Qualitative Gender, Equality and Inclusion (GEI) Assessment at Plan International

Plan International was founded over 75 years ago with a mission to promote and protect the rights of children. The organisation was set up by British journalist John Langdon-Davies and refugee worker Eric Muggeridge in 1937, with the original aim to provide food, accommodation and education to children whose lives had been disrupted by the Spanish

  • Experience 5 years

Plan International strives to advance children’s rights and equality for girls all over the world. As an independent development and humanitarian organisation, we work alongside children, young people, our supporters and partners to tackle the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and enable children to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge. For over 80 years we have been building powerful partnerships for children, and we are active in over 75 countries.

6.0: Safeguarding Children and Young People

Plan International is committed tactively safeguarding children and youth from harm and ensuring children’s rights tprotection are fully realized. Plan takes seriously the commitment tpromote child safe practices and protect children from harm, abuse, neglect and any form of exploitation as they come intcontact with Plan International supported interventions. In addition, we will take positive action tprevent child abusers from becoming involved with Plan International in any way and take stringent measures against any Plan International Staff and/or Associate whabuses a child. Decisions and actions in response tsafeguarding concerns will be guided by the principle of ‘the best interests of the child.’

The GEI Assessment will involve conducting interviews with adolescents exploring sensitive topics, such as sexual activity and gender-based violence. The study must, therefore, ensure appropriate, safe, non-discriminatory and meaningful participation; stressing all people’s views regardless of background or identity markers are valued; a process of free and un-coerced consent and withdrawal; confidentiality and anonymity of participants. Environments and working methods should be adapted

Deliverables/Task # of Days Tentative deadline

  • Contract signed with consultant 1 TBD
  • Inception phase
  • Submit final inception report with draft data
  • analysis plan, reflecting all comments made 5 TBD
  • Data collection tools, translated and methods
  • finalized, updated data analysis plan based on
  • finalized tools 10 TBD
  • Submit and secure ethical clearance 20 TBD
  • Recruitment of enumerators 10 TBD
  • Training/orientation of enumerators on tools,
  • methodology and process including pre-testing
  • of the tools 5 TBD
  • Qualitative GEI Assessment phase
  • Carry out data collection and supervise data
  • enumerators. Report weekly tPlan
  • International Nigeria 25 TBD
  • Submit raw and clean data with agreed software
  • tPlan international Nigeria and data
  • restructured according tdata analysis plan 5 TBD
  • Submit 1st draft qualitative assessment report 20 TBD
  • Submit 2nd draft of report 5 TBD
  • Validation workshop 1 TBD
  • Final report submitted 3 TBD
  • tthe capacities of adolescents; time and resources should be made available tensure that adolescent girls and boys are adequately prepared and have the confidence and opportunity tcontribute their views.
  • Consultants are required tprovide a statement within their proposal on how they will ensure ethics and protection of adolescents in the different stages of the study — including recruitment and training of enumerators.9, data collection and analysis, visits and report writing — in line with Plan International’s Global Safeguarding Policy. This must alsconsider any risks related tthe study and how these will be mitigated. Consideration must be given to:
  • Safeguards tprotect the confidentiality of those participating in the study.
  • Data protection and secure maintenance procedures for personal information
  • Caregivers’ consent concerning data collection from adolescents and collation of data about adolescents.
  • Age-appropriate assent processes.

6.1 Mitigation of spread of Covid-19

  • The following Covid-19 guidelines must be adhered tduring the data collection process.
  • Consultation should take place in a well aerated venue or open environment that can accommodate proposed respondents while considering physical distance of at least 2-meters between respondents.
  • All FGD groups should not have more than 10 participants and physical distance must be observed during the consultation.
  • All data enumerators and respondents must wear facial mask during the consultation
  • Alcohol based hand sanitizer must be present in all the consultation venue tbe used frequently by enumerators and respondents.
  • Temperature checks must be conducted for all data enumerator and respondents before the commencement of consultation/interview.
  • Anyone with body temperature over 38 degree Celsius will not be allowed tparticipate in consultation/interview and should be referred tnearest health facility or appropriate COVID-19 referral pathway in the community.
  • FDG and Interview tools must contain COVID-19 screening questions tbe administered trespondents before the commencement of the actual interview.

