Specialist in Managing Artisanal Fisheries Waste, Home Based At Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO )


Specialist in Management of Artisanal Fisheries Residues

Job advertisement : Jul 21/2023

Publication cancellation date : Aug 4/2023, 21:59:00

Organizational Unit: FLARG

Job type : Temporary work

Requirement Type: PSA ( Personal Service Agreements )

Grade Level: N / A

Main location : Home-Based

Duration: 3.5 months

Position Number: N / A

_ FAO seeks to ensure gender, geographic and linguistic diversity among its staff and its international consultants, in order to serve the Member States of the Organization in the best possible way in all regions.


  •  FAO is committed to achieving diversity in its workforce in terms of sex, nationality, origin and culture.
  •  Women, nationals of under-represented or under-represented Member States and persons with disabilities with the necessary qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications.
  •  All persons working for FAO must comply with the highest standards of professional integrity and conduct and uphold FAO’s values.
  •  FAO, as a specialized agency of the United Nations, applies a zero tolerance policy for conduct incompatible with its statute, objectives and mandate, in particular sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination.
  •  All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
  •  All requests will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

Organizational framework

The Argentine Continental Shelf is one of the largest in the world. The high productivity of its waters makes this marine region a refuge of global relevance for different marine species unique in their characteristics

The oceanic zone is influenced by the currents of Brazil and that of Malvinas that determine the functioning of the ecosystem, and in this confluence zone there is an intense mixture of waters with contrasts in temperature, salinity and nutrients that favor the presence of high concentrations of nutrients and high primary production, This area is very important for fishing activity.

On the Argentine coast, the threat of overfishing is less than what is seen in many other areas of the world thanks to the management of resources through fishing permits based on CMP. However, some threats and problems still remain that influence the conservation of marine biodiversity, the main threat being bycatch during fishing and, indirectly, the removal of the white species from the rest of the community.

To address the aforementioned problems, the Project aims to strengthen the management and protection capacities of marine biodiversity in areas of ecological importance, through the creation of new marine protected areas ( AMP ) and the application of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries ( EEP ),

The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development ( MAYDS ), as the National Environmental Authority and focal point of the Convention on Biological Diversity, is responsible for the execution of the Project in collaboration with the Federal Fisheries Council ( CFP ) and articulation with the National Directorate of Fisheries Planning under the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Nation. FAO is the GEF implementation agency. The Project is divided into three components: ( I ) improve the conservation of marine ecosystems by strengthening the management of MPAs; ( 2 ) deepen the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries ( EEP ) in the regulatory frameworks and national policies for the management of coastal and marine fisheries in the Argentine Sea;and ( 3 ) carry out the monitoring and evaluation of the progress of the Project, compliance with the indicators and dissemination of information related to the initiative.


Component 2 of the Project, is focused on the “ Deepening of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries ( EEP ) in the Regulatory Frameworks and National Policies for the Management of Coastal and Marine Fisheries ” in the Argentine Sea.

In recent years, Argentina has increased its commitments in the conservation of marine biodiversity through the creation of protected areas, the development of national programs and action plans and the application of working methodologies within the framework of the Ecosystem Approach. The management and protection of biodiversity is the great subject to be developed by our country during the 21st century, therefore, it is necessary to deepen the scientific knowledge that will support future public policies.

The Province of Río Negro has an important artisanal fishing fleet that establishes a local socio-productive matrix on which several coastal communities depend for their food and livelihood. However, no comprehensive assessments have been made of the production and management of solid waste from artisanal fisheries and associated communities. The sustained growth of fish production, the improvement of distribution channels and a poor control and ordering of the waste generated on board have contributed to the accumulation of waste from fishing vessels in different places of the Patagonian coast.

