SOS Children’s Villages – CfP for Baseline Study At SOS Children’s Villages International

The Grow Equal programme (01/01/2024 – 31/12/2027) is the Strategic Partnership between SOS Children’s Villages (SOS CV) Austria and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), which will be implemented by SOS CV Ethiopia in Hawassa and Jimma and by SOS CV Uganda in Fort Portal and Entebbe.
The programme builds on the extensive experience of SOS Children’s Villages in strengthening families and communities, while putting a specific emphasis on the empowerment of women and girls and improving their access and participation in green, environmentally sustainable livelihoods.
Within the assignment, the consultants will be requested to measure the baseline in reference to the programme indicators as stated in the programme documents. The baseline study is estimated to be conducted from mid-February to end of April in Uganda (Entebbe, Fort Portal, Rwamwanja) and Ethiopia (Hawassa, Jimma) and virtually (where appropriate).

More information and the TORs can be found here.


GROW EQUAL (2024 – 2027) – Her right to a sustainable life

Strategic Partnership between SOS Children’s Villages Austria & and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) / 1980-02/2024


Abbreviations. 3

1.. Summary. 4

2.. Context and Background. 4

3.. Purpose of the baseline survey. 7

4.. Design and Approach. 8

5.. Work plan. 9

6.. Deliverables. 9

7.. Baseline Study Arrangements. 10

8.. Requirements for the consultant(s) 10

9.. Specifications for the submission of offers. 11

10 Annexes. 13


ADA / Austrian Development Agency

CV / Children´s Villages

EMB / Engaging Men and Boys

FDP / Family Development Plan

FSP / Family Strengthening Programme

GA / Gender Analysis

GBV / Gender Based Violence

GE / Gender Equality

IOR ESAF / International Office Region – Eastern and Southern Africa

KIP / Key Implementing Partners

MA / Member Associations

M&E / Monitoring and Evaluation

MHPSS / Mental Health and Psycho-Social Support

MoU / Memorandum of Understanding

NGO / Non-Governmental Organisation

PDB / Programme Data Base

SDG / Sustainable Development Goal

SOS AT / SOS-Kinderdorf, SOS Children´s Villages Austria

SOS CVI / SOS Children´s Villages International

TORs / Terms of Reference



The Grow Equal programme (01/01/2024 – 31/12/2027) is the Strategic Partnership between SOS Children’s Villages (SOS CV) Austria and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), which will be implemented by SOS CV Ethiopia in Hawassa and Jimma and by SOS CV Uganda in Fort Portal and Entebbe.

The programme builds on the extensive experience of SOS Children’s Villages in strengthening families and communities, while putting a specific emphasis on the empowerment of women and girls and improving their access and participation in green, environmentally sustainable livelihoods.

Within the assignment, the consultants will be requested to measure the baseline in reference to the programme indicators as stated in the programme documents. The baseline study is estimated to be conducted from mid-February to end of April in Uganda (Entebbe, Fort Portal, Rwamwanja) and Ethiopia (Hawassa, Jimma) and virtually (where appropriate).


SOS Children’s Villages Austria (SOS-Kinderdorf)

Stafflerstraße 10a, 6020

Innsbruck, Austria

SOS Children’s Village International

Regional Office for East and Southern Africa (ESAF)

P.O.Box-2491, 1000 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

SOS Children’s Village Ethiopia

Bole Sub City, Kebele 03/05, House No 2/229

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

SOS Children’s Village of Uganda Trust

National Office, Ntinda II, P.O. Box 27510

Kampala, Uganda

Context and Background

About SOS Children’s Villages

SOS Children’s Villages International

SOS-Children’s Villages (SOS-CV) is a global non-profit-organisation established in AT in 1949. SOS CVI consists of 138-member associations all over the world, working in more than 2000 programme locations worldwide. The focus of the organisation is to provide support to vulnerable children who have lost or are at risk of losing parental care and their families. In Alternative Care programmes (AC), SOS CV provides a family-like environment to a child or young person and offers quality care and support for their development. Through Family Strengthening Programmes (FSP), SOS CV helps parents and communities build capacities to care for their children and prevent family breakdown. For more detailed information see