7.0: Data Quality Assurance and Limitations

The Consultant is required tsubmit a quality assurance plan that sets out the systems and processes for ensuring the quality of all key deliverables from the start tend of this consultancy. This should include the proposed approaches to:

  • Piloting of all tools
  • Training of enumerators, field supervisors, facilitators, interviewers, and note-takers including in safeguarding and research ethics. The Consultant is required tfacilitate Background check for all participants of the GEI Assessment as required by Plan Nigeria.
  • Quality control checks on interviews done by field team
  • Logistical and management planning
  • Field work protocols and data verification, including back-checking and quality control by supervisors
  • Data cleaning and editing before analysis

8.0: Ethical Considerations

8.1: Study Ethics

The consultant must clearly articulate risks associated with the study and the required protocols tensure that the GEI Assessment is conducted meeting all national and Global Ethical standards, such as protection of any vulnerable groups (such as Adolescent girls from excluded, marginalized groups in this case). Hence, consent for participation, including parental consent for Adolescents, withdrawal from interview, unhindered equal probability for participation, anonymity, confidentiality, data security, and any other ethical issues must be discussed in the technical proposal. The GEI Assessment must alsensure strict COVID-19

protocols tbe provided by Plan Nigeria including in training, data collection process, transport and any contacts tbe made during the entire period of the assessment. Data collection must be planned and arranged preferably in an open environment with the recommended distance between enumerator and respondent. The Consultant should plan and take all responsibility for purchase and supply of PPE for enumerators.

8.2: Ethical Approval

The Consultant must coordinate with Plan International Nigeria tobtain and adhere tresearch ethics approval processes10 from a relevant authorized body before commencement of data collection. Full ethics approval will be obtained before the qualitative assessment activities commence as required.

9.0: Disclosure and Ownership of Information

It is understood and agreed that the Consultant shall, during and after the effective period of the contract, treat as confidential and not divulge, unless authorized in writing by Plan International Nigeria, any information obtained during the performance of the Contract. Information will be made available for the consultants on a need-to-know basis. All required field visits will be facilitated by Plan International Nigeria staff.

All ownership and copyright for final data collected and report produced during the GEI Assessment is held by Plan International. The Consultant shall treat as confidential and not divulge, unless authorized in writing by Plan International Nigeria, any information obtained during the performance and after the effective period of the contract.

Obligations regarding non-disclosure of information and intellectual property rights will be specified in the contract for this consulting mandate.

10: Roles, Responsibilities and Management

The Consultant will report ta designated person (GE&I and MERL Technical Advisor) whwill be responsible for overseeing the overall qualitative assessment in Plan International Nigeria.11 The Consultant will keep the GE&I and M&E Technical Advisors continually informed on the progress of the assignment through updates via in-person meetings, email and Skype conferences. The Consultant will alscollaborate closely with the Plan International Canada program and technical support staff, whwill support with the design of the qualitative GEI Assessment and the development of data collection tools, data quality protocols and procedures tguide data collection12 and entry. Additionally, Plan International will provide guidance on data analysis, and will review and provide feedback on the draft baseline report.

