Recruitment of’un Cabinet d’’expertise en Marketing rural At International Labour Organization

1 Context
L’International Labour Organization (ILO) in Mali, through its project « An Ka Baara », aims to promote economic transformation and’productive employment in southern Mali for women and young people, especially in the horticultural sector, mainly concentrated in the regions of Sikasso and Koulikoro. The sector provides a source of wages and opportunities for self-employment for a large number of poor women and young people, mainly at the producer level, the number of which is increasing due to the wide recognition of the high reward potential of fruit and vegetable production. However, the opportunities for’ employment and the prospects for income generation are unstable and limited by the’access to quality inputs and’eau, especially for women and young people. Plus, in addition,’ is also a high-risk activity due to its vulnerability to pests and diseases, which is often poorly managed by farmers who inappropriately use chemical inputs. Long distances to agricultural product resellers, financial constraints, and lack of knowledge about quality inputs and their economic benefits result in the use of substandard and inadequate inputs, as well as their inappropriate use. As a result, many small horticultural producers are getting low yields and lower product quality. Low-quality seeds may have low germination rates or lack desirable characteristics such as disease resistance or environmental resilience,this ultimately reduces productivity or even leads to crop losses. Similarly, the use of’s or inadequate pesticides can compromise yields and lead to degradation of the’environment, pollution and health risks for farmers and consumers. The’access to the’eau thanks to the’irrigation equipment is another major constraint that limits the growth and the strong’employment potential of the sector. In particular during the dry season, the lack of access to water resources puts significant pressure on young people and women in rural areas, depriving them of income for nearly eight months a year.the’ use of inadequate fertilizers or pesticides can compromise yields and lead to degradation of the’ environment, pollution and health risks for farmers and consumers. The’access to the’eau thanks to the’irrigation equipment is another major constraint that limits the growth and the strong’employment potential of the sector. In particular during the dry season, the lack of access to water resources puts significant pressure on young people and women in rural areas, depriving them of income for nearly eight months a year.the’ use of inadequate fertilizers or pesticides can compromise yields and lead to degradation of the’ environment, pollution and health risks for farmers and consumers. The’access to the’eau thanks to the’irrigation equipment is another major constraint that limits the growth and the strong’employment potential of the sector. In particular during the dry season, the lack of access to water resources puts significant pressure on young people and women in rural areas, depriving them of income for nearly eight months a year.In particular during the dry season, the lack of access to water resources puts significant pressure on young people and women in rural areas, depriving them of income for nearly eight months a year.In particular during the dry season, the lack of access to water resources puts significant pressure on young people and women in rural areas, depriving them of income for nearly eight months a year.
Most suppliers of’inputs and’equipment appear to lack a strategic vision for the future of
further penetrate the semi-urban and rural market, including women and young people in’horticulture. There appears to be significant potential to expand their distribution networks and strengthen their capacity for last mile marketing and providing key technical advice to horticulturists. The project will help input suppliers market their products to horticultural producers, with a particular focus on women and youth. To effectively market seeds to smallholders, it is crucial to employ a multi-pronged approach that uses various channels and strategies.

2 Objectives of the mission
These terms of reference relate to the role of’a cabinet d’expertise in Rural Marketing, France, to support (4-5) companies supplying agricultural inputs and’ irrigation equipment in Mali in the development and implementation of a comprehensive marketing plan and a sales strategy targeting horticultural producers, and, especially young people and women.
The main objectives of the firm’s commitment are to :
– Evaluate the needs of the’entreprise in terms of marketing and sale to horticultural producers, by
especially young people and women.
– On the basis of this evaluation, set up a marketing plan and a sales strategy and
to strengthen the capacities of the’ company to effectively implement marketing and marketing strategies

3 Activities and deliverables
Activities :
The firm will carry out, in close collaboration with the companies (selected by the project of’OIT) the
following tasks :
– Carry out an assessment of current marketing practices, market dynamics and the
challenges faced by horticultural producers in accessing agricultural inputs.
– Collaborate with companies to develop a comprehensive marketing plan tailored to the needs and needs of
to the preferences of horticultural producers, taking into account factors such as the types of
cultures, geographic locations and market segments.
– Design a sales strategy that optimizes the distribution channels, the logistics of transport, and,
and the management of stocks to ensure a rapid delivery of agricultural inputs to producers
– Provide training and capacity building sessions to the staff of the company
the provision of agricultural inputs on best practices in the field of marketing and sales, the
customer relationship management and product knowledge.
– Develop monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to monitor the implementation of the project and its impact
marketing and sales strategies, including the performance of sales and the feedback from customers
and penetration of the market.
Deliverables :
The firm will have to produce the following deliverables :
1. A market study and an evaluation of the company’s strategy’
2. A detailed marketing plan describing the objectives, target markets, activities
promotional, pricing strategies and deadlines, tailored to the needs of producers
3. A sales strategy that describes the distribution channels, the logistics of transport, the management
stocks and performance indicators to monitor progress.
4. Training materials for capacity-building sessions conducted with the
personnel of the agricultural input supply company, focused on the development of
marketing and sales skills.
5. A monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the effectiveness and impact of the strategies implemented
work, including key performance indicators and feedback mechanisms.