SOS Children’s Villages AT (SOS-Kinderdorf)

In Austria, SOS Children’s Villages Austria has over 70 years’ experience in developing and implementing projects to provide quality care for children, young people and their families. SOS AT is a member of the federation SOS Children´s Villages International (SOS CVI), based and registered in AT with head office in Innsbruck. SOS AT is internationally active, dedicating an average of 10% of its annual income for the support of international SOS-CVs Programmes (especially in Peru, Uganda and Nepal, but also through the implementation of institutionally funded projects in other countries around the world). These programmes are implemented by the national SOS-CV sister organisations in the respective country. SOS AT contributes the programme development and financial management of these projects. SOS CV AT, as the contract holder with the donor agency ADA, is commissioning this baseline study.

SOS Children’s Villages Uganda

SOS CV Uganda was established in 1991 as an independent, locally registered non-governmental child development focussed organisation with a mission to provide quality care and protection for children, who have lost or are at risk of losing parental care, as well as their families. SOS CV Uganda’s work focuses on three core intervention sectors: (1) provision of care, education, and health for vulnerable children through the ACP for children who have lost parental care; (2) capacity and resilience building for families and communities to care and protect their children through the FSP, and (3) advocacy around children’s rights, with focus on ensuring equitable access to quality services for all children. SOS CV Uganda critically reflects on the gender dynamics in communities that might result in specific barriers and risks for some community members such as women and girls to access basic services (e.g. health, education).

SOS Children’s Villages Ethiopia

SOS CV Ethiopia launched its programming in 1974, when the first of currently seven SOS CV was established in Mekelle under the Alternative Care Programme (ACP). Since then, SOS CV Ethiopia has expanded its approach and programme to complement direct childcare provision with support provides through the Family Strengthening Programme (FSP), which uses a community-based approach. SOS CV Ethiopia engages with a variety of community-managed organisations and local government authorities and supports them to provide an enabling environment for most vulnerable communities and families to access vital social services and protection whether in peaceful times or crises, with the goal of ensuring care and protection for all children and youth living in their community. In 2022, the FSP supported 21,600 children living in 5,931 families, while strengthening the capacities of community actors to provide quality childcare and protection services. Moreover, SOS CV Ethiopia has ample experiences in addressing the multifaceted needs of vulnerable young mothers and adolescent girls in its Girls’ Empowerment project at Jimma programme location.

The Austrian Development Agency (ADA)

The Austrian Development Agency (ADA) is the Operational Unit of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC). It is in charge of implementing all bilateral programmes and projects in ADC’s partner countries and ad-ministers the budget earmarked for this. Another focus of ADA’s operations is education and information in AT to convey the issue of development cooperation to a broader public.

The Austrian Development Agency cooperates with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and combines official development assistance with numerous civil-society initiatives. This way, government and civil society make a joint contribution to poverty reduction and improving the conditions of life in developing countries. The framework programme for Austrian NGOs is one of the various co-financing instruments in the collaboration with NGOs. The programmes are based on the NGO’s own initiatives and are directed at meeting the actual needs of the target groups in developing countries. Per definition, an ADA framework programme consists of coherent and interactive programme interventions with a common strategic and development objective.

Background of the project

Context description

In Ethiopia and Uganda, vulnerability levels remain extremely high among children. 89% of Ethiopian children and 56% of Ugandan children are affected by multidimensional poverty. Environmental degradation, exacerbated by climate change, is a key factor driving poverty and affects marginalized populations disproportionally. Both countries integrate green economy promotion into their development strategies, policies and plans. However, marginalized populations, especially women and persons with disabilities, are likely to miss out on the benefits of the green transformation. Social protection schemes fail to protect marginalized women, men, girls, and boys from falling into destitution. Prevalent social and gender norms and harmful practices perpetuate discrimination and exclusion, preventing women, girls, and persons with disabilities from realizing their economic and social rights.

Programme Description

The Grow Equal programme (01/01/2024 – 31/12/2027) is the Strategic Partnership between SOS CV Austria and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), which will be implemented in Ethiopia (Hawassa and Jimma locations) and Uganda (Fort Portal and Entebbe locations).

