Project coordinator, Algeria At UNDP – United Nations Development Program UNDP – United Nations Development Program

Closing date: Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Job Identification : 12648

Rentals : Algeria

Posting Date : 07/26/2023, 11:27 AM

Apply Before : 08/09/2023, 11:27 AM

Job Schedule : Full time

Agency : UNDP

Grade : NPSA-10

Vacancy Type : National Personnel Service Agreement

Practice Area : Nature, Climate and Energy

Office : Regional Bureau for Arab States

Contract Duration : 1 Year

Education & Work Experience : Master’s Degree – 5 year ( s ) experience

Required Languages : Master of French and Arabic and a working knowledge of English

Vacancy Timeline

2 Weeks

Job Description


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP: we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a ‘ leave no one behind ’ approach to our diversity efforts means increasing representation of underserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and inspiring stories.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

1-Office / Unit / Project Description

In recent decades, the population of large Algerian cities has increased, mainly due to rapid urbanization and strong population growth. It is the largest cities, especially coastal cities, that have experienced the fastest growth and have therefore experienced a significant increase in waste generation. Today, local authorities face the challenge of maintaining a better quality of public services in the context of solid waste management, because according to an inventory of waste management in Algeria, the waste produced is mainly putrescible waste ( 54.4% ). Of the non-putrescible part ( 45.6% of total production ), 18% is made of plastic, 12.62% of textile, 9.75% of paper and cardboard and 2.84% of metal.Between 35% and 40% of special household waste is buried in landfills and 55% to 60% is stored in open landfills. The share of recycled waste represents less than 7% and composting less than 1 %. As such, the Algerian authorities consider this issue a priority, in particular because it emanates from public health problems, significant pollution of rivers and groundwater and a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions ( GES ) generated by a poorly performing waste management system. the Algerian authorities consider this issue a priority, in particular because it emanates from public health problems, significant pollution of rivers and groundwater and a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions ( GES ) generated by a poorly performing waste management system. the Algerian authorities consider this issue a priority, in particular because it emanates from public health problems, significant pollution of rivers and groundwater and a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions ( GES ) generated by a poorly performing waste management system.

The Algerian authorities are committed to putting in place effective policies and actions aimed at reducing national GHG emissions and strengthening the waste sector, responsible for at least 10% of the country’s total emissions. Through the National Program for the Management of Household and Assimilable Waste, extension of Law No. TAG1> 01-19, the country plans to ( a ) develop master plans for the management of special household waste ( DMS ) ; ( B ) close and rehabilitate surface landfills and ( c ) launch the construction of sanitary landfills and the acquisition of more efficient equipment. Although the integrated DMS management solution is generally addressed, technical and economic studies on the opportunities for recovery and recovery of waste through processing,and on the infrastructure to be put in place are lacking.

The project for which these terms of reference ( TdR ) are published is designed to remedy the weaknesses identified in the waste management process and policies by targeting the two first wilayas de Sétif de Constantine as pilot regions.

The project is based on three pillars :

  •  Reduce the volume of waste at source and the transport distances to landfills ( surface dumps or sanitary landfills ) by sorting waste upstream at household level ; strengthen municipal institutions and technical support; improving the status of employees in the waste sector ; waste collection and recycling network developed with micro and small businesses at the local level; and planning and designing a municipal waste sorting plant ;
  •  Integration of biomechanical treatment of waste in order to separate the organic fraction ;
  •  Promote the creation of economic value from waste by increasing recycling activities and the production of fertilizers and energy by transforming the organic fraction of solid waste.

The successful implementation of these three pillars will achieve the objective of the « project to promote integrated and complete management of solid waste by promoting deployment, dissemination and transfer of technology in collaboration with the private sector ». It also aims to stimulate private investment in the solid waste sector and reduce the municipal funding gap, who will act in unison to free up public finances for the improvement of health and social security services. In addition, the establishment of the circular waste economy will create new direct and indirect green employment opportunities. This objective will be achieved through the following components :

  •  Component 1: Reduction of the volume of waste at source and transport distances to landfill
  •  Component 2: Creation of value by transforming the organic fraction of municipal waste and poultry waste into fertilizer and energy
  •  Component 3: Promotion of the municipal model of integrated waste management at regional and national levels
  •  Component 4: Knowledge management and monitoring and evaluation.

In order to facilitate the implementation of the initiative described above, the UNDP Algeria is recruiting a project manager ( PM ) who will be responsible for the overall management of the project, including the mobilization of all project inputs, the supervision of project staff, consultants and subcontractors, for the implementation of the project financed by the GEF « AIM-WELL: Algeria Integrated waste energy management at local level ».