6. Final report summarizing the activities, expected results, recommendations related to
marketing and distribution of different companies.
Calendar :
The benefit is expected to begin on July 08 and end on December 20. The maximum number of days is estimated at 35.

N° Deliverables Delivery date in 2024
1- A market study and an evaluation of the strategy of’enterprise 25 July
2- A detailed marketing plan August 1
3- A sales strategy August 15
4- Training materials 30 August
5- A monitoring and evaluation framework 15 September
6- Final report 15 December

4 Qualifications
The firm should have the following qualifications and expertise :
– 5 years of proven experience in marketing, preferably in the agricultural or agri-food sector,
including the development and implementation of marketing plans and sales strategies, in Mali or other countries
in a similar context.
– 3 years of’ analytical and communication experience, with the ability to understand dynamics
market, identify customer needs and make operational recommendations
– 1 year of’ experience in the field of work with distribution companies /sale in zones
rural, ideally in the field of’ inputs and/or agricultural equipment
– 1 year of’ experience in the mastery of monitoring and evaluation techniques, with the ability to
to monitor and evaluate the impact of marketing and sales interventions on the
company performance.
– Familiarity with rural contexts and an understanding of the challenges that are faced
horticultural producers in access to agricultural inputs and adoption of agricultural practices

5 Submission
Proposals must include a technical offer and a financial offer (technical offers and
financials must be sent in separate documents)

Technical offer :
• A detailed methodology showing a perfect understanding of the terms of reference.
• A provisional calendar of activities.
• (a brief presentation of the firm and the CV (s) of the/main consultant (s)
• Proof of similar work already developed by the cabinet or by members of the project team.
Financial offer : The firm is requested to provide a budget also presenting the daily rate for the/them
consultants engaged, knowing that the total estimated number of working days for this mission is 35

6’assessment criteria
Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria :

Criteria D’assessment Points
Technical proposal: the detailed methodology, the understanding of the issues, the
terms of reference 10

5 Years of’ proven experience in marketing, preferably in the agricultural sector or
agri-food, including the development and implementation of marketing plans and
sales strategies, in Mali or in a similar context. 30

3 Years of’ analytical and communication experience, with the ability to understand the
market dynamics, to identify customer needs and to formulate
operational recommendations 30

1 year of’experience in the field of work with distribution companies /sale
in rural areas, ideally in the field of’ inputs and/or agricultural equipment 20

1 year of’experience in the mastery of monitoring and evaluation techniques, with the
ability to monitor and evaluate the impact of marketing and marketing interventions
selling on company performance 10

Technical Offer total points 100
Financial proposal 30

7 Criteria for selection
The bids received will be evaluated using a combined scoring method, in which the
qualifications and the proposed methodology will be weighted at 70% and combined with the price offer, which
will be weighted at 30%.
Bids that have not achieved the minimum 70% mark on the technical evaluation will not be
qualified for financial assessment.
Only those files that have achieved a score of 70% of the points awarded to the technical criteria
(total 100 points) will have the opportunity to have their financial offer evaluated.
Evaluation of the financial proposal (max 30 points).
Concerning the’financial offer, having established whether the proposals are complete and devoid of’errors
for calculation purposes, the lowest financial proposal will receive a maximum score of thirty (30) points.
All other financial proposals are scored according to the following formula :

P = the rating of the evaluated financial proposal
Y = the maximum score of the financial proposal (30 points)
X = price of the least telling proposal
Z = price of the evaluated financial proposal
Final ranking
Finally, the proposals will be classified according to their technical (Nt) and financial (Nf) ratings
combined, with application of the following weights to achieve an overall score (NG) :
• = T <TAG1> weight given to the technical proposal, ie 0.70.
• = F <TAG1> weight given to the financial proposal, ie 0.30.
• T + F = 1,
• = NG + (Nt x T %) <TAG1> (Nf x F %)
The proposal that obtains the highest overall score, after having added up the notes of the proposals
technical and financial, will be considered to be the one that offers the best value for money and
will therefore be a contract awardee.

8 Remuneration and staggering of payments

Payment Condition/Linkable Deliverables Rate
1 – Signature of the contract with submission of the methodological note and the
work plan 20 %
2-Deliverable1: A market study and an evaluation of the strategy of
Deliverable 2: A detailed marketing plan
Deliverable 3: A sales strategy
Deliverable 4 : Training materials
Deliverable 5: A monitoring and evaluation framework 60 %
3-Deliverable 6 : Final report 20 %

9 Management of the contract
The Marketing Expert will report to both the director of the companies concerned and the project manager.
Progress updates and deliverables will be submitted according to an agreed upon schedule.
It will be under the responsibility of the project manager.

How to apply

10 Contact and Submission Deadline

For any questions or clarifications, please contact [] by June 26
2024. The ILO replies will be sent to you no later than 27 June 2024 at 17h.
The deadline for submission of technical and financial offers is 04 July 2024 at 23:59 at
next: [].

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