Specialist in digitization of insecticide treated mosquito nets (IMT) campaigns, Multiple positions At UNOPS

Background Information – Job-specific

RBM Partnership for the End of Malaria

The RBM Partnership is a global health initiative created to implement coordinated action against malaria. Mobilizes action and resources and creates consensus among partners. RBM works mainly through Partner Committees (CP) that formalize, consolidate and expand the Partnership priorities in terms of sponsorship, resource mobilization and national/regional support. Each Partner Committee is supported by a Partner Committee Director employed by the RBM management team. The Committee of Regional and National Support Partners (CRSPC) provides a platform to engage the RBM Partnership community in

coordinating support to countries and regions as they implement their malaria control and elimination implementation programmes. The support is tailored to the requirements and capacity in each country and region.

Functional Responsibilities
Purpose and scope of the mission

The specialist in digitizing insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITM) campaigns will work for UNOPS/RBM to facilitate and support countries on issues related to development and/or/or the expansion of digital platforms for MTI distribution campaigns. A significant increase in investment in the digitisation of MTI campaigns is expected in the coming years, which requires experienced consultants. The consultant will provide support on issues related to the introduction or expansion of the digitisation of ITM, including the different platforms.

The expert is expected to have experience in the evaluation, development, governance and implementation of MTI digitisation tools and technologies.

The tasks may include, among others, the following:

  • Provide technical input to the contextual analysis and operational needs of MTI campaign digitization in close collaboration with Malaria Programs and any other stakeholders, including, with a clear definition of the aspects of the campaign that will be digitized (macroplanning, microplanning, including geo-capacitated, household registration, distribution chains, logistics and supply, supervision and monitoring, change in social behaviors, etc, etc.).
  • Conducting the assessment of the country’s digitalisation ecosystem and key indicators (internet penetration rate, use of social networks, national network coverage, etc.), identifying opportunities, and, weaknesses and gaps in the digitalisation of the campaign.
  • Mediate discussions for the selection of the digital platform and the necessary functionalities to achieve the objectives of digitalization.
  • Provide technical input in the preparation of the digitisation action plan based on the results of the contextual analysis and operational needs and ensure that it is aligned and consistent with the overall ITM strategy and other action programmes (MSC, logistics and supply chain, monitoring and evaluation).
  • In close collaboration with logistics, support the development of a comprehensive budget based on clear quantifications of personnel (employed nationally or internationally) and training; equipment and software (smartphone specifications and numbers, main scanning platform and related applications, etc.) required for campaign digitisation.
  • Support the development of the disaggregated timetable for digitisation activities and the roles and responsibilities of each service provider and stakeholder.
  • Develop risk assessment and mitigation measures for the digitalisation of the campaign.
  • Code the customization of the digitalization platform, supporting the process of defining, adopting, monitoring and implementing country-specific requirements.
  • Draw up supporting documents such as job descriptions for digitisation staff, terms of reference for the sub-digitisation committee, smartphones, software specifications and related digitisation PON.
  • Provide technical input for the definition of primary parameters to evaluate the campaign’s digitalization pilot test and the necessary adjustments before expansion.
  • Provide technical guidance in organising the post-campaign digitisation review meeting, including the development of tools to collect information for campaign beneficiaries and workers.
  • Provide guidance on defining the workflow of the digitisation campaign and the process of collecting household data using smartphones (equipment purchased or a “ approach your own device”) and applications for the main platform via Internet network.
  • Monitor the progress of digitization efforts, assessing their impact and suggesting improvements based on data analysis and stakeholder feedback.
  • Support updating the online scanning prospect finder for each country section as the scan progresses throughout the campaign.
  • Establish coordination with various stakeholders, including government officials, healthcare professionals and technical partners, to ensure the successful implementation of the digitization of MTI campaigns.

Education/Experience/Language requirements


  • Advanced university degree (a master’s degree is desirable), preferably in public health, social sciences, health informatics, information and data management systems, etc, computer science and programming of data collection systems or the like. The bachelor’s degree can be considered with an additional 2 years of experience.


  • Technical/professional license with 8 additional years of experience


  • Technical/professional diploma with 11 years of additional experience


  • Full secondary education with 13 additional years of experience.

Professional experience

  • A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in public health or related areas, focusing on digital health and/or campaign management such as DHIS2, Commcare, Red Rose, is required, healthcare campaign platform software, ODK, Kobo, Power BI, Tableau, etc.
  • Familiarity with digital health tools and technologies such as mobile applications, data management systems and digital reporting platforms.
  • Work experience is required in mass MTI distribution campaigns, mass vaccination campaigns or other large-scale programs such as food distribution, emergency operations, etc, disaster response or other large-scale health or humanitarian programmes.
  • Proven experience in drafting guidance documents, technical specifications and business processes for digital health interventions or digitalization of campaigns.


  • Strong communication skills to effectively convey technical information to non-technical stakeholders and coordination skills to manage multi-national initiatives.
  • Knowledge of more general health policies and national malaria programs.


  • Fluency in Portuguese is required.
  • Practical knowledge of other languages such as French or English is desirable


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