Project Technical Analyst ( Safeguards ) ( Office-based ) NPSA 9, Brasilia, Brazil At UNDP – United Nations Development Program

Closing date: Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Job Identification : 12106

Locations : Brasilia, Brazil

Posting Date : 08/01/2023, 02:15 PM

Apply Before : 08/15/2023, 03:59 PM

Job Schedule : Full time

Agency : UNDP

Vacancy Type : National Personnel Service Agreement

Practice Area : Management

Bureau : Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean

Contract Duration : 6 months

Education & Work Experience : Master’s Degree – 2 year ( s ) experience OR Bachelor’s Degree – 4 year ( s ) experience

Other Criteria : Master’s or Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences, Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences, Economic Sciences or related areas.

Required Languages : Fluency in Portuguese and English

Vacancy Timeline

2 Weeks

Job Description


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP: we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a ‘ leave no one behind ’ approach to our diversity efforts increasing representation of undeserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and inspiring stories.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

Project Description

Brazil received funds from the Green Climate Fund ( GCF ) for the project “ Payments based on REDD results + for results achieved by Brazil in the Amazon biome in 2014 and 2015 ”. Payments based on results received by Brazil from the GCF will contribute to the implementation of actions in the forestry sector of the NDC of Brazil and the general objective of the National Strategy of REDD + of Brazil. The project has two main results: a ) Develop pilot of the Environmental Services Incentive Program for Conservation and Recovery of Native Vegetation; and b ) Strengthen the implementation of ENREDD + in Brazil, through improvements in its governance structure and systems.

The Pilot Program aims to provide incentives for environmental services in the Legal Amazon region. This pilot program has the following specific objectives:

  •  Provide monetary compensation to encourage the conservation of native vegetation and restoration / recovery and improvement of ecosystems that generate environmental services ( including, but not limited to, carbon );
  •  Prevent deforestation, forest degradation and forest fires through financial incentives;
  •  Encourage the restoration / recovery of native vegetation on rural properties, conservation areas, indigenous lands, settlements and local community lands;
  •  Enhance the actions of landowners, land users, settlers, indigenous peoples and local communities in the conservation and restoration / recovery of native vegetation;
  •  Promote compliance with environmental legislation, especially that related to the protection and restoration / recovery of native vegetation ( Forest Code );
  •  Offer a financial mechanism to promote the development and implementation of public policies aimed at the conservation and restoration / recovery of native vegetation.

The BRA / 19/005 project also aims to contribute to the implementation of ENREDD + by improving the forest monitoring system for the entire Brazilian territory, systematization of safeguards information and assessment of the impacts of REDD policies +.

Applicable Standardsand Safeguards

The project will comply with the Social and Environmental Standars ( SES, in the acronym ) of UNDP, which were revised and entered into force on January 1, 2021. SES support UNDP’s commitment to integrate social and environmental sustainability into its Programs and Projects to support sustainable development. SES is an integral component of UNDP’s quality assurance and risk management approach to programming. This includes the Socio-Environmental Screening Procedure. The standards are supported by a Responsibility Mechanism with two main functions:

  •  Stakeholder Response Mechanism ( GRM ) that ensures that individuals, people and communities affected by UNDP projects have access to appropriate procedures that address project-related complaints; and
  •  Compliance Review Process to respond to complaints that a Project does not comply with UNDP social and environmental policies.

Through the GCF Accreditation Process, SES is recognized for being aligned with the GCF Social and Environmental Standards. The project will also comply with UNFCCC REDD + safeguards requirements, including Cancun safeguards. COP16 ( Cancun ) in 2010 agreed that a set of seven safeguards, commonly referred to as Cancun Safeguards, should be promoted and supported when performing REDD + activities. The safeguards in Appendix 1 of decision 1 / CP.16 indicate that, when carrying out the activities mentioned in paragraph 70 of decision1 / CP.16, the following safeguards must be promoted and supported:

