Project Officer – Justice and State Reform H/F At Expertise France

Expertise France is an agency implementation of international cooperation projects. We are placed under the supervision of the ministries responsible for foreign affairs and economy and finance, with which we have a contract of objectives and means.

Interministerial agency for international technical cooperation, we are the operator of all departments. In 2021, the agency joined the AFD group (French Development Agency) which provides us with financial and operational solutions.

The objective of Expertise France is to fight against global inequalities : our projects are primarily focused on protecting global public goods and responding to the global challenges facing all societies in both the North and the South.

Our strength is to bring together the best French and European know-how in order to offer tailor-made solutions through a wide field of expertise that includes :

  • Democratic, economic and financial governance.
  • Security, maintenance of peace and stability.
  • Climate, agriculture and sustainable development.
  • Health and human development.

Within the department « Governance », under the supervision, of the Head of the pole and his deputy « Justice and Reform of the’State » and a.e coordinator of the’unity Justice, the/the project manager ensures the operational implementation of the’ all phases of the project cycle (from design to capitalization).He/She works on a daily basis with’ all the financial, technical and managerial actors involved in the projects. He/Selle S’ relies on the resources and services made available within the’ establishment.

The scope of the missions, activities and responsibilities of the/the person in charge is set within the framework of the role entrusted to him within his department. The following list is not exhaustive, the missions and activities stated are not limiting. He/she is more particularly responsible for the operational implementation of projects in the sector of the reform of the’State. He/she will have to work on all these aspects in close coordination with the public institutions involved in the field, the consultants mobilized by Expertise France as well as the relevant sectoral departments, if necessary.


  • Participates in promotion and prospecting activities with the masters of’ work, donors and potential beneficiaries
  • Participates in the development of’activity on the perimeter of the pole or department and contributes to the definition of orientations in this area
  • Identifies new project opportunities
  • Participates in the development of’offers of service as well as’in drafting technical and financial offers on behalf of donors
  • Assures directly or provides support to the’ cycle of project instruction specific to Expertise France.


  • Support for technical coordination, facilitation of (s) the’team(s) of the project and relations with service providers and partners
  • Identifies the risks and proposes corrective measures and brings them back to its hierarchy
  • Is the referent of the project teams in administrative and financial matters as well as for project audits; is the guarantor of the management of the contractual risks of the project
  • Prepares budget exercises and audits (weather projects, semi-annual review, etc.).
  • Ensures the interface between the field and the headquarters and/or ensures the backstopping of the project or projects for which it is in charge
  • Participates in the’ identification of the necessary resources (partners, experts, service providers..) and prepares the contractualization.
  • Participates in the’analysis of calls for projects, the drafting of specifications or terms of reference in the context of the implementation of project activities
  • Ensures compliance with technical and financial contractual commitments
  • Contributes to the dissemination of information, visibility and communication activities related to the project
  • Participates in the capitalization process and in the various works aimed at the functional and technical improvement of the’offre of the’Agence.
  • Ensures the proper application of the Agency’s rules and procedures, including safety rules in the field


  • Accompany the project manager in the planning, monitoring, evaluation, capitalization of’un or several projects
  • Ensures compliance with technical and financial contractual commitments
  • Ensures the quality of deliverables: technical and financial reports, procedures, compliance with deadlines
  • Support is provided in the context of the various budget years and audits (weather projects, half-yearly review, etc.)
  • Identifies the risks and proposes corrective measures and brings them back to its hierarchy
  • HOLDER of’a advanced training in political science, sociology, international relations, international cooperation, law, development or public administration
  • Successful experience of’at least 5 years in the field of development and international cooperation and in project management
  • Experience in the field of the reform of the’State, and in particular in the field of governance of national and/or international administrations would be an advantage
  • Knowledge of the mechanisms of European and AFD financing required
  • Good knowledge of the mechanisms of cooperation and the’official development assistance ; and/or public procurement
  • Excellent command of the fundamentals of the project cycle especially in project management including financial and logistical aspects.
  • Mastery of’anglais (oral and written)
  • Perfect mastery of office software (Excel in particular)
  • Sense of’organization and rigor
  • Diplomatic sense, remote coordination ability, and’adaptation ability
  • Responsiveness, autonomy – teamwork.

The remuneration for this position consists of an annual package including the following benefits :

  • A 13th month monthly and effective from the taking of post.
  • A variable share of 3% of gross annual salary
  • More than 45 days of annual leave, with the possibility to monetize up to 10 days of RTT per year.
  • A share of interest, calculated according to the results of the year.
  • A stipend of 9 euros per day for meals (Swile Card).
  • 50% of public transport costs.
  • A mobility bonus of 400 euros per year if you prefer to travel by bike or train.
  • A fully free health insurance, supported by the agency.
  • The possibility of working tv 2 days a week.
  • An annual holiday bonus of 450 euros.

How to apply

Please click on the link below to submit your application directly :


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