Research Manager – Regional Observatory on Violence against Women and Girls At Euromed Feminist Initiative

The development of the 2024 Regional Index on VAWG is meant to raise awareness and create the political will among policy makers to make change on laws and policies for combating VAWG. The Index narrative report will include analysis and information as per the 49 indicators that cover different aspects for combating VAWG. The report will be disseminated to the concerned institutions, CSOs, research centres in Index countries. Furthermore, the Index will give the international community a global picture of the States’ actions towards combating VAWG and to identify the achievements and gaps in the States.

With inclusion of Syria and Iraq in the Regional Index, the 2024 Regional Index on VAWG will include 9 countries which are: Algeria, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia. Meanwhile, the Observatory along with EFI will work on including countries from the northern Mediterranean region in the Index through cooperation with EFI member CSOs. These countries include as a pilot phase: Spain, France, Bosnia, and Croatia.

The Regional Index on VAWG is structured into seven categories representing means required to combat VAWG. The Index highlights and reiterates the magnitude of VAWG problem and the need for the States to approach it comprehensively at the legal, institutional and social levels and to allocate sufficient financial and human resources to this cause.

  • Category 1: Legal framework and public policies.
  • Category 2: Standard procedures and regulations.
  • Category 3: Provision of services funded by the State.
  • Category 4: Data Systems and statistics.
  • Category 5: Preventive programs and measures.
  • Category 6: Professional capacity of first respondents.
  • Category 7: National Coordination and Regional Cooperation.

Besides producing the 2024 Regional Index, the assignment aims also to develop and expand the mission of the Observatory to promote for women rights and combating VAWG in the northern Mediterranean countries through producing and disseminating surveys, policy briefs and fact sheets. This includes also conducting a survey in the Mediterranean Region (North, South) to raise awareness on the laws and policies pertaining combating VAWG.

please find ToR in link below

How to apply

Email your brief cover letter and C.V in English to by February 25th 2024.

Please also indicate ‘Research Manager” Jordan’ in your email subject**.**

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