Referent.e Bailleurs OUA – Dakar Headquarters – H/F At ALIMA


L’ESPRIT ALIMA: ’alima’s reason for being is to save lives and care for the most vulnerable populations, without any identity, religious or political discrimination, through actions based on closeness, and, L’innovation et l’ alliance of’organisations and’individuals. We act with humanism, impartiality and respect for l’ethics universal medical. In order to access patients, we are committed to intervening in a neutral and independent manner.

CARE – INNOVATE – TOGETHER :Since its creation in 2009, ALIMA has treated more than 10 million patients, and today deploys its operations in 12 countries of’Africa. In 2022, we developed more than 60 humanitarian medical response projects to meet the needs of populations affected by conflict, epidemics and extreme poverty. All these projects are in support of national health authorities through nearly 511 health facilities (including 47 hospitals and 464 health centres). We work in partnership, including with local NGOs, as soon as possible to improve access and transfer of skills that ensures the sustainability of our actions to our patients. In addition, to improve the humanitarian response, we conduct operational and clinical research projects, including,in particular to combat malnutrition and viral hemorrhagic fevers.

THE ALIMA TEAM :More than 2,000 people are currently working for ALIMA. The field teams, as close as possible to the patients, receive their support from the coordination teams generally based in the capital of the countries of intervention’. These receive the support of the 4 desk teams and the’ team of the emergency department and openings based at the operational headquarters of Dakar, Senegal. The teams of Paris and New York are actively working on fundraising and’ at the representation of’ALIMA. The rest of the ALIMA Galaxy includes individuals and partner teams working on behalf of’ other organizations such as BEFEN Medical NGOs, Health ALERT, SOS Doctors, KEOOGO, AMCP-SP, and others, DEMTOU-Humanitaire, the research organizations PAC-CI, Inserm, the Universities of Bordeaux or Copenhagen and many others.

OUR COUNTRIES D’INTERVENTIONS : Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Chad, Ethiopia, Haiti.

OUR THEMES PROJECT : Malnutrition, Maternal Health, Primary Health, Pediatrics, Malaria, Epidemics (Ebola, Cholera, Measles, Coronavirus, Lassa Fever), Research, Hospitalization, Emergencies, Gender-based Violence, vaccinations, mental health, …

LOCATION OF THE POST : The position is based in Dakar, Senegal with a distribution of 60% Dakar and 40% field visit.

ALIMA in Dakar and some figures

ALIMA, a French NGO, set up its operational headquarters in Dakar in 2011. A hundred people are based there, including the other directors, to provide support for our operations in our 11’interventions missions. The entire’ financial team of the headquarters is also located in Dakar.

2021 : 63 million € Budget ; +90% public funds ; 3 million € private fundraiser ; 2 million € reserves.


Superior technical : The Operational Finance Manager and the Bailleurs Manager (Technical references)

Hierarchical superior : SUO Manager

He (she) technically supervises : COFIN/COFIRH (financial/HR coordinators) and operations support officers from the countries that’il/she covers

He (she) collaborates closely with the members of the coordinations, the funders service, the accounting department, the treasury department and the internal audit department of Headquarters


The finance and finance referent works at the’ALIMA headquarters, based in Dakar, within the OUA, composed of Program Manager, medical referent, logistics referent, HR referent, etc, to ensure the opening of new ALIMA missions or to support’Urgences operations in existing ALIMA missions. It contributes to the Emergencies/new missions projects in the’organization of the’financial administration, the’installation and the control of the financial resources of the operations, in particular by mastering the whole budgetary process of the projects, the, in compliance with the rules of the donors. He/she’ deals with the’ elaboration and the consolidated follow-up of the budgets of the countries that’/she covers in order to ensure a quality reporting.

He/she does missions to ensure the’opening of missions/project and quality control in our projects to supervise the management of contracts for which he/she is responsible, and, and also improve the overall financial management of missions.

He/she is available to ensure COFIN GAP.


Budgetary Management

  • Assures live or supports missions/projects the development of budgets
  • Opening/emergencies/project/mission (internal ALIMA) and donor budgets.
  • Pilot budget monitoring, with the contribution of COFIN/COFIRH to give budget visibility and budget readability at all levels: projects, coordination, Desk, HQ, etc, Donors of funds.
  • Ensures financial reporting and provides a quality report to donors.
  • Responsible of’alerter on the risks around the control of budgets in the context of lessor
  • Analysis on budgets, in relation to the cost structure and in relation to activities and beneficiaries (cost/patient).

