Recruitment of a Consultant, Specialist in Communication, for the Production of a Video and Photographic Documentary AtChristian Aid

1. Introduction

In Haiti, since the 1980s, Christian Aid has been working through local partners to improve the livelihoods of Haitians with the aim of improving their living conditions by giving a voice to those who are often marginalized, particularly women and girls in rural and marginalized areas fleeing the disastrous consequences of local conflicts, natural disasters and extreme poverty. Our actions also aim to help vulnerable communities prepare for and respond to humanitarian crises through disaster risk reduction and immediate recovery efforts. The Christian Aid office in Haiti is part of the Regional programme implemented in 6 other countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region including Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Colombia and the Dominican Republic. Our partnership approach, based on a long-term transformative agenda and local capacity building, guarantees us direct access and an opportunity for rapid response to communities in the event of emergency response planning and humanitarian crises.

2. Context

The humanitarian crisis in Haiti is a complex situation marked by growing insecurity, mass displacement, acute food shortages and the collapse of essential services. The situation worsened in early 2024 with violent attacks in February that forced many families to seek refuge in overcrowded camps in Port-au-Prince. The precarious living conditions in these camps are conducive to the spread of diseases such as typhoid and diarrheal diseases. As of 2024, more than 362,000 people are currently displaced across the country, victims of the pervasive violence.

The West Department, including Port-au-Prince, is the epicenter of this crisis, with approximately 89,000 displaced people spread across 87 unsanitary sites. At the same time, food insecurity affects nearly 5 million people, compounded by disrupted markets, high prices, and limited access to food. Essential services, such as clean water and health care, are severely inadequate, exacerbating the living conditions of displaced and underserved populations.

The crisis is also severely affecting education, with more than 200,000 children deprived of their right to school due to violence. Women, girls and people with disabilities are particularly vulnerable, at increased risk of sexual violence and exploitation in the camps.

A multi-sectoral response is essential to address these complex challenges. Priority sectors include food security, health, water, sanitation, protection and education, with an urgent need for collaboration between humanitarian actors, local authorities and communities to provide immediate assistance while strengthening the long-term resilience of affected populations.

With funding from the Dutch Relief Alliance through CordAid, Christian Aid is carrying out humanitarian interventions in the camps in Port-au-Prince and host communities in Croix-des-Bouquets to meet the urgent needs of internally displaced people fleeing gang violence in the surrounding neighbourhoods. Our response includes cash assistance through cash transfers, provision of safe drinking water in sufficient quality and quantity, distribution of hygiene items and promotion of good hygiene practices to prevent cholera and other epidemics. Christian Aid’s response to its national partners, Haïti Survie and Service Chrétien d’Haïti, directly reaches 5,288 people.

3. Technical service sought

Christian Aid is looking for the services of a professional photographer/videographer with experience in the cooperation sector and preferably working with NGOs. The person will help the organisation to document the work with images and videos. These videos and photos will be part of Christian Aid, CordAid and Dutch Relief Alliance and the consultant carrying out the work. With the support of the communication focal point at Christian Aid/CordAid, the consultant will:

3.1. Capture high-resolution images that represent the work of Christian Aid and its partners.

3.2. Attach a caption to each photo with specific details such as location, person’s name if it is a portrait, activity and any other relevant information.

3.3. Ensure that consent (oral or written) is obtained from the person being photographed.

3.4. Adhere to the guidelines set out in the image style guide (e.g. lighting, image composition, not depicting women in passive poses as opposed to men in active poses, care taken with images of minors, etc.).

4. Location of work to be performed

Western Department, municipalities of Port-au-Prince and Croix-des-Bouquets.

5. Work plan

The work plan will be established in consultation with Christian Aid and its partners. Activities will be carried out between the 3rd week of September and the 4th week of October 2024, with a mission lasting 2 days per activity.