The specific roles and responsibilities of the Consultant are as follows:

  • Present a detailed overall sampling strategy and timeline for data collection at the school and community level.
  • Review relevant project documents, including the PMF.
  • Review and refine draft data collection tools.
  • Submit an inception report and regular updates tPlan International Nigeria and work closely with Plan International Nigeria and Plan International Canada teams tincorporate inputs and feedbacks, including conducting virtual meetings as necessary
  • Recruit translators, enumerators/data collectors and field supervisors (as necessary) and data cleaning and quality assurance operators, ensuring gender balance as appropriate including on COVID-19 protocol.
  • Adapt and pilot qualitative data collection tools
  • Suggest any changes required tthe tools tPlan International Nigeria, with final revisions subject tapproval
  • Ensure that COVID-19 protocol is strictly followed, including availability and use of PPE.
  • Ensure that all data collection activities are gender focused, adolescent friendly, non-discriminatory of any group, and respect child and youth safeguarding principles
  • Establish data entry protocols and oversee data entry as per agreed upon software
  • Prepare and conduct enumerator training, with support from Plan International Nigeria and the project team, including co-facilitation of a gender equality and child protection component.13
  • Develop data collection plan and agree with Plan Nigeria and respective Government offices, various Education offices and Sampled Schools.
  • Arrange its own logistics for transport of enumerators and field supervisors.
  • Ensure all tools are translated intlocal languages and piloted with adolescents of various genders, and school community (for GEI Assessment) prior tenumerator training.
  • Submit an inception report and regular updates on progress in data collection.
  • Oversee data collection including piloting, supervision and spot checking.
  • Provide updates tPlan International on progress in data collection, including sharing raw data on a regular basis for Plan’s review, or where necessary giving access tdata collection server/platform.
  • Review data entry tensure data quality and consistency, and take corrective actions, where necessary
  • Prepare the transcript of FGD, KII and Case Study information and alsprepare summary notes, using the templates provided by Plan International
  • Submit FGDs, KIIs and Case Studies transcripts and summary notes tPlan International Nigeria (In English/Swahili)
  • Present an intersectional gender and inclusion analysis of the findings using prescribed template from Plan Nigeria, the gender and inclusion analysis results should be triangulated and analyzed in relation tthe project baseline result. A draft should be submitted and finalized upon feedback from Plan International Nigeria and Plan International Canada
  • Liaise with the Plan International Nigeria and Plan International Canada offices for technical support throughout the process, and integrate feedback provided.
  • Ensure all training materials and hard copies of raw data are maintained and submitted tPlan International Nigeria, along with a softcopy of the final dataset

11: Qualifications of Consultant(S)

The consultant must:

  • Demonstrated experience in coordinating and administering qualitative data collection and analysis studies, including gender-sensitive and inclusive data collection and entry, data management and storage, preferably for studies involving adolescent girls and young women in all their diversity, with focus on intersecting identities such as age group, level of poverty, residential status, sexual orientation, religion, ability and ethnicity.
  • Understanding of the structural and intersectional impacts of oppression upon girls and women from non-dominant groups, and awareness of the exclusions and discrimination faced when serviced by the health, education and protection sectors
  • Experience analyzing data from a diversity, equity and inclusion perspective tdetermine its significance and impact upon adolescent girl sexual reproductive health and rights
  • Experience working with diverse groups through an equity, inclusion and gender equality lens
  • Demonstrated experience in training, facilitation and supervising survey enumerators and data entry operators tcollect and enter data as per high quality standards.
  • Knowledge and Experience on Gender Equality, Inclusion, ASRHR, Protection or SGBV, CEFM and Education issues, policies and services system in Nigeria.
  • Demonstrated experience in qualitative data analysis.
  • Experience developing child or adolescent-friendly data collection approaches/tools and ability tcommunicate effectively with this younger age group
  • A Consultant with assigned level of effort for a statistician tlead or support questionnaire review and data analysis is strongly preferred.
  • Lived experience: In order taddress the unique needs and structural inequities of non-dominant children/adolescents/young people, individuals whself-identify as a member of a non-dominant group are encouraged tapply.
  • Fluency in both English and Local language (spoken and written) is mandatory.
  • Strong writing and communication skills (English).
  • Ability tproduce high quality work under tight timeframes.
  • Ability twork collaboratively with Plan International Nigeria and Plan International Canada, and integrate feedback as required.
  • The evaluation team composition must at minimum include people with professional background and experience in SRHR, Gender equality, DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), and statistics tensure that the project focus and the study technical and statistical expectations are met. This should be CVs submitted as attachment tthe technical proposal as well as in the ethical approval submission.
  • Understanding of the local context is an added advantage, hence, the consultant must be able tspeak Hausa Language fluently

For more information about this job, click this link : https://tinyurl.com/24jnw9yb

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates should forward their CV to: Nigeria.Consultant@plan-international.org using the position as subject of email.

