Regional Project Coordinator – Quick Response – based in Burkina with trips to Chad, Mauritania and Senegal At Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development


For thirty years,’ONG International Acted has been working on the last kilometer of’action humanitariane to save lives. Acted currently supports 20 million people in 43 countries to meet their needs in hard-to-reach areas, and pursues a triple humanitarian, environmental and’acteur du development mandate. Acted S’ relies on a fine knowledge of local territories and contexts to develop and implement actions over the long term, with a wide range of local and international partners, to build together a world “3ZERO” : Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty

ACTED Global Acted

As part of’a new project, Acted recruits.

Main role and responsibilities

The project’s rapid response lead will oversee all activities related to rapid response under the’ Regional Resilience Activity in the Sahel (RRA) funded by’USAID. The RRA is designed to provide leadership and guidance to a series of’resiliency activities that will strengthen individuals, households, formal and informal institutions and networks, in order to’improve the management of natural resources and the’ adoption of sustainable agricultural practices. As a member of the’ARR technical management team, this key person will provide advice on project activities related to rapid response, including humanitarian response, and, disaster risk management and integrated resilience, while integrating collaboration,’learning and’adaptation (CLA) throughout the project.

The rapid response manager will lead the programming with other’ members of the project management team, with an implementation covering Burkina Faso, Chad and Mauritania. As such, this position may be based in Dakar, Senegal, or Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, with frequent travel to other coverage areas.

Design :

  • Lead the design of all rapid response programs that will be contained in the Leader with Associate (LWA) mechanism, and, including the’ development of’a framework closely aligned with the’global goal of programming resilience ;
  • Work closely with other’s responsible to ensure transversal’integration and harmonious deployment of rapid response and longer-term support to communities.
  • Ensure that appropriate measures are included in the rapid response mechanism and activities, including budgeting, logistics planning, etc., in order to ultimately translate into effective and impactful interventions ;
  • Take advantage of the experience gained in the relevant technical areas of resilience, including food security, agricultural production, market systems development,’eau,’sanitation and’hygiene, and, L’integration of gender and youth, nutrition and change of social behaviors, in order to’enlight the design of the project.


  • Support the definition of’ approaches and methodologies in the different projects by developing and controlling the’ use of memos, standard operating procedures and common’tools, as well as’ by creating opportunities to share’experience and’learning ;
  • Ensure that quality and relevant technical standards are taken into account and respected when implementing projects ;
  • Ensure appropriate capacity building of staff and partners;
  • Coordinate and collaborate with other stakeholders by regularly participating in internal and external technical meetings and round tables ;
  • Control and follow the’ status of’ progress of projects ;
  • Anticipate and mitigate risks and problems, and resolve unforeseen difficulties during the implementation of projects ;
  • Participate in’procurement and budget planning processes ;
  • Conduct regular field visits to provide technical advice and supervision, and regularly monitor the progress of project activities ;
  • Liaise with the head of mission on project updates, including site visits and other communications, where appropriate, in coordination with relevant internal and external units.

Qualifications and skills required

  • Bachelor’s degree in the field of’humanitaire, development or in a related field ; being holder of’a master is an asset.
  • At least eight years of experience in the design and implementation of rapid response and resilience strategies for large or similar donor-funded programmes in developing countries development, with a preference for direct experience in the Sahel context.
  • Prior experience working on USAID projects is required, with proven experience in the development and management of similar’activities.
  • Technical expertise in the’operationalisation of programmes, including close coordination with partner organisations and agencies in the host COUNTRY.
  • Proven experience of working with a variety of teams in different contexts, time zones and languages
  • Experience working in a role of leadership and’ engagement with a variety of stakeholders
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • Demonstrated leadership, versatility and integrity.
  • Mastery of French required ; mastery of English’ strongly desired.


  • Salary defined by the Acted salary grid according to the level of’studies,’expertise, the level of safety and the level of experience : between 3200 and 3400 € monthly net (before income taxes)
  • Monthly living expenses allowance 300$
  • Guesthouse accommodation and food supported by Acted
  • Social security, mutual insurance (MSH) and repatriation assistance (SOS International) supported by Acted
  • Transport to the mission and return ticket fully supported every 6 months (to the’address specified on the employment contract)
  • Visa fees supported by Acted
  • R&R every 3 months (aircraft ticket’ supported up to’ 500$ + additional allowance of 200$)
  • One week of preparation for departure including 4 days of immersion safety training
  • Possibility of’having a call of 30 minutes with a consultant in taxation
  • Psychological support (meet with a professional.le)

How to apply

Send your application (CV and cover letter) by email ( or below, under reference : PC Rapid Response/Regio

Please note that ACTED does not charge fees at any stage of the recruitment process.

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