Specialist for preparing technical-pedagogical guide ( Student Orchard Program ), San Jose, Costa Rica At Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO )


Specialist for preparing technical-pedagogical guide ( Student Orchard Program )

Job advertisement : Jul 30, 2023

Publication cancellation date : Aug 14, 2023, 9:59:00 PM

Organizational Unit: FLCOS

Job type : Temporary work

Requirement Type: PSA ( Personal Service Agreements )

Grade Level: N / A

Main location : Costa Rica-San Jose

Duration: 4 months

Position Number: N / A

_ FAO seeks to ensure gender, geographic and linguistic diversity among its staff and its international consultants, in order to serve the Member States of the Organization in the best possible way in all regions.


  •  FAO is committed to achieving diversity in its workforce in terms of sex, nationality, origin and culture.
  •  Women, nationals of under-represented or under-represented Member States and persons with disabilities with the necessary qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications.
  •  All persons working for FAO must comply with the highest standards of professional integrity and conduct and uphold FAO’s values.
  •  FAO, as a specialized agency of the United Nations, applies a zero tolerance policy for conduct incompatible with its statute, objectives and mandate, in particular sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination.
  •  All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
  •  All requests will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

Organizational framework

The Student Orchard Program ( PHE ) incorporates innovative strategies that promote student research by executing experiences in a natural and living space, with learning-doing methods and techniques. In this way, attitudes and values conducive to their integral development are promoted, such as healthy eating, the student and local economy, responsible consumption, personal nutrition, where the garden constitutes a timely space for issues associated with the sustainability approach ( social and economic development, entrepreneurship, biosystems ) to be comprehensively addressed.

The PHE is incorporated into the Science Studies Program for the 1st and 2nd cycle of the Educational Policy “ Educating for a new citizenship ”, within the framework of the New Curriculum Policy ( agreement 07-64-2016 of the Higher Council of Education ), in minutes No.40-2008, No. 54. 2008 and No.06 2009 of the Higher Council of Education ( CSE ), and the investigation is assumed as a strategy that allows characterizing the teaching of Costa Rican scientific education.

In 2022, the Equity Programs Directorate carried out, through PHE, the first survey at the national level to find out the real situation of projects in educational centers, resulting in the establishment of 514 ( 14.2% ) garden projects across the country. It also made it possible to determine that there are 52 educational centers in indigenous territories that have garden projects, and 167 would be willing to carry out garden projects if they were provided with the necessary resources, which until now do not have a guide to develop their projects.

Hence, the Ministry of Public Education ( MEP ) requires having a technical-pedagogical guide for the development of student gardens associated with food and the way of producing of the Bribri people of Buenos Aires, Puntarenas. This within the framework of its Student Orchard Program, and according to the Education Route these are within the ranges of social vulnerability to be attended.

Objective of the Student Orchard Program. Promote the production of fresh and healthy, free and safe food, in harmony with nature, to be consumed in the student dining room. The above, through practices that promote the teaching and learning process, of healthy eating habits, through the learning-doing methodology.

The specific objectives are:

  •  Increase the coverage of the PHE in the country, through the granting of surcharges, technical advice and financial resources for its implementation, with an emphasis on the indigenous population.
  •  Develop capacities and skills in sustainable food production, through the application of agri-environmental techniques.
  •  Provide the dining room of the educational center with fresh and healthy food.

The work will have as its geographical delimitation Buenos Aires de Puntarenas, specifically the educational centers located in the indigenous territories of Salitre and Cabagra, which will be selected with the participation of the Regional Directorate of Education Grande de Térraba.

It should be coordinated with the technical monitoring group established by the MEP for work guidance and review, consisting of: the Coordination Unit of the Indigenous Education Subsystem ( Minister’s Office ), Department of Intercultural Education ( Directorate for Curriculum Development, Academic Vice Ministry ), Department of Food and Nutrition ( Directorate of Equity Programs, Administrative Vice Ministry ) and Student Childcare Program. The coordination of this work will be done through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO ), technical cooperating body, which in turn will have as a link to the Department of International Cooperation.

Additionally, the following actors will participate: at the community level, the Integral Development Association, representative organizations of the territories mentioned, Local Councils for Indigenous Education ( CLEI ), older people from indigenous communities, teachers of culture and indigenous community organizations related to production and culture.

Hierarchical dependency

The specialist team will report to the FAOCR Assistant Representative.