  •  Actions complementary or consistent with the objectives of national forest programs and relevant international conventions and agreements;
  •  Transparent and effective national forest governance structures, taking into account national legislation and sovereignty;
  •  Respect for the knowledge and rights of indigenous peoples and members of local communities, taking into account relevant international obligations, national circumstances and laws, and noting that the United Nations General Assembly adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;
  •  Full participation and effective relevant stakeholders, in particular indigenous peoples and local communities, in the actions referred to in paragraphs 70 and 72 of this decision;
  •  Actions consistent with the conservation of natural forests and biological diversity, ensuring that the actions mentioned in paragraph 70 of this decision are not used for the conversion of natural forests, but to encourage the protection and conservation of natural forests and their ecosystem services, and to increase other social and environmental benefits;
  •  Actions to deal with the risks of reversals;
  •  Actions to reduce the displacement of emissions.

Applicable Standards on Monitoring and Evaluation

The monitoring and evaluation processes ( M & A ) in UNDP and in the broader United Nations system are guided by a set of clear principles, norms and standards developed by UNEG. These principles adhere to impartiality, credibility and usefulness and are interrelated. UNEG Standards and Standards for Assessment ( 2016 ) provide a comprehensive and detailed framework for the United Nations in implementing monitoring and evaluation systems. The UNDP Assessment Policy is built on this agreed structure.

A ( o ) hired professional ( o ) will be responsible for providing technical assistance to the Project, in particular – but not limited – to the following activities: Main Responsibilities: Support the implementation of the Environmental and Social Management Plan – ESMP ( and associated plans ): contribute to the effective implementation of the ESMP and associated plans in accordance with and respecting REDD safeguards +, GCF and UNDP:

a ) Contribute to ensure that ESMP and management plans are incorporated into the project implementation – manuals, procedures, reporting structures, roles and responsibilities, in line with the GCF and UNDP Social and Environmental Standards and Policies. b ) Provide technical inputs for the implementation of mitigation measures together with different stakeholders, including relevant national and subnational government departments, NGOs / CSOs, representatives of indigenous peoples, traditional peoples and communities and smallholder organizations, the private sector and partner associations. c ) Provide technical support for regular communications,reports and monitoring of ESMP / implementation/management plan by subnational and local actors d ) Contribute to ensure that ESMP and management plans are well understood by all relevant stakeholders and responsible parties and ) Contribute for the participation of the community and other beneficiaries in the process of planning, managing and monitoring environmental / social impacts; advise on guidelines for community participation in environmental monitoring/ensure compatibility between the various elements and activities made available and / or financed by other partner entities and the implementation of projects; management and monitoring of environmental / social impacts; advise on guidelines on community participation in environmental / social monitoring Ensure compatibility between the various elements and activities available and/or financed by other partner entities and the implementation of projects; management and monitoring of environmental / social impacts; advise on guidelines on community participation in environmental / social monitoring Ensure compatibility between the various elements and activities available and/or financed by other partner entities and the implementation of projects;

Monitoring and reporting on the implementation of Project ( ESMP monitoring structure management plans and associated plans, M&A plan, including

safeguards indicators ):

f ) Contribute to the implementation and permanent and participatory monitoring of impacts and mitigation measures, according to the ESMP and other management plans. Carry out technical visits to Layered Process Audits ( LPAs ); g ) Contribute to the monitoring and reporting of the implementation of management project plans in general ( not only with regard to safeguards ) h ) Contribute to the monitoring and reporting of quality criteria associated with the objectives of the project i ) Contribute to the preparation of annual reports on the implementation of safeguards j ) Support the elaboration of questions and requests for related GCF data the implementation of safeguards ( for example, documentation of consultation and consent processes, social and environmental studies, management plans, complaints received and answered, etc.) k ) Provide technical support for regular review meetings with responsible parties and visit selected project sites to monitor the implementation of safeguards instruments

Stakeholder engagement and participation: Contribute to ensure that relevant stakeholders are informed and participate in decision-making processes related to project activities that may affect them:

l ) Contribute to ensure that the Stakeholder Engagement Plan is properly implemented throughout the project cycle m ) Contribute to ensuring the self-representation of indigenous peoples and peoples and Traditional Communities ( PPCTs ) and self-determined participation and decision making throughout project n ) Contribute to ensure that relevant stakeholders participate in decision-making processes related to activities of the project that may affect them ) Contribute to ensure that the project stakeholders are informed and adequately aware of the project activities that may affect them p ) Prepare communication materials on the project and its impacts adapted to the range of relevant stakeholders q ) Support the organization of workshops and consultations on topics related to impacts socio-environmental aspects of the project

