Responsible for grants and monitoring and evaluation of projects ( F / H ) – Central African Republic At Doctors of the World

Doctors of the World, an activist medical association of international solidarity, has been committed for more than 40 years to treat the most vulnerable populations here and there, to witness the obstacles noted with regard to access to care, to obtain lasting improvements in health policies for all.

An independent association, we act beyond care by denouncing the attacks on dignity and human rights and by fighting to improve the situation of precarious populations.

In France and abroad in nearly 30 countries, our actions are aimed at facilitating access to the health system by working on 5 priority themes structuring our struggles and our advocacy for health and health care : emergencies and crises, sexual and reproductive health, risk reduction, migration, rights and health and health-environment.

After the implementation of an HIV-AIDS programme until 2000, MdM returned to the Central African Republic in July 2013 with mobile clinics of’urgence and support to health facilities in Bangui and’Ombella-M’Poko, in collaboration with national partners. From 2019 onwards, the, the MoM emergency unit is reorienting the mission’s strategy in CAR to expand its activities across the country while maintaining its ability to respond to emergencies and shocks.

From 2019 to 2022, Médecins du Monde set up a mobile emergency response clinic deployed throughout the country, in connection with alerts from the RRM or the health cluster with funding from the Humanitarian Fund until March 2023.

In line with the strategic priorities of Doctors of the World,’ support for primary health services (PHS) is a gateway to’ to provide sexual and reproductive health care. Thus, in addition to the management of the most common pathologies (IRA, IDA, malaria, etc.), Doctors of the World supports the implementation of pre and post-natal consultations, family planning consultations and the care of victims of Gender-related Violence (GLV) and incomplete abortions. A diagnosis in mental health and psychosocial support has just been made to better define the’ intervention strategy and adapt activities to the needs of the population and the Central African context.

The’ intervention strategy for the coming period provides for a consolidation of the project located in Bouca (funded by GFFO until June 2025) with a focus on strengthening the quality of interventions, including, accountability to communities, the development of new actions aimed at improving the coverage of’ access to basic services for vulnerable populations affected by new shocks. It will also aim to work from 2024 on the exit strategy by focusing on actions with higher added value in terms of’autonomization of supported FOSA but also to develop new projects by provinces and in the capital.


Under the supervision of the general coordinator, you coordinate the writing of project proposals and activity reports to institutional donors.

You act as the mission focal point for requests related to project proposals and reports.

Your main responsibilities are :

Writing of project proposals and activity reports

  • Participate in the drafting of project proposals and activity reports for institutional donors
  • Provide back-ups and ensure submission of proposals to headquarters
  • Develop the logical frameworks for project proposals and activity reports
  • Review the different contributions and share the comments
  • Ensure consistency between the different components of the proposals (the budget, the logistical annexes and the narrative)
  • Ensure that project proposals are in line with the MoM strategy and donor requirements
  • Support the updating of thematic strategies

Monitoring and evaluation of projects

  • Contribute to the planning and monitoring of activities
  • Ensure the update of the’tracking tool (Monitool)
  • Participate in the formulation of capitalization supports
  • Coordinate internal and external evaluations of projects at field level
  • Support the mission in the preparation of external audits

Donor relations

  • Ensure an overview of all requirements and regulations of donors and ensure their proper dissemination
  • Represent MdM in meetings with different actors at the request of the general coordinator


Status : Employee

Contract : Fixed-term contract

Duration : 6 months

Position to be filled from the beginning of February 2024
Monthly gross salary of 2,822 euros
Bangui-based position with regular field trips
13th month equivalent paid in 2 times – from 6 months of effective working time
Expatriation premium of 10% of gross salary per month
Transport management ( home – mission ), visas, vaccines
Accommodation in collective homes
22.5 RTT / year
5 weeks paid vacation / year
Mutual ( 60% stake in MdM and 40% in the employee )
Insurance ( repatriation … )
Doctors of the World promotes the training and internal mobility of its actors
Find the conditions and advantages for our expatriate international positions :
As part of the system to combat the financing of terrorism and money laundering, any selected candidate is likely to be subject to a background check on the international exclusion lists ( United Nations, European Union, France, United States, … ). This information is treated confidentially and archived on a secure server. For more information on the processing of personal data in this device :

Departure alone


Master in international relations, humanitarian, development, cooperation
At least 2 years of’ experience on a similar position
Very good knowledge of project methodology, funders and significant experience in writing project proposals and donor reports
In-depth knowledge of the rules of’urgency donors (ECHO, GFFO, Humanitarian Fund, BHA, etc.)
Experience in project monitoring. Knowledge of’tool MdM « Monitool » would be particularly appreciated
Knowledge of the mandate and sectors of’intervention MdM appreciated
Experience in a similar context much appreciated
Experience working in volatile security contexts
Rigor and organizational capabilities
Team spirit and ability to federate / coordinate the work of different teams
Ability to manage priorities
Stress management
Good oral and written communication
Reactivity, anticipation, ability to take initiatives
Ability and willingness to respect security constraints
Membership of the strategic orientations of MdM in the health field
Maitriser pack Office
Excellent editorial capacity
Languages: Master of French and English speaking and writing essential
You adhere to the values and militant positioning of Doctors of the World.


Doctors of the World reserves the right to close the recruitment before the deadline for submitting applications.

MdM is’s committed to the integration of people with disabilities and fight against all discrimination.


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