Quality and risk management

  • Ensures on-line in the field or supports the implementation of the procedures, including, and management tool to ensure sound financial management of the missions and projects managed by the OUA (establishment of a’ cash supply system, banks, accounting procedures, budget monitoring)
  • Analyzes and improves the internal control on the missions that’il/she covers by carrying out missions of’ support, in order to ensure the correct application of ALIMA procedures, in order to prevent risks of loss of resources, and reputational risks.
  • Regular control of accounting, quality of accounting documents, cash management of the countries that’il/she covers
  • Responsible for the control of financial risks and’inform if necessary to allow corrective actions, communicate and find solutions with the Management and donors.
  • To prevent as much as possible the risks of’audit by a good control and sharing of donor rules. To this end, he/she supports the preparation of’audit missions (lessor or internal) and the’ development of response files and justifications requested by the auditors.
  • Participates in the development of new tools and procedures in the context of emergencies, as well as project management tools that will support emergency project management teams.

Ensures the production of concept notes and quality proposals in accordance with the operational strategy

  • Assures and advises the operational team on project development and program strategy as well as writing sound concept notes and proposals that include good technical and operational analysis, and, demonstrate an understanding of the context and risks, have a strong strategic vision and are consistent with the budget and donor guidelines.

Supervises the management of financing contracts and contractual requirements and provides technical advice and advice

  • Provides information and advises the OUA and country teams on donor regulation and contractual requirements and participates in the analysis of possible financial risks related to contracts.
  • S’ ensures that commitments to donors are respected.
  • is able to propose contractual changes to the lessors if the operational plans are changed.

Supports and supervises the writing of narrative reports for donors and partners.

  • Development of narrative reports on-line or in support, in accordance with contractual requirements
  • Guarantees robust monitoring and operational analysis for accurate, detailed and clear reporting, according to donor requirements and format and on time

Supports the search for funding and maintenance of relations with donors

  • In conjunction with the Operations support officers and the Service Bailleurs in Dakar he/she supports the search for new funding opportunities. As such,· must ensure that’ has a good knowledge of ALIMA operations and the humanitarian context. It must also master the strategies and processes of donors funding or not ALIMA.
  • Contributes to maintaining relationships with donors, providing regular information on ongoing operations and maintaining an open dialogue throughout the year. During the negotiation phases of the financing contracts, it is responsible for monitoring the negotiation at each stage and with regard to the management of the financing contracts, including contractual requirements, in coordination with country teams.

Human Resources Management

  • Participates in the recruitment of COFIN (Financial Coordinators), Administrators and Support officer for mission operations.
  • Train the members of the coordinations and projects on financial procedures, budget control and the’environment lessor.
  • Identifies, with the contribution of COFIN/COFIRH, the competent staffs in order to their professional progression.


You hold a’ Diploma of higher education, Master level or equivalent in (international relations, project management..), you present professional experience of’at least 5 years minimum in the management of financing contracts and the drafting of reports for donors, including, in a humanitarian context and as part of a project or programme. You have a good knowledge of the processes, the rules of the main donors (DG ECHO, AFD, CDCS, DEVCO…). You have a good mastery and understanding of health and nutrition projects.
Excellent written and oral expression in french and english.


Duration and type of contract : CDI under Senegalese law,’ test period of 3 months renewable once – maximum 6 months of’ test period.
Taking post : As soon as possible
Salary : Level 7 of the ALIMA grid seat
ALIMA supports :

  • Travel costs between the country of origin and the country of origin (If recruited internationally) ;
  • Five weeks of paid leave per year and a system of recovery days for travel ;
  • One round trip per year to the country of residence supported for the’employee and its assigns and a second round trip per year for the’employee (If recruited at’international);
  • Prime of’initial installation in Dakar between 3.000 and 5000 € depending on the family composition (if recruited at’international)
  • Support for school fees for dependent children, as part of the ALIMA policy and ceilings in force ;
  • Complementary health coverage and evacuation supported by ALIMA for the’employee and its beneficiaries

How to apply

To apply, please send your CV and Letter of Motivation online on our page.

Link to apply :

Applications are processed according to the’order of’arrival. ALIMA reserves the right to close the’offer before the term initially indicated if an application is accepted. Only complete applications (CV in PDF format + Motivation Letter) will be studied.

Female applications are strongly encouraged.


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