The programme builds on the extensive experience of SOS Children’s Villages in strengthening families and communities for enhanced child protection as well as on experiences and lessons from GREEN+ (01/2019 – 12/2023) and several other predecessor projects (ICAP, ReBuild) with funding from the Austrian Development Cooperation.

Grow Equal puts a specific emphasis on the empowerment of women and girls and improving their access to green, environmentally livelihoods. More specifically, the following outcomes will be achieved:

Outcome 1: Target community members and stakeholders have adopted attitudes and behaviours that promote gender equality, child protection, and inclusion of persons with disabilities.

  • Output 1.1: Religious, cultural, and opinion leaders have improved capacities to identify and challenge harmful social and gender norms and practices related to gender equality, child protection, and inclusion of persons with disabilities.
  • Output 1.2: Women, men, girls, and boys in all their diversity have improved capacities regarding social and gender norms, practices, and rights that promote gender equality, child protection, and inclusion of persons with disabilities.
  • Output 1.3: Caregivers are applying the positive parenting approach.
  • Output 1.4: Men and boys support positive masculinity and gender equality.
  • Output 1.5: Communities implement initiatives that promote gender equality, child protection, and inclusion of persons with disabilities.

Outcome 2: Women, girls and boys have improved access to social protection services, including prevention of and response to gender-based violence (GBV) and violence against children (VAC).

  • Output 2.1: Local government officials and technical staff have improved knowledge and skills on child focused, gender responsive, and inclusive planning, budgeting, and social protection service delivery.
  • Output 2.2: Women, men, girls, and boys in all their diversity have access available child focused, gender-responsive, and inclusive social protection services.
  • Output 2.3: Women, girls, and boys have improved access to essential services to realize their rights, including SRHR.

Outcome 3: Marginalized women and adolescent girls have access to environ-mentally sustainable livelihoods.

  • Output 3.1: Marginalized women and adolescent girls have employable and entrepreneurial skills for decent work and environmentally sustainable livelihoods.
  • Output 3.2: Marginalized women and adolescent girls have access to economic resources for environmentally sustainable livelihoods.
  • Output 3.3: Marginalized women and adolescent girls have reduced their unpaid domestic and care work burden.
  • Output 3.4: Community structures, private sector, and local government have enhanced capacities for promoting gender equality and inclusion in green economy.
  • Output 3.5: Green economy and climate change related policies, action plans, budgets and processes on local, regional, and national level have integrated a focus on child protection, gender and inclusion of persons with disabilities.

Outcome 4: SOS CV and partner staff produce and share evidence and learning around gender equality, child protection, and inclusion of persons with disabilities in environmentally sustainable livelihoods and social protection.

  • Output 4.1: SOS CV staff and partners have improved capacities for sex, age, and disability disaggregated data (SADDD) collection, analysis, and use for intervention design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.
  • Output 4.2: SOS CV and partner staff have improved capacities for generating and sharing evidence on gender equality, child protection, and inclusion in social protection and environmentally sustainable livelihoods.
  • Output 4.3: SOS CV staff and partners have improved skills on technical areas related to the project, such as gender equality, child protection, inclusion of persons with disabilities, social protection, and green economy.

In its current phase, the strategic partnership has an overall budget of EUR 4 Mio and is 80% co-financed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), and 20% by SOS CV Austria.

SOS CV AT cooperates with the three project implementing partners: SOS CV Ethiopia, SOS CV Uganda and the Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa (IOR ESAF). The role of IOR ESAF in this project is to provide programme, financial and organisational support to Member Associations (MAs) and to strengthen measures for child protection, gender equality, transparency/accountability, and anti-corruption. The IOR has also the role of monitoring and controlling the MAs operations and ensure compliance with the federation and donor policies and standards through advice, guidance, information, knowledge sharing and capacity development.

The target group

Direct beneficiaries

  • 3,630 girls and 2,510 boys (0-14)
  • 1,636 young women and 864 young men (15-24)
  • 1,446 adult women and 494 adult men (≥25)
  • 300 religious, cultural, and opinion leaders
  • 180 local government officials/technical staff
  • 165 CSO representatives
  • 40 media representatives
  • 55 private sector representatives
  • 70 SOS CV staff and KIP staff.