2. Scope of Work

Under the supervision and authority of the Team Leader of the portfolio, the technical coordinator of the project provides technical support for the proper implementation of the project. The ( the ) coordinator will work in close collaboration with the Nature, Climate and Energy portfolio team, the UNDP management, as well as the staff of operations, human resources services, finance as well as project management units. He / she will also interact with national implementing partners and colleagues from other UNDP offices where appropriate. More specifically, it will be for the coordinator will have to ensure the following :

  •  Support the technical coordination of project implementation at the local level: coordinate all activities on the project sites in Constantine and Sétif by providing technical support ;
  •  Provide technical support and advice to the project: Provide direct assistance to the PM with respect to all S& activities&E of the project and Ensure the quality of the technical products and the coordination of the technical work of the project ;
  •  Ensure the alignment of project activities with the SESP framework: Support the PM in the management of social and environmental safeguards ;
  •  Support the development of networks / partnerships: Support the communication of results, the development of the network of stakeholders to be involved in the project, and ensure the flow of information and build relationships to maximize the commitment of actors in the project implementation process.

3- Expected results :

Based on the detailed description of the above tasks, the expected results of the project coordinator (s) of the project will mainly be : Support the technical coordination of project implementation at the local level: coordinate all activities on the project sites in Constantine and Sétif by providing technical support

  •  Write the terms of reference for the recruitment of providers ( individuals and companies ).
  •  Monitor the quality of the consultants’ deliverables from a technical point of view.
  •  Provide technical support to COPIL when required.
  •  Accompany the SOPTE and the AND in the choice of waste transformation technologies to be in conformity with the CGES and the PGES.

Provide direct assistance to the PM with respect to all of the project’s S&E activities, including, inter alia, the following :

  •  Monitor the progress of the project and participate in the production of progress reports by ensuring that they meet the necessary requirements and reporting standards.
  •  Ensure that the project’s S&E meets the requirements of the government, the UNDP country office and the UNDP-GEF; develop project-specific S&E tools if necessary.
  •  Supervise and ensure the implementation of the project’s S&E plan, including the periodic evaluation of the theory of change and the project results framework with reference to the actual and potential progress and results of the project.
  •  Supervise / develop / coordinate the implementation of the stakeholder engagement plan.
  •  Supervise and guide the design of surveys / evaluations commissioned for monitoring and evaluation of project results.
  •  Facilitate mid-term and terminal evaluations of the project.
  •  Facilitate annual project reviews and produce analytical reports from these annual reviews, including learning and other knowledge management products.
  •  Support the S&E and learning missions of the project site.
  •  Visit project sites as required to assess the progress of the project in the field and validate the written progress reports.

Ensure the alignment of project activities with the SESP framework: Support the PM in the management of social and environmental safeguards :

  •  Monitor progress in the development / implementation of the PGES / CGES project by ensuring that the UNDP SES policy is fully respected and that the reporting requirements are met.
  •  Supervise / develop / coordinate the implementation of all plans related to backup.
  •  Ensure that social and environmental claims are managed in an efficient and transparent manner.
  •  Review the SESP annually, and update and revise the corresponding risk log; mitigation / management plans if necessary.
  •  Ensure full disclosure and transparency to relevant stakeholders.
  •  Ensure that environmental and social risks are identified, avoided, mitigated and managed throughout the implementation of the project.
  •  Monitor progress in implementing the Gender Equality Action Plan by ensuring that the targets are fully met and that the reporting requirements are met.
  •  Supervise / develop / coordinate the implementation of all work related to gender.
  •  Review the gender equality action plan annually and update and revise the corresponding management plans if necessary.
  •  Ensure that reports, monitoring and evaluation fully address the gender issues of the project.

Support the development of networks / partnerships: Support the communication of results, the development of the network of stakeholders to be involved in the project, and ensure the flow of information and build relationships in order to maximize the commitment of the actors in the project implementation process:

  •  Review and update the stakeholder engagement plan.
  •  Coordinate the implementation of project knowledge management results.
  •  Coordinate and supervise the implementation of public awareness activities in all components of the project.
  •  Facilitate the design and maintenance of the project website / web pages and ensure that it is up to date and dynamic.
  •  Facilitate learning and sharing of knowledge and experiences relevant to the project.

4- Institutional Arrangement

The project coordinator will work in close collaboration with the Nature, Climate and Energy team of the UNDP Country Office as well as with the various stakeholders, mainly, the Ministry of the Environment and Renewable Energies, through the National Waste Agency, and the Ministry of Industry, through the SOPTE DIVINDUS-Society Versatile of Works & Environment in Constantine.

5- Competencies


Achieve Results:

LEVEL 2: Scale up solutions and simplifies processes, balances speed and accuracy in doing work

Think Innovatively:

LEVEL 2: Offer new ideas / open to new approaches, demonstrate systemic / integrated thinking

Learn Continuously:

LEVEL 2: Go outside comfort zone, learn from others and support their learning

Adapt with Agility:

LEVEL 2: Adapt processes / approaches to new situations, involve others in change process

Act with Determination:

LEVEL 2: Able to persevere and deal with multiple sources of pressure simultaneously

Engage and Partner:

LEVEL 2: Is facilitation / integrator, bring people together, build / maintain coalitions / partnerships

Enable Diversity and Inclusion:

LEVEL 2: Facilitate conversations to bridge differences, considers in decision making

People Management

UNDP People Management Competencies can be found in the dedicated site.

Cross-Functional & Technical competencies

Thematic Area



Business Management


Ability to communicate in a clear, concise and unambiguous manner both through written and verbal communication; to tailor messages and choose communication methods depending on the audience.

