Programme Policy Officer – Disaster Risk Management, Cambodia At WFP

Closing date: Thursday, 17 August 2023


Description of assignment title: Programme Policy Officer – Disaster Risk Management

Assignment country: Cambodia

Expected start date: 10/01/2023

Sustainable Development Goal: 17. Partnerships for the goals

Volunteer category: International UN Volunteer Specialist

Host entity: WFP

Type: Onsite

Duration: 24 months

Number of assignments: 1

Duty stations: Phnom-Penh


Mission and objectives

WFP is the world’s largest humanitarian organization. WFP’s mission is to help the world achieve zero hunger by 2030 as per Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2. It works to ensure that the poorest and most vulnerable, particularly women and children, can access the nutritious food they need. Since 1979, WFP has provided support to the Cambodian people to meet their emergency needs and enhance the long-term food and nutrition security of vulnerable households and communities. Across Cambodia, WFP has supported the building and rehabilitation of rural infrastructure and productive assets, implemented programmes to support the nutrition of vulnerable people, assisted disaster-affected households and promoted children’s education and health through its school feeding programme and scholarships to children from poor households.


Cambodia is ranked as the eighth most vulnerable country to disasters. Floods and droughts frequently threaten the food system and will increase in frequency and intensity in the future. A large proportion of the population is exposed to floods; changes in climate will expand the floodplains. The degradation of natural resources exacerbates the increased risk posed by climate change. It is estimated that climate change could cause Cambodia’s GDP to be 2.5percent lower in 2030 than forecast. Climate change has been highlighted as a key factor in changing vulnerability dynamics in Cambodia. In the current CSP and upcoming CSP (2024 – 2028), climate and disaster risk management will continue to be a key pillar for WFP’s engagement in Cambodia to strengthen the resilience of communities to shocks and stresses and to ensure food and nutrition security. WFP’s Cambodia Country Office already engages in several activities linked to disaster risk management (DRM) and emergency preparedness, supporting both the RGC at the institutional and community levels. Key component of WFP’s DRM work has been provision of technical assistance to NCDM, its subnational offices and relevant other partners to strengthen their capacity on climate risk and early warning systems, risk assessment, geospatial analysis, humanitarian coordination, contingency planning, and logistics preparedness, amongst other areas. WFP is now seeking a Programme Policy Officer for DRM under the International UNV assignment to support implementing the DRM programme portfolio, including in emerging areas of work such as anticipatory action (AA) or impact-based forecasting (IBF).

Task description

Under the direct supervision of the Team Leader for Climate Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, the UN Volunteer will undertake the following tasks: – Contribute to supporting the development of the WFP’s disaster risk management pro-gramme throughout the project cycle, including in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluating processes; – Contribute to the preparation of quality reports for donors, external partners and WFP’s internal requirements; – Contribute to organising and implementing workshops and seminars with government and other partners aimed to advance specific themes and topics in line with the DRM Unit’s workplans; – Assist in developing new proposal concepts and funding proposals; – Provide inputs for WFP’s research and evidence-generation initiatives in close coordi-nation with the Research, Analysis & Monitoring (RAM) unit; – Support programme learning and accountability including ensuring that findings and recommendations of evaluations, studies and audits are tracked and acted upon; – Support in coordinating donor visits and field missions, and provide inputs on related communications and advocacy materials, including mission reports, human-interest stories, case studies and best practices in close collaboration with relevant internal units leads; – Any other tasks as required. Furthermore, UN Volunteers are required to: – Strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteerism by reading relevant UNV and external publications and take active part in UNV activities (for in-stance in events that mark International Volunteer Day); – Be acquainted with and build on traditional and/or local forms of volunteerism in the host country; – Reflect on the type and quality of voluntary action that they are undertaking, including participation in ongoing reflection activities; – Contribute articles/write-ups on field experiences and submit them for UNV publica-tions/websites, newsletters, press releases, etc.; – Assist with the UNV Buddy Programme for newly-arrived UN Volunteers; – Promote or advise local groups in the use of online volunteering, or encourage relevant local individuals and organizations to use the UNV Online Volunteering service whenever technically possible.

Eligibility criteria

Age: 27 – 80

Additional eligibility criteria

This assignment is funded by JICA, therefore only former Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JICA-JOCV) who could get recommendation by JICA-JOCV Secretariat are eligible to apply. Please check your application eligibility on the JICA website ( The assignment is planned to start October/November 2023.


Candidate must be a national of a country other than the country of assignment.

Donor priorities


Required experience

3 years of experience in issues related to DRM, climate adaptation and community resilience, preferably through multi-stakeholder and/or government partnerships; – Experience with project cycle management, preferably from ODA donor-funded projects – Strong communication and writing skills in English, and experience with donor reporting – Sound analytical and problem-solving skills, and ability to think critically about complex development issues as they relate to WFP’s programming activities in the country – Previous experience working in Cambodia or the region will be an advantage – Strong cultural awareness skills and ability to work effectively in diverse teams – A general knowledge of the policies of the United Nations system and WFP’s programmes will be an asset.

Area(s) of expertise

Development programmes

Driving license


English, Level: Fluent, Required

Required education level

Bachelor degree or equivalent in International Affairs/Development, Climate Resilience, Disaster Risk Management or similar

Competencies and values

Accountability Adaptability and Flexibility Building Trust Client Orientation Commitment and Motivation Commitment to Continuous Learning Communication Creativity Empowering Others Ethics and Values Integrity Judgement and Decision-making Knowledge Sharing Planning and Organizing Professionalism Respect for Diversity Self-Management Technological Awareness Vision Working in Teams

Other information

Living conditions and remarks

The climate of Cambodia is tropical, monsoonal and is characterized by heat and humidity. The rainy season is May to October and the hot, dry season is November to April. Houses and apartments are available to suit most budgets and preferences. House hunting is not difficult in Phnom Penh. The usual means of locating suitable accommodation is through estate agents/realtors. The National UN Volunteer is required to follow the UN residential security requirements as per the local MORSS when choosing their accommodation. For daily transportation in Phnom Penh taxis and tuk-tuks (a motor-powered rickshaw) are widely available through ride sharing applications. Some UN volunteers chose to purchase their own mode of transportation, be it a car, a motorbike, or a bicycle. It is strictly recommended by UN security to wear seatbelts in cars and helmets when traveling on motorbikes, tuk-tuk or bicycling. In terms of health, common diseases in Cambodia are those which exist in other tropical countries like diarrhoea, malaria, and dengue. Most of the serious cases have been reported contracted in hilly, rural and densely forested areas. City dwellers like in Phnom Penh can also be at risk due to poor disposal of waste. Generally, in cities, people use purified water for drinking and cooking. The recommended vaccinations are those against typhoid, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Tuberculosis, Japanese Encephalitis and recently COVID-19. While medical facilities in Cambodia are sufficient for the treatment of most routine ailments and minor accidents, illnesses and accidents of more serious nature require medical evacuation, usually to Bangkok or Singapore. The current security level is UNDSS Level 1.

Inclusivity statement

United Nations Volunteers is an equal opportunity programme that welcomes applications from qualified professionals. We are committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, care protected characteristics. As part of their adherence to the values of UNV, all UN Volunteers commit themselves to combat any form of discrimination, and to promoting respect for human rights and individual dignity, without distinction of a person’s race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.

Note on Covid-19 vaccination requirements

Selected candidates for certain occupational groups may be subject to inoculation (vaccination) requirements, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) in line with the applicable host entity policy


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