Responsible(e) for the development of institutional and operational partnerships– CDI At Libraries Without Borders


Created in 2007 by’historian Patrick Weil, Libraries Without Borders strengthens the power of’activate vulnerable populations by facilitating their access to’information,’education and culture. L’association deploys its inclusive and innovative projects in thirty countries around the world to enable people affected by crises and precariousness to learn, from their, entertain and (re)build their future. Thanks to its innovative tools, its content library and its expertise in mediation, BSF and its partners are taking over the major issues of the XXIst century such as’education, reading and culture, citizenship and social cohesion, health and also’employment and’entrepreneurship.

At BSF, recruitment decisions are made on the basis of the skills and qualities of candidates in relation to the needs of the’association as part of a respectful and inclusive process. BSF recruits and employs people regardless of their gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, cultural or ethnic origin or disability.


Libraries Without Borders Research one(e) Responsible(e) for the development of institutional and operational partnerships within the development unit of the Operations Directorate.

This cell, in connection with the whole of the directions of BSF headquarters as well as its decentralized regional directions (Asia, West’ Africa Central and Great Lakes, Middle East) and its international network, will have as objective implement the development strategy « Horizon 2030 » aiming to increase the operational volume of the’organization and through this to multiply its impact with the populations that’elle intends to serve.


The(a) Development Officer(e) will join the development unit of the Operations Directorate of BSF led by the Deputy Director of Operations in charge of the development of operational and institutional partnerships. Le(a) Development Officer(e)will also work closely with the’ as a whole in the direction of international operations from the headquarters of BSF and in particular the Deputy Director for international operations, 3 geographical managers, 3 project advisors as well as all operational teams on the ground. The development manager(a) may also be required to work with the France operations as well as the national associations of BSF (USA, Italy, Belgium in particular).


Role :

Le(a) Responsible(e) for development, under the responsibility of the Deputy Director of Development, participates in the proper implementation of the BSF development strategy on all geographical areas considered priority.

He/she will have in particular as objectives :

  • Maintain a watch on the priorities of donors/partners and the needs of the populations targeted by the actions of BSF in line with the development strategy of the’organisation.
  • To develop BSF’s portfolio of projects and partnerships.
  • To ensure the quality and relevance of project proposals submitted to BSF donors and partners.
  • To contribute to maintaining a good coordination of the development cell with the’ set of BSF directions

Primary responsibilities :

Its role is’ articulates around the following responsibilities :

1/Project development and partnerships

  • In liaison with the Deputy Director of Operations in charge of the development of operational and institutional partnerships, be on the lookout for the strategies and priorities of the donors identified by BSF as priorities.
  • In liaison with the Deputy Director for development, be on the lookout for funding tracks, and, identify opportunities and formulate appropriate operational proposals on the different’ intervention areas targeted for the development of BSF.
  • Support and/or coordinate the drafting of project notes and proposals, in line with the BSF development strategy.
  • Carry out exploratory missions in countries targeted by development
  • Representing BSF during RDV with donors and/or operational partners

2/ Strategy & Watch

  • Be on the lookout for the contexts of the developing geographical areas at BSF and for the needs in the fields related to the themes of’ intervention to contribute to the analysis of the different regional contexts and to understanding the issues.
  • Analyze the trends and operational dynamics of intervention of other actors involved around the themes of BSF and geographical areas in line with the development strategy of BSF.
  • Contribute and support the Deputy Director of Operations in the elaboration and implementation of the development strategy of the’organization

3/ Coordination & Communication

  • Participate in the coordination between the development unit and the rest of the operations management
  • Participate in the proper coordination of the operational and institutional development unit with the communication and partnership directorate but also with the other BSF directorates and in particular the technical directorates (Content/education/MEAL, digital, Admin/Fin/RH and Logistics)
  • Support the Deputy Director of Operations in the dissemination of the BSF culture and its mandate to newly recruited teams
  • Support the Deputy Director of Operations in the communication, in particular internally, of the’ news of the development cell and in particular briefing and prepare information documents for the BSF teams on development, and, donors and their practices and strategies.
  • Contribute to the dissemination of’information to the internal and external’ via the production of notes, presentation and other documents.


  • Contribute to the training of teams in the development of partnerships
  • Participate in the’ elaboration of’training tools (online and face-to-face)


Training and experience :

  • Minimum 3 years of’humanitarian/development project management experience, Grant management…
  • Highly valued field experience, appreciated seat experience
  • BAC+5 university education in international humanitarian aid, international relations, humanitarian and development or other relevant field

Skills and qualifications required :

  • Excellent editorial quality, ability to synthesize and disseminate’information
  • Very good command of the Office Pack
  • Very good knowledge of donor procedures and formats, in particular UNHCR, CDC, AFD, EU
  • Excellent mastery of the project cycle
  • Control of the administrative and financial issues related to donor contracts (budget development, compliance, etc..).
  • Knowledge of the problems and the functioning of the’humanitarian sector and international solidarity
  • Capacity to represent, in particular, donors

Languages :

  • Perfect mastery of French and’English with’oral and’ written. L’spanish and l’arabe are a plus.

Essential transversal skills :

  • Necessary field mobility on a regular basis
  • Excellent organizational capacity, flexibility, strong spirit of initiative and autonomy
  • Stress resistance, ability to work under pressure and within set deadlines
  • Ability to work in sensitive and complex political and security contexts and in a multicultural environment
  • Respect for BSF values and principles


  • Type of contract : Contract with Indeterminate Term (CDI)
  • Start date of : As soon as possible
  • Working time management status and modality : Status Frame to the Days Package (208 days). Attachment to the National Collective Animation Convention, on which BSF depends.
  • Gross monthly remuneration : Between 2,542 and 2,750 €, according to BSF salary grid and experience ;
  • Advantages : Tickets restaurant (50%) d’a face value of 8.00€ ; Mutual (50%) ; provident ; support of local ticket at 50%.
  • Place of work : Headquarters of BSF, Montreuil (93) with displacements to be expected on the areas of’ intervention. Teleworking possible (2 fixed days/week) according to the BSF Teleworking Charter in force.

How to apply


Please click on the corresponding job title and fill out the following online form (including sending CV and cover letter) :

Application deadline : 07/06/2024


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