Field of specialization

Design and develop a culturally relevant technical-pedagogical guide that incorporates the ancestral practices of the indigenous territories of Salitre and Cabagra in the area of local agricultural production systems, with the technical knowledge developed to promote indigenous gardens and student menus ( to implement in 2024 ).

Tasks and responsibilities

  •  Identify and consult ( through focus groups ) with the different social, educational, administrative and regional education directorates of indigenous territories, agricultural production, food and nutrition systems, considering the cultural perspective, for the establishment of student gardens, in the populations subject to study.
  •  Incorporate the worldview and good living of the Bribri people in the formulation of the contents in attention to cultural relevance.
  •  Prepare a work plan incorporating the ( approach-techniques-instruments ) methodology to be developed based on the list of contents to be developed that will be provided, the activities, schedule and pedagogical approach to be used ( should be understood as a pre-design of how the ) guide will be implemented.
  •  Systematize the information collected on the form of local system production associated with the ancestral feeding of the Bribri people of Buenos Aires ( from the focus groups implemented ) and from the review bibliographic on school gardens.
  •  Deliver the first advance of the guide, which will be reviewed by the MEP-FAO team and returned to the consulting team to make the requested corrections and modifications.
  •  Deliver a second advance of the guide which will be reviewed by the MEP-FAO team and returned to the consulting team to make the requested corrections and modifications.
  •  Validate the second advance ( reviewed by the MEP-FAO team and adjusted by the consulting team ) with people from the community.
  •  Deliver the draft text of the validated guide, with the incorporation of all the observations generated by the indigenous communities and the different actors involved.
  •  Deliver the final text in Word format with the incorporation of all the corrections and modifications requested by the MEP-FAO team.
  •  Give presentation to the MEP-FAO team of the technical-pedagogical guide.
  •  Finalize the final executive report of the work where the process developed for the construction of the guide is recorded.


Minimum requirements

The hiring of a specialist team with the following minimum qualifications and experience is required:

  •  Made up of at least two professional people who have the minimum university degree of bachelor’s degree, in i. ) fields of education, anthropology, sociology, pedagogy or related and ii.) in agronomy or environmental specialties. Desirable with knowledge of ethnography and nutrition.
  •  Experience of at least 5 years in their respective professional fields.
  •  Proven experience of at least 5 years in the development of educational resources.
  •  Practical knowledge of Spanish.
  •  Costa Rican nationality or resident in the country with regular work permit.

FAO core competencies

  •  Results-based approach
  •  Teamwork
  •  Communication
  •  Building effective relationships
  •  Knowledge exchange and continuous improvement

Selection criteria

  •  Demonstrable experience ( according to minimum requirements section )
  •  Profile and formation of the team of consultants
  •  Availability to start work
  •  Demonstrable knowledge about the Bribri indigenous people of Buenos Aires in Costa Rica, as well as their territories, ancestral methods of production of the local system, culture, customs and organizational systems.
  •  Knowledge of the educational reality of educational centers in Costa Rica of indigenous territories.
  •  Knowledge of the educational policies approved by the Higher Council of Education and of the current study programs.
  •  Ability to lead participatory processes and systematize content and information.
  •  Skill in textual production.
  •  Desirable with knowledge of national legislation, particularly that related to social matters, indigenous affairs, climate change, land tenure, cultural property, rural participation, among others.

Note: it is necessary to provide the curriculum vitae with the necessary information to meet the requirements and a copy of university degrees.

It is noted that all candidates should adhere to the Organization’s values of commitment to FAO, respect for all and integrity and transparency.


  •  FAO does not charge fees at any stage of the recruitment process ( application, interview, processing ).
  •  Incomplete applications will not be taken into account. If you need help or have questions, contact: Careers@fao.org
  •  Applications received after the expiration of the application deadline will not be accepted.
  •  We inform you that FAO will only consider academic degrees or credentials obtained from a teaching institution included in the World Database on Higher Education, which is a list maintained by the International Association of Universities ( IAU ) / UNESCO. The list can be consulted at: www.whed.net/
  •  For any other questions visit the FAO website on employment: http://www.fao.org/employment/home/es/.

HOW TO APPLY Candidates are requested to attach a letter of motivation to the online profile. We encourage applicants to submit the application well before the deadline. If you need help, or have queries, please contact: Careers@fao.org




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