Project manager – Transfer “proximity health network” (F/H) – Metz At Doctors of the World

You want to join a militant association and evolve on a profession that makes sense ? Join us ! When working at Doctors of the World, we know why’on gets up in the morning: beautiful causes to defend, a friendly professional environment, a pro/life balance/personal life and also beautiful prospects of evolution ! The wide variety of our projects opens many opportunities for internal mobility with access to individual and collective training, to accompany the career path of each.

You know us without knowing us : Doctors of the World, it’is a medical association militant of international solidarity present in nearly 30 countries and through 15 regional delegations in France. For more than 40 years, we have been committed to caring for the most vulnerable populations and to witnessing the barriers we have seen regarding’ access to care. You are not’ doctor ? Do not panic, 84% of employees hold non-medical positions.

We have more than 500 employees under French law, but also 1700 employees on the ground internationally and nearly 1600 volunteers in France. L’engagement citoyen et le volunteerisme are at the heart of our associative model. At Doctors of the World, volunteers and employees have a common commitment: solidarity. We propose you to’incarnate this value by working alongside us !

Present since 1988 in Lorraine, Nancy and Metz, the Lorraine delegation of Doctors of the World testifies to the problems of access to rights, including, prevention and care of people in precarious situations, strengthening its place and role in the region.

Through all its actions, MdM aims at the creation of’a multi-partnership platform of’accueil and medico-psycho-social accompaniment of common law, in downtown Metz with the deployment of’a health component of proximity. It is’a point anchorage, place of’accueil, care of primary health care,’information and orientation (located in the premises of Secours Catholique), lined with’a territorial mesh with the health professionals, including a device of city PASS.

The’project engineering carried out by Doctors of the World is being finalized to be transmitted to the bearer, who will start the implementation of the device during 2025.


Within’a multidisciplinary volunteer team (health professionals, administrative, accompanying persons.) and under the responsibility of the program coordinator, you are responsible for the operational conduct of the transfer of the local health component in its organizational, administrative and partnership components.

You accompany the finalization of’engineering and prepare the implementation of the device in direct connection with the future carrier of the identified device.

Specifically, your missions are as follows :

Transfer preparation

  • Introduce and accompany the device holder to all partners, in the continuity of the work undertaken during the’engineering phase
  • S’appropriate and transmit the’ all the information, documents and tools made during the’ phase and continue the co-construction with the device carrier
  • Submit a handover report to the bearer of the device


  • Participate in the’organization and’articulation of the governance of the device
  • Co-hosting technical and steering committees
  • Readjust the budget of the device with the wearer
  • Contribute to the drafting of grant applications

Consolidating partnerships

  • Continue and finalize the convention work with and between the partners concerned
  • Prepare and co-host a workshop presenting the’articulation and the tools of the device made available to partners

Implementation device & capitalization

  • Continue and finalize the various scoping notes of the activities
  • Co-create and/or adapt the implementation tools of the activities
  • Ensure the follow-up of the’arrangement of the premises with the Secours Catholique and the bearer of the device
  • Continue and finalize the capitalization memo on the establishment of’a local health network, destined for the national MdM network
  • Communicate on the system at local, regional and national level
  • Contribute to the’activity reports of the MdM Metz programme

Associative life & internal communication

  • Participate in monthly meetings of the MdM volunteer and salaried team’
  • Train the MdM volunteer’ team on the operation and the’articulation of the device to direct patients to it.


  • 6-month CSD to be filled as of October 1, 2024 /Full time
  • Monthly gross salary of 2,991 euros
  • Status of position : employee
  • Post based in Metz. Regular trips to Nancy, punctually to Paris
  • Possibility of work in the evening occasionally and on Saturday
  • Equivalent 13th month paid in 2 times – from 6 months of’seniority of actual work
  • Mutual (60% participation of MdM and 40% of the employee)
  • 22.5 RTT /year
  • 5 Weeks paid leave /year
  • Tickets restaurant d’a value of 9.00 euros (participation up to 60% of MdM)
  • 50% public transit ticket refund%
  • Telework agreement subject to’eligibility of your position : 110 Days of telework per year (on average 2.5 days of telework per week) with the obligation to work face-to-face at least 5 days per month
  • Doctors of the World promotes the training and internal mobility of its actors

Find the conditions and benefits for our positions in France :

As part of the mechanism to combat the financing of terrorism and money laundering, any selected person is likely to be subject to background checks on international’exclusion lists (United Nations, United Nations, European Union, France, United States, ..). This information is treated confidentially and stored on a secure server. For more’information on the processing of personal data in this device :


  • Training in project management and experience of’at least 3 years
  • Good knowledge of the health system in France and the regulatory mechanisms for’ access to rights and common care
  • Experience working in an associative environment and/or network animation
  • Relational ease,’ listening ability, diplomacy and negotiation skills
  • Taste of teamwork
  • Capacity of reactivity and’adaptation
  • ’analysis, synthesis and critical sense capabilities
  • Editorial abilities
  • Strong associative motivation and adherence to the principles and values of MdM
  • Mastery of the project cycle and planning tools
  • Mastery of office tools (Pack Office, Microsoft 365)
  • Mastery of French (written/oral) essential
  • You adhere to the values and militant positioning of Doctors of the World


Doctors of the World reserves the right to close the recruitment before the deadline for submitting applications.

MdM is’s committed to the integration of people with disabilities and fight against all discrimination.

How to apply

Follow this link to apply :


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September 2024