6. Objectives and Expected Results

Produce communication tools to raise awareness among stakeholders about the critical situation of internally displaced persons and illustrate the impact of our actions.

6.1. Illustrate the lives of internally displaced people in their neighborhoods before displacement and the impact of gang violence on their daily lives.

6.2. Show the living conditions of displaced persons in the camps (Port-au-Prince) and in host families (Croix-des-Bouquets).

6.3. Highlight the improvements in living conditions thanks to the interventions of Haiti Survie and Service Chrétien d’Haïti, financed by Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA) through CordAid/Christian Aid.

6.4. Reveal unmet needs and persistent challenges.

6.5. Collect testimonies from beneficiaries to humanize the crisis and raise awareness among an international audience.

A 15-minute video documentary and short videos in Creole, with Spanish and English subtitles, as well as a series of photos are the main expected results.

7. Deliverables

Deliverables include:

7.1. Audiovisual products, including:

a) A 15:00 minute long video summarizing all the project interventions.

b) A short video of 2:15 minutes, summarizing each activity.

Technical details:

– Dimensions : 1280 x 720 px (paysage) ou 1024 x 1280 px (vertical)

– Duration: 1 second to 240 minutes (raw data)

– Taille: 4 Go maximum

– Format: mp4 ou mov

7.2. Photographs

a) A collection of photographs of the activities carried out.

Technical details:

– High quality edited images (over 300 dpi).

– The same images will be delivered in low resolution.

All raw and edited footage, including full interviews and photos, will be submitted to Christian Aid.

8. Responsibilities of the Consultant, Communication Specialist

8.1. Design and Planning: Develop the documentary concept and storyline, narrative structure, and visual approach.

8.2. Coordination: Work closely with Christian Aid field teams, beneficiaries, and local partners to organize interviews and filming sequences.

8.3. Video Production: Film in the field while respecting the principles of safety and informed consent of the participants.

8.4. Editing: Perform video editing, including adding English subtitles, selecting music, and including relevant graphics.

8.5. Validation and Revisions: Present a draft version to Christian Aid for approval and incorporate feedback before finalising the documentary.

9. Candidate Profile

9.1. Proven experience in documentary production and photography, in a humanitarian or development context.

9.2. Excellent skills in filming, editing, and video post-production.

9.3. Fluency in Haitian Creole, English and Spanish, with the ability to produce accurate subtitles.

9.4. Sensitivity to contexts of vulnerability and ability to work in complex and difficult security environments.

9.5. Knowledge of the ethical principles of humanitarian communication, including the protection of vulnerable subjects.

10. Financial offer

Candidates must submit a detailed budget covering all costs, with a cost breakdown. Payment will be made in two installments: 40% upon signing the contract and 60% after delivery and approval of the work.

11. Intellectual Property

All information and documents produced will be the property of Christian Aid. The consultant may not use them without the written permission of Christian Aid.

Christian Aid is the sole owner of non-exclusive rights to use the Images, including their modification and/or reproduction, in whole or in part. The Consultant may not use or sell the Images without the prior written consent of Christian Aid. The Consultant transfers and assigns to Christian Aid all rights, titles and interests, worldwide, in the Images. The Consultant agrees to take all necessary steps to assist Christian Aid in enforcing and protecting these rights.

How to apply

12. Submission of application files

Application files, including CV, professional references, and a detailed financial proposal, should be sent by email to the following address:

Interested parties are requested to send a complete file to the email address indicated above, marked ”Video/photo reporting technical service”, by September 25, 2024, in the following format:

  1. Personal CV highlighting experience gained in similar roles.
  2. Professional references with contact details (email addresses and telephone numbers). Using this table below:
    1. Institution
    2. Contract No.
    3. Year
    4. Summary of services provided and location
    5. Referrer name, email address and telephone number
  3. A copy of an up-to-date identity document.
  4. Financial proposal indicating the fees of the specialist communications consultant and the breakdown of costs (unit price).

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