Ability to manage communications internally and externally, through media, social media and other appropriate channels


Ethics education and training

Ability to provide education and training on ethics,

values, and standards and promote staff awareness

of ethical behavior and ethical decision making

Business management

Project management

Ability to plan, organize, priority and control resources, procedures and protocols to achieve specific goals

Business management

Partnerships management

Ability to build and maintain partnerships with wide networks of stakeholders, Governments, civil society and private sector partners, experts and others in line with UNDP strategy and policies

Business Direction and Strategy

System Thinking

Ability to use objective problem analysis and judgment to understand how interrelated elements coexist within an overall process or system, and to consider how altering one element can impact on other parts of the system

Business Development

Portfolio Management

Ability to select, priority and control the organization’s programs and projects, in line with its strategic objectives and capacity; ability to balance the implementation of change initiatives and the maintenance of business-as-usual, while optimizing return on investment

6- Required Skills and Experience

Academic Education

A master’s degree preferably in the field of natural / environmental resource management, in particular in solid waste management, energy, mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, industrial engineering.

Min. years of relevant Work experience

Minimum five years of relevant professional experience in waste management.

Relevant professional experience in project management, preferably in a project management framework involving a multilateral / international funding agency will be an asset.

Previous experience with a United Nations project will be a definite asset.

Required skills and competencies

Basic skills

  •  Demonstrates integrity in embodying the values and ethical standards of the United Nations
  •  Promotes the vision, mission and strategic objectives of UNDP
  •  Demonstrates cultural sensitivity and adaptability, gender, religion, race, nationality and age

Function skills

  •  Understand the job processes and working methods ;
  •  Holds basic knowledge of the policies and institutional procedures relating to the post and implements them consistently in the exercise of functions ;
  •  Demonstrates a good command of IT tools ( Windows, Office ), and audiovisual and communication means ( internet, email, teleconference, etc. )


  •  Demonstrate strong management, coordination and organizational skills ;
  •  Ability to work in a team, share information and coordinate efforts within a team ;
  •  Promotes knowledge sharing and a collaborative work environment focused on lifelong learning ;
  •  Provides leadership and responsibility for integrating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of activity.


  •  Anticipates obstacles and / or potential problems and proactively identifies practical solutions ;
  •  Contributes to the improvement of methods and execution of tasks and seeks to innovate to achieve better results ;
  •  Takes into account lessons learned and comments, with a view to continuous improvement ;
  •  People management
  •  Demonstrate openness and skills in teamwork, collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the maintenance of good relationships ;
  •  Manages conflicts proactively with sensitivity ;
  •  Professionalism
  •  Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of the subject, and an ability to work independently ;
  •  Is conscientious and effective in meeting commitments, meeting deadlines and achieving results ;
  •  Make good judgment, verify hypotheses with the facts, and propose realistic action plans based on an analysis of all the information available ;


  •  Good ability to write and oral communication, including networking and interpersonal relationships ;
  •  Establishes, builds and maintains effective relationships within the work unit and with internal and external partners ;
  •  Confirmed ability to build strong relationships with partners and stakeholders to achieve positive feedback

Desired additional skills and competencies

  •  Significant experience in collecting, analyzing and writing results for reporting purposes.
  •  Very good knowledge of results-based management and project cycle management, in particular with regard to the S&E approach and methods. Formal training in RBM / PCM will be a definite asset.
  •  Previous experience in the development and implementation of environmental and social safeguard strategies for organizations or projects.
  •  Knowledge and professional experience of the application of gender integration in international projects.
  •  Mastery of IT Applications and Information Technology.

Required Language ( s ) ( at working level )

Master of French and Arabic and a working knowledge of English

Professional Certificates

N / A

7. Travel:

The successful candidate must plan frequent trips to the wilayas in Setif and Constantine.

8. The following documents shall be required from the applicants:

  • Personal CV or P11, indicating all past positions held and their main underlying functions, their durations ( month / year ), the qualifications, as well as the contact details ( email and telephone number ) of the Candidate, and at least three ( 3 ) the most recent professional references of previous supervisors. References may also include peers.
  •  A cover letter ( maximum length: 1 page ) indicating why the candidate considers him- / herself to be suitable for the position.
  •  Managers may ask ( ad hoc ) for any other materials relevant to pre-assessing the relevance of their experience, such as reports, presentations, publications, campaigns or other materials.


Important information for US Permanent Residents ( ‘Green Card’ holders )

Under US immigration law, acceptance of a staff position with UNDP, an international organization, may have significant implications for US Permanent Residents. UNDP admises applicants for all professional level posts that they must disclose their US Permanent Resident status and accept a G-4 visa, or have submitted a valid application for US citizenship prior to commencement of employment.

UNDP is not in a position to provide advice or assistance on applying for US citizenship and therefore applicants are advised to seek the advice of competent immigration lawyers regarding any applications.

Applicant information about UNDP rosters

Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement. We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.


UNDP has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation and misconduct, sexual harassment, and abuse of authority. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.

UNDP is an equal opportunity and inclusive employ that does not discriminate based on race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.

Scam warning

The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that images, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.


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