12: Application Package and Procedures

Applications for the consultancy must include the following components, to a total of no more than 25 pages (not including appendices, CVs, etc.):

1. Detailed technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including the following:

  • Demonstrated previous experience in coordinating and administering studies of a similar nature.
  • An outline of the overall approach to the qualitative GEI Assessment
  • Proposed plan for qualitative GEI Assessment targets, with adequate consideration for timing of assessment, travel costs per team of enumerators, supervision of enumeration teams and quality control.
  • Proposed steps to be taken for enumerator training, piloting/translation of tools, data collection, spot checking, data entry and management.
  • Details on the informed consent process considering the situation for both male and female adults as well as adolescent girls and boys under the age of 18.
  • A proposed timeframe detailing activity and a schedule/work plan (including a Gantt chart) with the proposed number of enumerators, size of enumerator teams and total number of days in the field.
  • Proposed risk management plan to ensure the successful delivery of the required outputs of this consultancy, on time, within budget and of a high quality. The risk management plan should include safeguarding risk management.
  • Team composition (including sex-disaggregation) and level of effort of each proposed team member, if applicable

2. A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs for the study (including all applicable taxes):

  • Itemized consultancy fees/costs
  • Itemized field data collection, analysis and reporting expenses (including translation costs)
  • Itemized administrative expenses.
  • Validity period of quotations

3. Curriculum Vitae(s) of all proposed staff outlining relevant experience, including a list of all relevant publications. The proposal should clearly state the roles and responsibilities of all proposed team members for this consultancy. Consultant should attach CV of a statistician that conducts data analysis or provides oversight and guidance for sampling, rigorous analysis and statistical tests.

4. Names and contact information of three references who can be contacted regarding relevant experience.

5. A copy of two previous reports of a similar nature undertaken on qualitative study or assessment which clearly show data analysis from equity, inclusion and gender equality lens. A Consulting Firm profile (if applicable).

The proposal will be scored on both technical (methodology) and financial (budget) aspects weighted at 70% and 30% respectively. The closing date for the submission of complete application packages is:

20th September, 2022.

13: Payment Schedule

The Consultant is expected to pay all government taxes for which they are responsible. Where applicable, Plan International shall deduct all applicable government taxes under the governing laws of the Republic of Nigeria.

The payment schedule will be as follows:

  • 1st payment: on approval of clear inception report, which will include a plan for surveying the sample population, training process, work plan, and finalized data collection protocols and procedures, will be paid 40% of total payment.
  • 2nd payment: Upon completion of risk assessment of potential risks to participants conducted before data collection, and summary report of appropriate actions taken to mitigate risks identified during the risk assessment. Also, completion of all data collection and entry, and the submission of all finalized raw dataset and clean data. Qualitative data should be submitted in MS-word/or PDF, all signed informed consent forms in either soft or hardcopies as necessary, will be paid 30% of total payment.
  • 3rd / final payment: upon submission of the final report that passes Plan’s criteria of Completeness and Quality assessment and approved by Plan International Nigeria and Plan International Canada, the remaining 30% of the total payment will be paid.
  • Error rates for Qualitative data in proportion to consultancy fee discounts will be specified in the contract. Unsatisfactory deliverables if not rectified or without strong and clear rationale at any time of the consultancy can lead to termination, as will be specified in the contract.

14: Disclaimer

Plan International Nigeria reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals / application without assigning any reason whatsoever.

For more information about this job, click this link : https://tinyurl.com/24jnw9yb

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