Solid waste management represents a growing problem at a global level that directly affects environments, coastal and marine. The volumes and compositions of these wastes are variable and depend on socio-cultural aspects related to the lifestyles of societies. In general, the terms ‘ waste ’, ‘ waste ’ or more commonly ‘ garbage ’ are adopted to encompass these wastes, which and depending on their origin, could be grouped into three types: 1 ) those generated by the activity of ships, 2 ) wastewater and 3 ) land waste that is transported to the sea through natural and / or artificial drainage systems. Its accumulation affects various organisms such as marine mammals, seabirds, turtles, fish and crustaceans,and it also generates dirty seabed with impoverishment in the diversity and abundance of benthic species, as well as anoxic sediments in some fishing areas near urban centers. A part of such waste is made up of persistent synthetic materials and represents a direct threat, mainly of a mechanical nature, either by ingestion or entanglements with organisms. This increasing marine pollution is exacerbated by the sustained industrial and demographic development of coastal populations, as well as by fish production and the improvement of distribution channels. The marine ecosystems of the southern hemisphere close to urban centers, as well as inhospitable beaches far from the Patagonian sea, show the accumulation of solid waste as a result of marine currents.The environmental complexity of the problem integrates and challenges, at the same time, the international commitments assumed and the institutional efforts of state agencies and various NGOs. Port activity in general is associated with urban centers, be they towns or cities. Despite the role of fishing in the regional socio-economic context and the existence of On-Board Observer Programs, universities and formal and non-formal education schools; At the moment there are no systematized awareness actions and concrete learning-service experiences. be they towns or cities. Despite the role of fishing in the regional socio-economic context and the existence of On-Board Observer Programs, universities and formal and non-formal education schools; At the moment there are no systematized awareness actions and concrete learning-service experiences. be they towns or cities. Despite the role of fishing in the regional socio-economic context and the existence of On-Board Observer Programs, universities and formal and non-formal education schools; At the moment there are no systematized awareness actions and concrete learning-service experiences.


The objective is to prepare an expeditious diagnosis of the waste generated on board and on land by artisanal fishing activity, identifying the different social actors and their responsibilities. It will include proposals for boarding for its resolution, mentioning good practices on on-board and on-shore waste management.

Hierarchical dependency

Under the general supervision of the National Director of the Project ( DNP ) and the FAO Representative in Argentina, and the direct supervision of the Technical Coordinator of the Project and of the Head of the environment and FAO NRRN in Argentina, the/the specialist must work closely with the Project Executing Unit.

Tasks and responsibilities

According to the guidelines established in the Project document, the specialist must carry out the following activities:

  •  Search for bibliographic material in relation to the problem of waste generated by fishing activity.
  •  Carry out surveys and / or interviews with artisanal fishermen on the subject.
  •  Hold regular meetings with the Project work team ( MayDS-FAO ) and with the referents of the Undersecretariat of Fisheries of the Province of Río Negro who participate in this activity.
  •  Articulate and hold periodic meetings with the Ministry of Environment and climate change of the Province of Río Negro, to the Environment agency of the municipality of San Antonio Oeste.
  •  Give intervention to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of the Province of Río Negro, to the Environment agency of the municipality of San Antonio Oeste.
  •  Prepare a diagnosis on the development of artisanal sea fishing in Río Negro and its environmental conflicts in relation to waste management on board and on land.
  •  Coordinate a workshop to pool the diagnostic document, with multi-actory participation and carry out the corresponding report, with details of the number and type of participants, objectives, agreements and achievements, as well as recommendations associated with them.
  •  Provide the information required by the UEP for monitoring and evaluating the Project.


Minimum requirements

  •  University graduate in environmental issues ( Bachelor of environmental management / environmental sciences, Higher Technique in environmental management, Technique in sanitation and environmental control, Environmental health technology, Environmental protection technology ).
  •  At least 4 years of experience in environmental remedies or management, preferably related to fishery residues.
  •  Practical knowledge of Spanish and basic knowledge of English
  •  Argentine nationality or resident in the Country with regular work permit.

FAO core competencies

  •  Results-based approach
  •  Teamwork
  •  Effective communication
  •  Building effective relationships
  •  Knowledge exchange and continuous improvement

Technical / functional skills

  •  Work experience in more than one place or field of work as well as in work and distance teams.
  •  Availability and flexibility of time to participate in virtual meetings.

Selection criteria

  •  Availability to work in coordination with the Project Executing Unit.
  •  Qualified women and experts with Argentine nationality will have priority over parity of experience and knowledge.
  •  Availability to work in affected areas.

It is noted that all candidates should adhere to the Organization’s values of commitment to FAO, respect for all and integrity and transparency.


  •  FAO does not charge fees at any stage of the recruitment process ( application, interview, processing ).
  •  Incomplete applications will not be taken into account. If you need help or have questions, contact: Careers@fao.org
  •  Applications received after the expiration of the application deadline will not be accepted.
  •  We inform you that FAO will only consider academic degrees or credentials obtained from a teaching institution included in the World Database on Higher Education, which is a list maintained by the International Association of Universities ( IAU ) / UNESCO. The list can be consulted at: www.whed.net/
  •  For any other questions visit the FAO website on employment: http://www.fao.org/employment/home/es/.

HOW TO APPLY Candidates are requested to attach a letter of motivation to the online profile. We encourage applicants to submit the application well before the deadline. If you need help, or have queries, please contact: Careers@fao.org




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