Project Formulation focused on insurance coverage and climate risks in El Salvador At Lutheran World Federation

Consulting: Project Formulation focused on insurance and risk coverage
weather in El Salvador

The Lutheran World Federation / World Service (FLM / SM) is an international faith-based organization that carries out the Central America Program that has an intervention strategy for the period 2024-2031. The main objective of this program is to contribute to the reduction of the causes that generate vulnerabilities and injustice in Central American societies, through empowerment processes that are based on rights and equity, thus promoting sustainable development.

In the programmatic area of climate-resilient livelihoods, LWF/SM implements practices that strengthen the capacity of communities to adapt to climate changes and diversify their sources of income, thus reducing their economic vulnerability. The FLM / SM has offices in El
Salvador and Honduras, in Guatemala the FLM / SM has a presence through the Joint program
JOTAY Acting together and in Nicaragua I work together with local organizations.

In 2022, the FLM / SM with the support of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank and Canadian Lutheran World Relief
began the implementation in El Salvador of the Crop Insurance Pilot Project with Index
Meteorological in the Dry Corridor of the country. The objective of the project was to publicize the insurance,
increase access to it through a subsidy of 50% and subsequently 25% of the cost
and offer training in agroecological agriculture resilient to climate change.
The places of intervention of the project were the departments of La Paz (Municipalities of
Santiago Nonualco, San Juan Nonualco, Zacatecoluca, San Luis La Herradura), San Vicente
(Municipality of Tecoluca), Usulután (Municipalities of Santa Elena, Usulután, Concepción Batres,
Jiquilisco) and San Miguel department (Municipality: San Rafael Oriente).
In a first phase, 234 farmers, of whom 51 are women, took out insurance thanks to
subsidy and promotion processes. In addition, 247 farmers, including 114 women, were
trained and scored 75% on a post-training test.
Likewise, 83% of the 247 trained farmers, including the 114 women,
They reported that they understand how to access microclimatic insurance and its benefits.

FLM / SM is currently executing the project “ Safe Harvests: microinsurance for
risk transfer to losses and damages caused by climate change in agriculture
of the Dry Corridor of El Salvador ”, which aims to promote climate resilience and
sustainability in agriculture through the implementation of parametric microinsurance and
agroecological practices, in order to reduce the negative impacts of climate change on
This initiative is currently applying parametric insurance that contributes to reducing
the risks generated by climate change, which exacerbate the cycle of poverty of young children
farmers in the dry corridor of El Salvador. Parametric strategies are approaches they use
quantifiable and predefined parameters to determine the almost immediate activation and payment of
certain extreme events like floods and droughts. Parametric insurance is based on
specific and measurable conditions, such as weather data or economic indices, rather than
in actual losses suffered by the insured. In addition, it seeks to enhance the sustainability of
livelihoods, improve food security by replicating good agroecological practices and
livelihood models that are sustainable, resilient and adaptable to climate change.

The purpose of this consultancy is to formulate a complete focused project proposal
to insurance coverage and climate risks in El Salvador The objective of this initiative is to contribute
to the development and implementation of insurance coverage against climate risks for people
in poverty and vulnerable beneficiaries, contributing to adaptation to change
climate (by building resilience) as well as food security and reducing
poverty. The project will be presented and executed by the Lutheran World Federation / Service
World (FLM / SM) – Central America Program in El Salvador.
This consultancy will work hand in hand with the team of the Regional Office in El Salvador in the
construction of the proposal based on the experience of projects in this matter.
The proposal will include elements of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA, for
its acronym in English) focusing directly or indirectly on the final beneficiary farmers.
Likewise, the complementary measures to the insurance solution of
the CFS, complying with at least two of these three measures (as defined by the Organization of
Food and Agriculture United Nations (FAO), to ensure positive results
in terms of biodiversity:
• Food security
• Resilience
• Reduction of greenhouse gases

The purpose of this consultancy is to formulate a project proposal focused on the
insurance coverage and climate risks in El Salvador. This proposal must include a result
that contemplates climate smart agricultural practices, respecting the criteria
established by the financier and the elements worked together with the technical team of the

i. Establish a work plan and formulation schedule taking into account the
guidelines and presentation times according to the call and the established processes
by the LWF / SM technical team.

ii. Develop a process of formulating a complete project proposal, with a participatory action route that integrates the elements of the logical framework established by the donor (expected products, results and objectives). This process will focus on the actions developed in coverage of climate insurance and risks in El Salvador, and will include the use of climate-smart agricultural practices, as well as the criteria established in the requirements of the donor’s call.

iii. Deliver a complete project proposal according to the parameters established by the
FLM / SM and the donor.