Indirect beneficiaries include all community members in the project locations.

Purpose of the baseline survey

The main objective of the baseline survey is to measure the baseline of the indicators of the logframe (see annexe 10.4) at outcome and output level before the start of the programme in the target intervention areas of Uganda and Ethiopia. The baseline survey result will help us to set the targets to be attained at outcome and output indicators.

The specific objectives of the baseline survey are:

  • To assess the target community members and stakeholders’ and staff’s attitudes and behaviours to gender equality, child protection, and inclusion of persons with disabilities.
  • To understand and analyse what the access situation to social protection services, including prevention of and response to gender-based violence (GBV) and violence against children (VAC) for women, girls and boys before the start of the project.

Design and Approach

The consultant is expected to come up with relevant and standard quantitative and qualitative methodologies that can generate the highest quality and most credible evidence. The commissioned consultant should use a mixed method approach (quantitative and qualitative methods). The commissioned consultant is expected to develop relevant tools to conduct a baseline study for the indicators listed in the logframe (see annexe 10.4) and to provide sex, age, and disability disaggregated baseline data to track progress throughout the programme and measure gradual achievement of the indicators.

The consultant(s) should propose appropriate sampling techniques and set an appropriate sample size. Questions in the baseline survey must provide answers to all programme indicators. The methodology is expected to be developed further during the inception phase and shared with the SOS CV for review and approval.

The applied methodology has to ensure context sensitivity and that the respondents in all their diversity get equal opportunity to participate in the survey and that the settings are designed in a way that they allow for sufficiently safe spaces to equally encourage all participants regardless of gender, age, disability, origin or religious orientation to respond freely.

The methodology of the baseline study should be based on participatory approaches involving mainly but not exclusively the following stakeholders:

  • Target caregivers and their families, including children and youth
  • Key Implementing Partners (KIPs) and Community Structures
  • Implementing SOS staff
  • Local Government stakeholders

The consultants are requested to provide guidance and training on tools to SOS CV staff to enable them to replicate data collection on a regular basis for monitoring purposes to track progress of indicators and measure the achievement of targets in the endline data collection.

The findings of the survey will provide the basis for setting programme targets to be determined upon completion of the baseline study. At the end of the programme, the endline will be measured against the established baseline to measure the project’s performance and the achievement of project outputs and outcomes at the end of the programme.

The use of modern technology in the process (mobile devices for documentation, videography, etc.) is encouraged.

The study shall be conducted to inform on the baseline data on the following key aspects:

  • Attitudes of project participants regarding gender equality, positive parenting, inclusion of persons with disabilities
  • Project participants working collectively to promote gender equality, child protection and/or inclusion of persons with disabilities
  • Access of project participants to social protection programmes
  • Project participants participating in social accountability programmes
  • Women and adolescent girls who are engaged in environmentally sustainable livelihoods

Work plan[1]

The assignment is expected to be conducted between mid-February 2024 (signature of contract) and end of April 2024 (presentation and submission of final baseline study report). The data collection in the field is expected to take place in March 2024.

To conduct this assignment**, 55 working days** are estimated.

Submission of Proposals by Consultant: 19 January 2024

Review of offers and interviews by Contractor: 2 February 2024

Selection of successful candidate and signature of contract: 9 February 2024


Draft inception report including data collection design and set of indicators revised by Consultant: 16 February 2024

Comments on the inception report by Contractor: 23 February 2024

Inclusion of comments in inception report and submission of final inception report by Consultant: 1 March 2024

Fieldwork / Data collection

Field visit, data collection by Consultant: 15 March 2024

Analyse data and prepare draft report by Consultant: 22 March 2024

Submission of draft report by Consultant: 28 March 2024

Final Report

Comments on the draft report by Contractor: 12 April 2024

Online report presentation including recommendations for progress tracking: 19 April 2024

Inclusion of feedback in final report and submission of final baseline report to contractor (hard and electronic copy including data sets by Consultant: 26 April 2024


The consultants will submit the following deliverables:

