Project Assistant-( Maternity Cover) At Saferworld

Saferworld is an independent international organisation working to prevent violent conflict and build safer lives. We work with people affected by conflict to improve their safety and sense of security, and conduct wider research and analysis. We use this evidence and learning to improve local, national and international policies and practices that can help build lasting peace. Our priority is people – we believe in a world where everyone can lead peaceful, fulfilling lives, free from fear and insecurity. We are a not-for-profit organisation operational in 10 countries across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

Saferworld in Kenya

Saferworld has been working in Kenya since 2000 at national, sub-national and community levels. We work with a range of civil society and governmental partners to transform policies and practices so that they support peace and security. Over the past 20 years, we have contributed to positive change in the areas of community security, election violence, resource-based/climate related conflicts, conflict-sensitive development and investment, small arms and light weapons control, and police reform. We take a people-centered approach to tackling issues that cause insecurity. Core approaches underpinning our work include conflict sensitivity, gender sensitivity and working across multiple levels. This means advocating at a national level, based on programme experience, and making sure that the diverse

voices of the people we work with in different counties and contexts are included.

As member of Saferworld’s Kenya team the Project Assistant- MC will contribute to the development and

implementation of Saferworld’s work in Kenya. S/he will work as part of the team in close cooperation with partners

in the following priority areas:

  • to reduce ethnic and political violence linked to electoral processes
  • to strengthen land and natural resource governance, so that it is more inclusive and conflict sensitive
  • to increase community voices and participation in addressing the drivers of violence associated with non-state armed groups

The Kenya country programme is implementing a four-year IMARA – Integrated Management of Natural Resources for Resilience in the ASAL (IMARA) Programme in a consortium comprising of World Vision (WV) Kenya as lead, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Northern Rangeland Trust (NRT), Saferworld, and Maasai Mara Wildlife Conservancies Association (MMWCA.

Job Purpose

The Project Assistant- MC will support the implementation of the IMARA programme activities. Working with the Project Coordinator and county-based partners, s/he will provide supportfor the preparation of work plans,budgets, and activity reports. With support from the Project Coordinator the post holderwill also be responsible for day-to-day programme monitoring and documentation activities including regular followup with the partners to ensure timely documentation of relevant data and updating of relevant monitoring tools to supportreporting and programme


Roles and responsibilities:

Activity Planning, Implementation

  • Support planning, and implementation of the IMARA programme activities.
  • Assist the Project Coordinator with key programme activities such as realistic scheduling of programme
  • activities, drafting internal/donor reports, forecasting budgets and cash flows and regular monitoring of
  • expenditure.
  • Work with colleagues in making logistical arrangements for programme activities including logistical support for workshops and other meetings and organising project-related travel arrangements as assigned by the Project Coordinator.
  • Assist in developing programmes and delivery of needs-based training and other support activities related to the project.
  • Support linkages and coordination of activities between Saferworld partners and World Vision project staff in the counties of implementation.
  • Participate in, and contribute to, quarterly and other scheduled programme performance review meetings.

Financial Management (Forecasting and reporting)

  • Support partners with expenditure forecasting and preparing monthly funds request for project expenditure in line with Saferworld’s financial procedures.
  • Support the Finance Officer in developing expenditure requests.
  • Support the Project Coordinator in the documentation of ‘success stories’ and other documented information to demonstrate results/impact of programme activities and contribute to outcome harvesting and lesson learning.

Partner support

  • Work with partners in developing monthly activity plans and scheduling activities in coordination with World Vision teams in the target counties.
  • Support the Finance Officer to review partner activity matrices and monthly budgets for ease of executing funding requests.
  • Work closely with partners in organising and facilitating meetings, workshops and seminars with stakeholders including government representatives and civil society organisations;
  • Work closely with partners to ensure quality activity and monthly reports are developed including proper
  • documentation of all project processes (narrative, photography and videography).
  • Support the Project Coordinator in ensuring compliance with key Saferworld and donor requirements and in particular safeguarding and required consent for all relevant documentation.
  • Support partners to mainstream cross-cutting issues, among them, gender and youth in their initiatives.

Communications and Advocacy

  • Contribute in developing appropriate strategies for advocacy with partners.
  • Support the Project Coordinator in documenting updates for internal news.
  • Compile a photo library for all project photos.
  • Maintain up-to-date files and records of project documentation and upload of reports and other documents in the IMARA folder in the Kenya SharePoint folder.

Key working relationships

  • Colleagues in the Kenya programme and Nairobi Office – Maintain a good working relationship, communication and working collaboratively on programme implementation, monitoring, assessment and reporting.
  • Partner Organisations – Working collaboratively to effectively deliver programme activities, monitor progress and supporting demand-driven capacity strengthening activities.
  • Project Coordinator – Working together in planning, delivery and monitoring of IMARA project activities.
  • Colleagues in the finance team both in country and at HQ – working collaboratively on budgeting,
  • compliance and financial reporting.
  • IMARA consortium staff – Coordinating the delivery of programme activities and ensuring synergies in the delivery of programme activities.
  • County/ National Government authorities and other external stakeholders including donors – Liaise with relevant Kenya National and County government officials and maintain relationships with key INGOs/CSOs and strategic networks in the project counties to enhance networking, sharing information, collaborative working as appropriate.

How to apply

Application process

Send your CV and a cover letter addressing the person specification and why you feel your experience matches the requirements of the role to or with job ref (IMARA-PA -MC)

Deadline for applications: July 15, 2024. Shortlisting of candidates and interviews will done be on a rolling basis

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