The formulation process will focus on:

4.1.Relevance: understanding relevance as the goals and objectives proposed for
the formulation and its level of alignment with the criteria established by the LWF / SM and the
financial within the framework of the call.
4.2.Efficacy: Degree of effectiveness in formulating the proposal that is framed in
the mandate in the call, which results in a proposal with a high
degree of approval
4.3.Efficiency: adaptation of the institutional structure for the formulation and subsequent
execution of the proposal, taking into account the technical team working in the
document construction process, taking into account compliance with
established schedule and defined actions for formulation, as well as
FLM / SM capacity of project execution.

5. Expected products of the Consultancy:
The consulting work must have writing techniques, formulation and methodology of
Logical framework for the construction of the proposal, all this in accordance with the phases indicated to

a) Preparation of the work plan:
The work plan will be presented once the service provision contract comes into force, the
plan should include minimal methods (including sample design if necessary), techniques, and
toolkit to use for information gathering, definition of
participation and responsibility of each of the members of the consulting team and LWF as well,
previous meetings should be included, during the execution process and at the end of the formulation of
the proposal, the latter to share the final document to be delivered.

b) Work schedule:
The selected consultant should review information regarding previous interventions
provided by the LWF / SM (including ongoing project, reports, systematizations,
methodologies, among others) to obtain extensive knowledge of the work that has been carried out by
part of the LWF / SM in insurance coverage and climate risks in El Salvador. The first phase
will conclude with the presentation of a work plan, which includes a formulation schedule,
granting a minimum term of 5 business days for review. The consulting team should take
take into account the observations before starting the phase of formulating the proposal and preparing
the Complete Project Proposal.

c) Document structure and Logical Framework:
The consultant will develop meetings (face-to-face and / or virtual) of work with the technical team
of the LWF / SM to collect detailed information on the proposal; You can also visit
the area where a similar project is being carried out to collect information with and
actors participating in the project. These actions should be coordinated with people
designated by FLM / SM and the Banco de Fomento Agropecuario (BFA), to cooperate in the internal coordination and convening processes for activities. Research development must be carried out from a mixed (Quanti-qualitative) approach that includes the use of primary and secondary sources of information, these collected data should be systematized and shared with the LWF / SM, to ensure quality information, it is suggested that the selected consultant use techniques from a gender and social inclusion perspective, that guarantee an adequate and consistent approach.

• Logical Framework Document:
This document must contain the following elements:
a) Context and Analysis of the problem:
– Scope and background of the project.
b) Objectives: established by the FLM-SM and the donor.
c) Strategy: characteristics, services, gender approaches must be taken into account
d) Work plan and schedule.
e) Composition of the team, responsibilities and coordination.
f) Participation of local partners.
g) Risks, monitoring and evaluation.
h) Sustainability: support measures that guarantee the

d) Analysis of information and preparation of reports:
The consultant will analyze the data and information collected in the field through interviews with
implementing partners such as surveys of the beneficiary population, ensuring to support the
result, impacts and lessons learned from the project in progress. The consultant will send a
draft report to the LWF / SM and give 5 business days to review.

e) Document Delivery “ Complete project proposal ” according to the structure provided
for the financial:
The consultant will deliver the Complete Project Proposal according to the format established by the
financial complying with the established quality standards and in the determined time according to
the work plan and formulation schedule. The Complete Project Proposal will have the
following elements:
one. Project summary.
2. Concept of the project.
– General.
– Conceptual structure of the project (Logical Framework).
– What is the level and extent of the preliminary work? ¿What already exists
and what should be done during the project?
3. Budget: Details on own contribution and details on Financing
requested from the financial company.
4. Other elements detailed in the format established by the financial company.

F. Digital information delivery
The consultant must electronically deliver the final version of the project proposal
complete, including its annexes, additionally the systematization of the information collected,
executive presentation in PowerPoint format, with essential results of the
formulation, including a folder with the base documents for the construction of the proposal
and the instruments used to design the document (Logical Framework Matrix, Logical Matrix
budget, among others), and any other means that supports its intervention within the framework of the
consulting, this information must be delivered once the final document is approved, prior to
last payment corresponding.