  • Inception report of max. 8 pages including a revised set of indicators and detailing the baseline survey design, methodology, sampling methodology, sample frame, survey tools, agreed budget and work plan as well as by 16 February 2024
  • Draft baseline Report of max. 20 pages and raw data by 28 March 2024
  • Presentation in online meeting highlighting key findings from the baseline study to be presented at a feedback meeting to be held after completing the draft report on 19 April 2024
  • Final baseline study report of max. 20 pages (excluding annexes) including an executive summary including the baseline data for all indicators and data collection tools by 26 April 2024

Raw data, the database which has been cleaned (both qualitative and quantitative, including original field notes for in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, as well as recorded audio material), should be submitted together with the report. A simple inventory of material handed over will be part of the record. SOS CV will have sole ownership of all final data and any findings shall only be shared or reproduced with the permission of SOS CV.

All deliverables must be in English.

Baseline Study Arrangements

When at the programme location, accommodation and transport to the field will be organized by the member association, including the full coverage of costs during the entire stay of the researcher(s) (not to be included into price proposal).

SOS CV AT and IOR ESAF staff will:

  • Lead the recruitment and survey process
  • Avail all necessary documents for desk review
  • Review and acceptance of draft baseline report including tools
  • Review and acceptance of final baseline report
  • Organize dissemination forums as necessary
  • Participate in presentation of final report
  • Will be the custodian of all data generated from the study

SOS national or location level staff will:

  • Organize logistics necessary for conducting the baseline study
  • Linking the researchers with the community
  • Preparation of interviews, such as establishing contacts, preparing announcements
  • Linking to community duty bearers and national authorities if required.
  • Supervision and quality assurance-role during data collection.

Requirements for the consultant(s)

The consultants will work closely with the respective national M&E coordinators of SOS Uganda, Ethiopia and Austria. Key qualifications required of the consultant(s) are:

  • Relevant academic degree (master level) in one or more of the following fields: Development Studies, Social Sciences, Statistics, M&E or a relevant, directly related discipline.
  • A minimum of 5 years of working experience in project cycle management, evaluation, M&E and social research methods
  • A minimum of 5 years of working experience in Eastern Africa, preferably in Uganda and/or Ethiopia
  • Proven knowledge and expertise in the field of gender equality programming and a sound understanding of the current discourse, preferably in the East African context, is required.
  • An excellent understanding of child rights and issues affecting vulnerable children and their families is required; working experience with vulnerable families, community development socio-economic strengthening is a strong asset.
  • Proven and recent experience in conducting baseline or other quantitative surveys of considerable sample size (excerpts to be included in references)
  • Proven experience in participatory processes and inclusive data collection methods (including age appropriate and disability-sensitive data collection methods)
  • Excellent facilitation techniques with a focus on participatory methods
  • Strong analytical and conceptual skills
  • Ability to transfer complex concepts / ideas in a practical and simple language
  • Excellent writing and communication skills in English. Knowledge of local languages are a strong asset for team leaders and mandatory for data collectors
  • Sound MS Office and IT skills

Diverse teams (regarding gender, disabilities, origin, age, etc.) will have a competitive advantage in the selection process. Hiring local data collectors who know the local languages of Jimma, Hawassa (Ethiopia) and Fort Portal, Entebbe (Uganda) is a requirement.

The teams should not be biased and have any reason for conflict of interests and must respect participating communities’ culture, social norms, values, and behaviour. They are requested to maintain appropriate relationships with participants in the baseline study and keep private information about beneficiaries strictly confidential.

Specifications for the submission of offers

This call is open to all national and international suppliers (independent consultants or companies) who are legally constituted and can provide the requested services.

Submission of Offer and Deadline

The offer has to be submitted in English language following the structure outlined in annexe 9.3. to the members of the tender committee until latest 19 January 2024

  • Sophie Bußjäger, Programme Manager, SOS CV AT (
  • Valerie Neuhold-Maurer, Programme Manager, SOS CV AT (
  • Nansasi Veronica, Regional PD Advisor – FS Programme, SOS CV IOR (

Proposals received after the deadline and not adhering to the structure in annexe 9.3 will be not be considered.

