Responsible/e of’evaluation senior – Co-facilitation of the working group of’information and evaluations – base in Port-au-Prince, Haiti At IMPACT Initiatives


REACH was born in 2010 as a joint initiative of two international NGOs (IMPACT Initiatives and ACTED) and the United Nations Programme for Satellite Operational Applications (UNOSAT). The objective of REACH is to promote and facilitate the development of information products that enhance the decision-making and planning capacity of the humanitarian community in emergency contexts, including, of reconstruction and development. REACH facilitates information management for aid actors through three complementary services (a) needs and situation assessment facilitated by REACH teams; and; b) analysis of the situation using satellite imagery; c) provision of databases and related mapping (Web) and expertise facilities.

IMPACT Initiatives is a humanitarian NGO based in Geneva, Switzerland. The organisation manages several initiatives, including the REACH initiative. The IMPACT team is made up of specialists in data collection, management and analysis and GIS. IMPACT was launched at the initiative of ACTED, an international NGO based in Paris and present in some thirty countries. The two organizations have a strong complementarity formalized in a global partnership, allowing IMPACT to benefit from the operational support of ACTED in its areas of intervention.


A country ranked 163rd out of 191 in the Human Development Index ( HDI ), Haiti is experiencing a deterioration in the socio-economic, political and security context which has recently contributed to exacerbating structural problems. This deterioration is reflected in particular by a impoverishment of households, linked to a particularly high price inflation rate while the country depends at 60% food imports and rising insecurity.

Initially concentrated in certain districts of the city of Port-Au-Prince, the activities of armed gangs have intensified and disseminated in most of the metropolitan area ( ZMPAP ), as well as in departments such as Artibonite, thus exposing a significant proportion of Haitian households to internal abuses and displacement.

Haiti is one of the 10 countries in the world most exposed to natural disasters. The 2021 earthquake, which struck Haiti on 14 August, had devastating effects on the livelihoods of people and infrastructure in the country. In addition, during the year 2022, social unrest due to the fuel crisis and the cost of living traveled the country. On September 19, the group of armed gangs « G9 » blocked the oil terminal of Varreux, the main fuel entry point of the country, for more than one month’. In addition, on October 1, 2022, the Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) reported a confirmed case of cholera in the municipality of Port-au-Prince. In its status report of December 27, the ministry reported 1,427 confirmed cases and 371 deaths since the beginning of the’ epidemic.


In 2022, thanks to its REACH initiative, and under the mandate of the Inter-Sector Coordination Group (GCIS), the, IMPACT has facilitated for the first time in Haiti a multisectoral needs assessment (MSNA) that covers the’ whole territory in order to inform the 2023 Humanitarian Programming Cycle. In addition, REACH is working on’information management projects for disaster preparedness in close collaboration with’OIM, on an update of the non-food expenditure basket (NBP) with WFP, as well as on protection assessments jointly with UNHCR.

We are currently looking for’un.e in charge of’evaluation senior to support our team in Haiti.

Department :REACH Initiative

Title : Responsible/e of’evaluation senior – co-facilitation of the working group of’information and evaluations (GGIE/IMAWG)

Contract duration :6 Months

Work place : Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Start date : As soon as possible


Since March 2023, the Working Group on the Management of’Information (GTGI, France, or IMWG Information Management Working Group in English) has extended its scope of competence to evaluations and has become the Working Group for Information Management and Evaluations (GGIE or IMAWG – Information Management Assessment Working Group).

In order to improve the’ information on which the humanitarian response is based, the’Humanitarian country team (EHP) agreed to launch the GWGIE /IMAWG, reporting to the Inter-Sector Coordination Group (GCIS).

This working group (WGIE) aims to (1) support and harmonise the activities of’information management by proposing relevant tools and systems, improve the sharing of’information within and between sectors (part provided by OCHA), and, (2) bring together existing assessments and data collection efforts to provide a real-time overview of the’ data set as part of the response, and, in full coordination with the existing working groups and groups (part provided by IMPACT).

In this context, IMPACT Initiatives, as co-facilitator with OCHA, is looking for a Senior’evaluation officer to co-facilitate the working group.


Under the direction of the Country Coordinator, the Senior Evaluation Officer is entirely dedicated to the GGGIE and to support the objectives of the working group specified in its terms of reference.

The role of the Senior’evaluation Officer dedicated to the GGGIE is to support the information management and’evaluation processes, including the standardization of tools, and, possibly data collection and analysis. In addition, as a key member of the IGWG, he or she will contribute to the coordination and preparation of possible’s collections led by humanitarian coordination, including, as well as’ to the analysis of data on priority needs from, for example, rapid needs assessments and will ensure technical capacity building and training of sector data management partners.

The Senior’evaluation Officer will maintain the strictest confidentiality on all data collected and related processes, including, ensuring full compliance with the data protection policy and the standard operating procedures of IMPACT. He or she will actively take steps to prevent the unauthorized sharing of any information and data belonging to IMPACT and its partners, or collected during its mission within IMPACT.