6. Responsibilities of the consulting team
• Present a budget broken down in your technical and economic proposal based on
the different types of expenses (travel, accommodation, maintenance, fees, materials,
feeding of workshops, etc.).
• Preparation and presentation of the work plan and collection instruments of
• Organize field visits to the program’s intervention area to collect
information in close coordination with FLM / SM.
• Analyze the information and prepare the corresponding reports for the delivery of the
complete project proposal.
• Maintain close communication with FLM / SM and request written approval of
changes to the Work Plan suggestions and comments.
• Comply with the legal and fiscal requirements for the execution of the country’s consultancy.
• Adjust to the FLM / SM code of conduct and policies.
• Schedule meetings to share progress with the Lutheran World Federation, the
first start meeting, the second to validate instruments, third to know
a first advance of consulting and fourth, a final event to validate and include the last
observations on the final document, additionally meetings when deemed appropriate
for both parties.

7. LWF / SM responsibilities
• Prepare and sign the contract for this consultancy.
• Guide, supervise and support all stages of this consultancy.
• Provide in a timely manner the information and documentation available to you
implementation of this consultancy
• Ensure permanent dialogue with the evaluation team and facilitate contacts and
access to all relevant information for review.
• Participate in the review, monitor its quality and ensure compliance with deadlines.

8. Logistics For Consulting
The LWF Regional Office in El Salvador/SM will be the focal point for the formulation of the Complete Project Proposal and will be responsible for coordinating with the team of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change program, for the following activities:
a) Review and validate the work plan prior to field visits
b) Validate inclusive gender-focused tools to collect the
information, for example: interviews, semi-structure questionnaires and other relevant ones.
c) In accordance with the type of work, face-to-face and virtual meetings will be held
to socialize progress and feedback on the construction of the proposal.

9. Dependency and Supervision
The consultant will work under the direct supervision of the Regional Risk Reduction Officer
a Disasters and Climate Change.

10. Required Profile
• Academic degree, graduate of careers in Social Sciences, Policies, Administration of
Projects, Finance and other areas related to climate change and / or agroecology.
• Preferably master’s or post-degree in the areas of Project Planning and Management,
Sustainable Agriculture, Microinsurance, Climate Change, Climate Financing, Justice
Climate or other related.
• At least 7 years of professional experience in the subject.
• Knowledge in project formulation with an emphasis on Logical Framework Methodology,
as well as United Nations System standards (FAO or similar agencies) and the
German cooperation (eg KFW).
• Advanced level of the English language (Oral and written)
• Specialized knowledge on Adaptation to Climate Change, livelihoods,
gender perspective and social inclusion.
• Preferably knowledge in microinsurance for risk transfer to losses and
damage caused by climate change (Not exclusive).

eleven. Selection criteria for evaluators
• Experience in Formulation of sustainable development programs / projects with special
emphasis on Climate Change, Livelihoods, Sustainable Agriculture, Financing
• Excellent management of computer systems: Microsoft Office, internet.
• Knowledge of the national reality, especially the situation of community agriculture and the
context of vulnerability of the country due to the effects of Climate Change.
• Technical offer (70%): You must detail the methodology for achieving the results, the
proposed phases and activities and schedule, considering the products defined in
these Terms of Reference. The inclusion of methodologies will be taken into account
innovative and creative.
• Economic proposal (30%): With competitive prices. The economic offer must include
all expenses related to the recruitment of specialists related to the
process including any type of logistical, transport or food expenses and

12. Conditions
• Flexibility to move to areas where similar initiatives are being implemented.
• Availability of time according to the preparation requirements of the proposal.

13. Duration and Budget
The formulation of the project will have a maximum duration of 2 months with little chance of
extend deadlines on time. The award of this consultancy will be subject to the analysis of the offer
technical and economic of the consultant.
Note. The total cost of the consultancy includes: the payment of fees, travel and expenses of the
consultants, as well as the costs to carry out the activities in the field (focal groups,
interviews or activities proposed by the consultant or consultant.)

14. Payment Form and Calendar
Deadline / Product / Percentage of Payment
July 18, 2024 TDR Publication
July 29, 2024 Deadline for receipt of proposals
July 30 to August 3, 2024 Review, selection and notification of results
August 5, 2024 Preparation and signing of contract and start of consulting

Validated and approved work plan delivery / 40%
Delivery of the final document (Concept Note with their respective annexes), reviewed and approved by the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction Officer / 60%.

How to apply

People interested in participating should present the following documentation by mail to:,
• Technical proposal (which includes a resume for the person or team of consultants and the
minus an example of a complete Project Document made in previous processes
(including Complete Logical Framework Matrix and Detailed Budget))
• Economic offer.
Indicate in the “ subject ” of your message the consulting name to which you apply. Last day of
application: July 29, 2024.

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