The Technical Proposal

The Technical Proposal needs to include

  • the consultants’ CV, experiences and references including examples or excerpts of previous baseline studies/quantitative surveys undertaken
  • an outline of the approach and methodology including a justification on the methodology proposed and clearly indicating the sample frame from where a representative sample size shall be drawn
  • information on how inclusive participation in the research process is ensured
  • a detailed work plan
  • a division of work within the team including information on data collectors. Note that the people whose names appear in the team composition template should be the ones to undertake the assessment. As such, they should be the ones to appear in person if the proposal moves to the interview stage.
  • information on safeguarding and ethical standards
  • if deemed necessary, suggestions for adjustments to the TORs

Financial proposal

The Financial proposal needs to be submitted in EUR and in Excel and needs to state

  • Number of working days and rate per team member
  • all other costs, such as travel, interpretation etc.
  • VAT, if applicable. Net value, tax and gross value should be indicated transparently and separately.

Modification and withdrawal of offers

The bidder shall bear all costs of the offer. Costs of a proposal cannot be included as a direct cost of the assignment. Note that the net offer should not exceed EUR 20.000,-.

Proposals may be withdrawn on written request prior to the closing date of this invitation. Any corrections or changes must be received prior to the closing date. Changes must be clearly stated in comparison with the original proposal. Failure to do so will be at bidder’s own risk and disadvantage.

Ethical Standards

The consultant/s shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the survey is designed and conducted to respect and protect the rights and welfare of the people and communities involved and to ensure that the assessment is technically accurate and reliable, is conducted in a transparent and impartial manner, and contributes to organisational learning and accountability. It is expected that the survey will respect the fundamental principles of SOS CV.

SOS CV International has a child and youth safeguarding policy, child and youth safeguarding regulation and Code of Conduct that all consultants will be expected to comply with and will be required to sign a statement of commitment to the policy. This will happen upon signing of contract, together with an orientation of consultants on internal child safeguarding processes and data protection regulations.

Before the actual start of data collection, the consultants will be required to provide a police record. In addition to the above, the following key areas for ethical consideration need to be taken into account:

The successful bidder is requested to obtain written consent from all participants of the baseline study and/or their official guardians/representatives (when applicable).

Signing and duration of the contract

SOS CV will inform the successful bidder electronically after the selection process. The successful bidder shall sign and date the contract and return it to SOS CV AT within seven calendar days of receipt of the contract. After the contract is signed by the two parties, the successful bidder shall deliver the services in accordance with the delivery schedule outlined in the offer. The contract is effective from the moment it was signed until the acceptance of work by the international project team.

Rights of SOS CV

  • contact any or all references supplied by the bidder(s);
  • request additional supporting or supplementary data (from the bidder(s));
  • arrange interviews with the bidder(s);
  • reject any or all proposals submitted;
  • accept any proposals in whole or in part;
  • negotiate with the service provider(s) who has/have attained the best rating/ranking, i.e. the one(s) providing the overall best value proposal(s);
  • contract any number of candidates as required

Evaluation of proposals

Each proposal will be assessed first on its technical quality and compliance (70%) and subsequently on its price (30%). The proposal with the best overall value, composed of technical merit and price, will be considered for approval. The technical proposal is evaluated based on its responsiveness to the TORs. Bidders may additionally be requested to provide additional information (virtual presentation or phone interview) to SOS CV on the proposed services.

The criteria for selection are:

  • Understanding of TORS: The proposal is effectively responding to the purpose and objective laid out in the TORs and proves an understanding of the TORs as such. Note that copy-pasting the TORs into the bidder’s technical proposal is not sufficient to prove the understanding of the TORs.
  • Method: The proposed method for conducting the baseline study is suitable
  • Timetable/work plan: The timetable/work plan is realistic and meet the needs of the project
  • Cost: The cost of the proposal is reasonable and feasible, given the other aspects of the proposal
  • Experience: The training and experience of the consultants and recommendations from organisations for which the consultant(s) has previously worked

Terms of payment

Payment will be made only upon SOS CV acceptance of the work performed in accordance with the above-described deliverables. Financial proposals should include proposed stage payments. Payment will be effected by bank transfer in the currency of billing and is due 30 days after receipt of invoice and acceptance of work.