As part of its mission, the/the senior evaluation officer/e will be welcomed by ACTED, a global IMPACT partner, and will be under the direct responsibility and management of the Country Director of ACTED and its delegates for all administrative, security, logistics and finance matters. He/she will therefore fully comply with the rules and regulations of ACTED in terms of security, administration and human, logistical and financial resources.


The/the senior evaluation officer/e is responsible/e for overseeing the planning, implementation and monitoring of the research cycles to which he/she is assigned, and, in close coordination with the other members of the team and with the external partners concerned. In doing so, the senior/assessment officer/e will ensure effective management of projects and related resources, including, including (where applicable) national and international assessment staff responsible for line management and reporting.

More specifically, the senior/assessment officer/e is responsible/e for the following tasks :


  • Coordinate the’organizations of bi-monthly meetings, in particular the’agordaure du jour, the reports, the follow-up of the’action points.
  • Write notes on information and advocacy needs and reviews of secondary data for the GCIS.
  • Liaise between the working group and the GCIS, the sectors and the other working groups.


  • Consolidate and list the’ set of initiatives of’assessments carried out by ministries, decentralized services, independent institutions (CNGIS for example), national and international NGOs, United Nations agencies.
  • To update the documentation accessible to the’ as a whole of the GGGIE and the humanitarian community
  • Provide advice on demand from the guidelines of REACH and global and’a knowledge of the context, and facilitate contact with people of interest or specialists in the country
  • Support the triggering of rapid needs assessments


  • Identify and collect relevant secondary data on a regular basis, ensure ongoing analysis and identification of priority needs, propose informative notes for the IGWG, and, then GCIS and’Equipe humanitariane pays (EHP)
  • To highlight the information gaps concerning priority needs and the evolution of the humanitarian situation
  • Support the preparation of working group reports, including reports, presentations, working group bulletins, dashboards and operational maps.


  • Strengthening or organizing technical capacity building and training of information managers responsible for managing cluster data, in particular with regard to GIS skills.
  • Other tasks falling within their functions, at the request of supervisors


  • Academic Excellent academic qualifications, preferably including a master’s degree in the relevant discipline ( economics, sociology, international relations, political science, etc. )
  • Research skills Mastery and proven experience in research methods. Excellent analytical skills.
  • Safety environment Ability to operate in a complex and challenging security environment or previous experience in high security challenge contexts an asset ;
  • Software skills Proven knowledge of Microsoft Office suite including Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Skills in R, or other statistical analysis software are an advantage. Experience with InDesign, Tableau or Power Bi is an asset ;
  • Years professional experience At least 2 years of relevant work experience. Experience in the highly desirable humanitarian field ;
  • Experience in field research or monitoring and evaluation is highly desirable ;
  • Familiarity with the humanitarian coordination system an asset ;
  • Management skills of’team Highly desirable team management experience and skills ;
  • Communication and reporting skills Excellent communication and writing skills for the writing of effective reports ;
  • Ability to perform multiple tasks from front within tight deadlines, over several research cycles ;
  • Independence level Demonstrated ability to work independently ;
  • The intercultural working environment Ability to work in an intercultural environment requiring flexibility ;
  • Language skills Mastery of French required, mastery of’anglais is an asset ;


  • For this position, the salary is between CHF 2’820 and CHF 2’880 per month (before income tax), etc., as well as a monthly subsistence allowance of USD 300.
    • NB – IMPACT salaries are strictly determined by our salary grid according to the grade of the position and the level of education of the staff. A security adjustment and/or location-dependent isolation is then applied to take into account the fact that some staff members have to work in difficult places where living and working conditions are much more difficult elsewhere.
  • Accommodation and food in a guest house. NB – IMPACT is hosted by ACTED in this country.
  • Membership of a Swiss private pension fund (Swisslife – about 9.975% of the gross salary of staff), health insurance, life insurance and repatriation assistance
  • Airline tickets every 6 months and visa fees covered (travel costs in the country and professional expenses are fully covered)
  • R&R after 3 months (airfare up to 500$ + 200$ subsistence allowance) if the duty station allows.
  • Contribution to the transport of luggage: between 20 and 100 kg, depending on the duration of the contract (+ luggage and personal property insurance)
  • Annual leave of 36 days per year. Public holidays of the country of assignment. Leave for family or compassionate reasons, if applicable.
  • Initiation before departure – 3 days at IMPACT Initiatives headquarters in Geneva + one week of training before departure at ACTED headquarters in Paris, France, including 4-day in situ safety training; and ;
  • Registration at Research Foundation Learning Programme impact Initiatives within the first 3 months after the start of the contract.
  • IMPACT prioritizes the psychological safety of its staff and the health insurance provided covers, among other things, up to 1000 € per year of psychosocial counseling costs.

How to apply

Please apply at the following link: Responsible/e of’evaluation senior – Co-facilitation of the working group of’information and evaluations – base in Port-au-Prince, Haiti | Impact (


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