Training and Learning: Propose initiatives so that the actors responsible for implementing safeguards management plans and measures are able to do so effectively:

r ) Contribute so that the actors responsible for implementing management plans and measures are able to do so effectively s ) Propose initiatives so that project stakeholders have sufficient capacity to participate and get involved in the activities, consultations, decision making and design of the project t ) Propor, organize and carry out training programs and workshops for the responsible parties at the field level, field supervision team and other staff of the

implementation agency, as necessary, on environmental and social safeguard requirements and their management; u ) Regularly prepare and disseminate knowledge products, good practices and lessons learned on socio-environmental risk management

Complaints Mechanism: Contribute to building an effective mechanism for receiving, responding, monitoring and reporting complaints related to the project:

v) Avaliar as capacidades e funções de GRM existentes para apoiar seu uso no contexto do projeto e avaliar as capacidades de GRM existentes em relação aos Princípios Orientadores, descritos na Orientação do PNUD sobre GRMs w) Apoiar tecnicamente a proposta de estrutura e funções para GRM em nível de projeto e de garantia, em linha com o SES do PNUD x) Contribuir para garantir que o projeto e o nível de garantia do GRM sejam eficazes nas seguintes funções: Informar as partes interessadas do projeto sobre o GRM, receber e tratar reclamações e/ou encaminhá-las aos órgãos competentes, acompanhar as reclamações e garantir uma resposta eficaz, monitorar e relatar os resultados da resposta y) Promover vínculos com processos nacionais de GRM, quando relevante z) Contribuir para fortalecer as capacidades das partes responsáveis,specialized institutions and relevant partners to implement and use the GRM, contribute to raising awareness among beneficiaries and stakeholders in the project about GRM access and use, contribute to ensure that public complaints related to the implementation of the project are dealt with corrective and properly documented actions aa ) Prepare a semi-annual report on complaints received and responses given by the project management contribute to ensure that public complaints related to the implementation of the project are dealt with corrective and properly documented actions aa ) Prepare a semi-annual report on complaints received and responses given by the project management contribute to ensure that public complaints related to the implementation of the project are dealt with corrective and properly documented actions aa ) Prepare a semi-annual report on complaints received and responses given by the project management

UNFCCC Safeguards Requirements and Synergies with National Safeguards Processes: Advise to strengthen Brazil’s SISREDD + and contribute, if applicable, to prepare the next Summary of Information from Brazil on how safeguards are being addressed and respected ( SOI ):

bb ) Provide recommendations to strengthen the implementation of SISREDD +, including the exploitation of synergies with the ESMP, the Complaints Reparation Mechanism and UNDP social and environmental safeguards requirements. cc ) Support the systematization of information on how REDD safeguards + are treated and respected in the context of project implementation. dd ) Summarize information and safeguards data at the project level, that can be considered as inputs for the development of the next SOI in Brazil. ee ) Contribute to the debates on REDD safeguards + under CONAREDD +” given that topics such as jurisdictional approaches should be dealt with under CONAREDD +. ff ) Other activities that may be necessary may be requested from the selected person.Among the important assets of the selected person could be knowledge and / or previous experience in implementing projects in the Legal Amazon and familiarity with the relevant government procedures and regulations.

Institutional Arrangement

The Technical Analyst ( o ) for Safeguards, Monitoring and Evaluation will be responsible for technical support in the implementation of the safeguards standards and structure for monitoring and evaluating the Project, with the objective of assisting PMU members and the Project Coordinator in implementing the Project in accordance with UNDP policies and procedures.

This professional ( e ) will work together with the members of the PMU team and will report to the Project Coordination to ensure compliance with the Project’s technical and operational activities with the applicable rules safeguards and monitoring and evaluation. As a result, this position is expected to contribute to the successful implementation of planned activities.