The consultant will be paid by SOS CV as follows:

  • 50% upon approval of inception report
  • 50% upon approval of final report and online presentation of report

Notice of delay

Consultants will be required to send a proof of payment upon receipt of the transfer.

Shall the successful bidder encounter delay in the performance of the contract which may be excusable under unavoidable circumstances; the contractor shall notify SOS CV in writing about the causes of any such delays within one (1) week from the beginning of the delay.

After receipt of the Contractor’s notice of delay, SOS CV shall analyse the facts and extent of delay, and extend time for performance when in its judgment the facts justify such an extension.

Copyright and other proprietary rights

SOS CV shall be entitled to all intellectual property and other property rights including, but not limited to, copyrights, and trademarks, with regard to products, processes, inventions, ideas, know-how, or documents and other materials which the Contractor has developed for SOS CV under the Contract and which bear a direct relation to or are produced or prepared or collected in consequence of, or during the course of, the performance of the Contract. The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that such products, documents and other materials constitute works made for hire for SOS CV.

All materials: plans, reports, estimates, recommendations, documents, and all other data compiled by or received by the Contractor under the Contract shall be the property of SOS CV and shall be treated as confidential and shall be delivered only to SOS CV authorized officials on completion of work under the Contract. The external consultant is obliged to hand over all raw data collected during the assessment to SOS CV.


SOS CV reserves the right to terminate without cause this Contract at any time upon forty-five (45) days prior written notice to the Contractor, in which case SOS CV shall reimburse the Contractor for all reasonable costs incurred by the Contractor prior to receipt of the notice of termination.

SOS CV reserves the right to terminate the contract without any financial obligations in case if the contractor is not meeting its obligations without any prior notice, such as:

  • Deviations from the agreed time schedule
  • Withdrawal or replacement of key personal without obtaining written consent from SOS CV
  • When deliverables do not comply with requirements of TORs
  • Failure to adhere the requirement outlined above.


All relevant programme documents including application documents and logframe will be made available to the selected evaluator.

SOS Documents

Programme Documents

  • Grow Equal Narrative Proposal
  • Grow Equal LogFrame
  • GREEN+ Final Evaluation Report
  • GREEN+ Gender Diversity and Inclusion Analysis

Outline of Proposal

The above mentioned documents will be sent to the successful candidate.

  1. Technical Proposal
  2. Introduction: description of the consultancy firm and qualifications; statutory compliance (max. 1 page)
  3. Background with information on the understanding of the project, context and requirements for services, key questions (max. 2 pages)
  4. Proposed methodology with information on methodology used, inclusive participation and safeguarding/ethical standards. Proposed questions and detailed sampling procedure needs to be indicated. (5 pages)
  5. Experience in undertaking similar assignments, ideally in Eastern Africa for clients with information on name of organization, name of assignment, duration (dates) and reference contact persons (max. 2 pages)
  6. Proposed team composition including information on data collectors with information on name of team member, highest level of qualification, years of experience and number of days to be engaged under this assignment (max. 1 page)
  7. Work plan indicating number of work days, team members involved and week of implementation (max. 1 page)
  8. Legal requirements (Certificate of incorporation, PIN/TIN certificate, tax compliance)
  9. Sample reports (annex at least 2)
  10. References (at least 2 reference letters from clients other than SOS CV

Financial Proposal

Please use the following structure: item, unit (I.e. day, person, lump sum), number of units X costs of unit in EUR = total costs in EUR and include at least the following:

  • Consultancy Fee (for the whole assessment period)
  • Additional local staff requirements (e.g. data collectors, translators, etc.)
  • Office expenses (Printing, photocopy, binding, communication costs etc.)
  • Logistics (transportation/accommodation, etc.)

Logframe – see link to TORS

[1] Note that the work plan serves as an orientation, and it might be subject to change. The precise data for field visits will be arranged and supported after agreeing on the action and time plan.

How to apply

The offer has to be submitted in English language following the structure outlined in annexe 9.3. to the members of the tender committee until latest 19 January 2024
• Sophie Bußjäger, Programme Manager, SOS CV AT (
• Valerie Neuhold-Maurer, Programme Manager, SOS CV AT (
• Nansasi Veronica, Regional PD Advisor – FS Programme, SOS CV IOR ( )

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