Real estate manager and business equipment H/F At French Red Cross

The deputy directorate-general in charge of pilot establishments and supervises the strategic issues of the French Red Cross establishments, divided into seven business sectors (healthcare, people with disabilities, the elderly – home, early childhood, protection of the’ childhood and fight against exclusion).


Contribute to the operational performance of the sectors on real estate topics by being a transverse technical support for the 7 sectors of the French Red Cross (Health, Persons with Disabilities, Elderly and Home People, Early Childhood, Protection of the’Children and Fight against Exclusions and Red Cross Competence)


Pilot the real estate declination of’offre within the sectors

  • Build real estate repositories in a coordinated way with the programmer of the Real Estate and Heritage Department
  • Working with sectors to project the economic sustainability of real estate repositories
  • Set up retex following deliveries concerning the control of’usage in order to continuously improve real estate repositories
  • Coordinate the drafting of specifications business equipment with the Purchasing department for launch of’Appels d’Offer, analyze offers and attend defences

Strengthen interface between DGAE, DIP and other internal and external partners

  • Assist in the structuring of the modalities of’interaction and processes between the sectors and the DIP, as well as’ with third party partners (Croix-Rouge Habitat, SCI, other lessor etc.)
  • Attend the annual real estate reviews and bring expertise to the sectors if necessary
  • Support and structure the professionalization of the Maintenance, Maintenance and Security function within the French Red Cross
  • To carry out syntheses of real estate files to the’attention of the DGA before the follow-up meetings

Accompany complex projects (on-time or long-term)

  • Reassemble and format expressions of operational need
  • Proceed with the review of consultation launch programs and documents
  • Assist in the’analysis of responses from Master’s contracts and assist in the defence
  • Performing a’ assignmentAssistance to Mastery of’Usage
  • Support institutions in the preparation and drafting of financing files such as PAI, PAA, etc.
  • Vision 360° of the chain of’real estate and construction
  • Knowledge of the latest regulatory and environmental developments (tertiary decree, AER decree, ZAN law etc.)
  • Mastery of the operation of building projects through royalties with third parties (donors, SCI etc.)
  • Control of the operational functioning of medical-social and health structures
  • Mastery of the mounting system of the Plans Pluriannuels d’Investissements
  • Knowledge of PAA, PAI and other similar funding files
  • Ability to lead working groups
  • Pedagogies
  • Spirit of’analysis
  • Synthetic spirit

Bac +5 in real estate/construction

Operational experience in social, medico-social or health environments, minimum 2 years


You want to join a large association that brings meaning, which works daily with vulnerable people, and whose benevolence is at the heart of its company culture’ ?

The French Red Cross promotes the well-being at work of employees and their development by accompanying their professional development : annual’assessment interview via a digitalized tool, or free access to the e-learning platform « MYMOOC” (digital tool referencing more than 10,000 MOOCs from 550 prestigious institutions and giving access to an inexhaustible and constantly renewed number of resources also with articles, podcasts and videos updated regularly) to allow you to train independently, on or off work time.

An infirmary health at work on site also deploys a set of’actions aimed at protecting the health of employees at work (medical visit, vaccinations, prevention project..). The Campus Croix-Rouge also has’a restaurant of’company and’a cafeteria,’a free parking and a bicycle park.

Your status as a self-employed executive allows you to benefit from 23 to 25 days of rest which are added to the 5 weeks of compulsory paid leave, and our telework policy allows you to benefit from 2 days /week or 10 days per month.

Date of taking of desired position

14 october 2024

Fixed term contract with a duration of 6 months , full time


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