human resources and materials needed, the identification of specific problems related to multi-product and digitized campaigns, etc, necessary adjustments and modifications to the security environment
  • To make a technical contribution to the development of protocols and questionnaires of’assessment in process, end of process, independent, rapid follow-up or post-campaign
  • Review the final version of data collection forms, training simulation exercises, supervision and follow-up checklists, etc.
  • Explain the’ use of the database for the registration of households and the distribution of IBD, and, and provide problem-solving assistance during the first days of data entry to ensure that key information can be extracted daily for program activities
  • Promote discussions related to the digitization of monitoring and evaluation processes in the’optic of’improve the effectiveness,’efficiency and overall results of campaigns
  • Participate in independent evaluations of the campaign implementation process to provide input from outside’ to national malaria control programs and partners
  • Participate in the synthesis meetings concluding the implementation of the campaign to provide input from outside’ to national malaria control programmes and partners

Essential qualifications

  • A graduate university degree (master) is desired, preferably in public health, social sciences or related discipline. An undergraduate degree (license or bachelor) can be considered with two additional years of’ experience.


Essential :

  • 5 Years minimum of’ professional experience in the context of MILD mass distribution campaigns, mass vaccination campaigns or other large-scale health product supply operations
  • 3 Years minimum of’ experience in at least one of the main areas of MILD distribution campaigns :
    • Strategy, planning and implementation assistance – Logistics and management of the’supply chain in countries communication for social and behavioural change – Monitoring-evaluation

Desirable skills :

  • Knowledge of national health policies and programmes for the control of malaria in a broad sense
  • Knowledge of the « Roll Back Malaria » (RBM, Reduce Malaria) Program
  • Knowledge of the procedures and processes of the Global Fund, PMI and’ other donors
  • Professional experience in difficult contexts

Language knowledge

  • Mastery of French (oral and written). Additional language skills (english, spanish, portuguese) are an asset.

How to apply

Interested applicants should follow the link below to apply:



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