Achieve Results:

  •  LEVEL 1: Plans and monitors own work, pays attention to details, delivers quality work by deadline

Think Innovatively:

  •  LEVEL 1: Open to creative ideas / known risks, is pragmatic problem solver, makes improvements

Learn Continuously:

  •  LEVEL 1: Open minded and curious, shares knowledge, learns from mistakes, asks for feedback

Adapt with Agility:

  •  LEVEL 1: Adapts to change, constructively handles ambiguity / uncertainty, is flexible

Act with Determination:

  •  LEVEL 1: Shows drive and motivation, able to deliver calmly in face of adversity, confident

Engage and Partner:

  •  LEVEL 1: Demonstrates compassion / understanding towards others, forms positive relationships

Enable Diversity and Inclusion:

  •  LEVEL 1: Appreciate / respect differences, aware of unconscious bias, confrontation discrimination

Multifunctional and technical skills

Business direction and strategy – Systemic thinking:

  •  Ability to use objective problem analysis and judgment to understand how interrelated elements coexist within a general process or system and consider how changing an element can impact other parts of the system

Business management – Monitoring:

  •  Ability to provide managers and key stakeholders with regular feedback on the consistency or discrepancy between planned and actual activities and program performance and results

Business management – Evaluation:

  •  Ability to make an independent judgment based on defined criteria and references
  •  Ability to anticipate future customer needs and concerns

Agenda 2030 Planet: 2030 Agenda Engagement & Effectiveness:

  •  Social and Environmental Norms Planet Agenda 2030 Planet: – 2030 Agenda Planet Nature, Climate and Energy:
  •  Climate and Forests: REDD + / UNFCCC and access to payments based on emission reduction results ( GCF or carbon markets ) Agenda 2030 Planet: – 2030 Agenda: Planet Nature, Climate and Energy:
  •  Environment: environmental and social impact assessments and safeguards

Skills and Experiences Needed:

Minimum education requirements:

  •  Advanced university diploma ( Master ) in Social Sciences, Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences, Economic Sciences, Sustainable Rural Development, Sustainable Agriculture or related areas.
  •  Bachelor of Social Sciences, Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences, Economic Sciences, Sustainable Rural Development, Sustainable Agriculture or related areas in combination with an additional 2 years of qualified experience will be given due consideration instead of a master’s degree.

Minimum years of relevant professional experience:

  •  Minimum 2 years ( for Master ) or 4 years ( for bachelor’s ) with proven experience involving local communities and indigenous peoples. It is necessary to have demonstrated knowledge and experience with topics related to social and environmental safeguards.

Skills and skills required:

  •  2 years of knowledge and experience demonstrated in monitoring and evaluation systems are required.

Additional skills and competences desired:

  •  Desirable knowledge and / or previous experience in implementing projects with indigenous peoples and traditional peoples and communities and family farmers.
  •  Desirable professional experience in addition to the minimum required in social and / or environmental issues
  •  Desirable Doctorate, preferably in Social Sciences, Anthropology, Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences, Rural Development or related areas;
  •  Desirable knowledge and / or experience in implementing projects in the area of sustainable development, in particular on one or more of the following topics: social and environmental safeguards, stakeholder participation for effective implementation, stakeholder engagement methods and processes ( including gender sensitive approaches ), monitoring and evaluation.

Language ( s ) Required ( s ):

  •  Fluency in Portuguese and English.


Important candidate information

All positions in the GS categories are subject to local recruitment.

Candidate information about UNDP lists

Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy notice. We can also retain enrollment and consider candidates who apply for this position for other similar positions at UNDP at the same level of education and with job description, experience and similar educational requirements.

Diversity of the workforce

UNDP is committed to achieving diversity in its workforce and encourages all qualified candidates, regardless of sex, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, culture, religion and ethnic origins to enroll. All applications will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Fraud notice

The United Nations does not charge any registration, processing, training, interview, test or other fees related to the registration or recruitment process. If you receive a request for payment of a fee, disregard it. Also, note that badges, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to be especially careful when submitting personal information on the web.


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