Production Of Mini Documentary Videos And Photos On The Success Of Scaling Sustainable & Equitable Value In Cereals Value Chains In Uganda (S4S) In Ka At Solidaridad East & Central Africa


Solidaridad Network is an international solution-oriented civil society organization working through seven regional expertise centers to transform markets to make them more sustainable and inclusive. Our regional expertise centers include Asia, East and Central Africa, Europe, Latin America, North America, Southern Africa, West Africa and our global Secretariat in the Netherlands. In East and Central Africa, Solidaridad is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya with country offices and programmes in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda. We bring together supply chain players and engage them with innovative solutions to improve production, ensuring the transition to a sustainable and inclusive economy that maximizes the benefit for all. We facilitate strengthening of local capacity in developing countries, support the creation of enabling environments for economies to thrive, and improve market access.

Solidaridad strives to be an organization that understands the signs of modern times, seeking to be a Civil Society Organization (CSO) with its own place and role in society, while simultaneously interacting with governments and markets. With 55 years of experience in facilitating the development of socially responsible, ecologically sound and profitable supply chains, Solidaridad is a frontrunner in sustainable economic development. Solidaridad envisions a world in which all we produce, and all we consume, can sustain us while respecting the planet, each other and the next generations. Solidaridad embraces the public-private and people partnerships (PPPP) in order to scale innovations, enable change, and take success to greater heights. Globally, Solidaridad works with Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Miners (ASGMs) and other 10 commodity producers (coffee, tea, cocoa),intensive land use crops (sugar, palm, soy), industry and mining (cotton & textiles, leather, gold), and food related crops (livestock & dairy, fruit & vegetables).

1.2 Scaling Sustainable & Equitable Value in Cereals Value Chains in Uganda (S4S)

Scaling Sustainable & Equitable Value in Cereals Value Chains in Uganda (S4S) project was implemented in Uganda and Worked with 20,000 small Holder Sorghum, Maize, Barley Farmers in two regions Northern and Eastern. In the Northern the project operated in two sub regions i.e Lango (in the districts of Lira, Cole, Oyam, Alep tong) and in Acholi Sub region (in the districts of Omoro, Nwoya, Pader, Amuru, Lamwo) in the Eastern Region the project is implemented in 3 sub regions i.e Teso (in the districts of Soroti, Bukedea, Ngora, Serere) Bugisu (in Bulambuli district) and Sebei Sub region in the districts of Bukwo, Kween and Kapchorwa). The project had six Key Activities 1.e Train on good practices, Facilitating access to input and output markets through collective actions, Strengthen Women and youth engagement in project activities for socio economic empowerment, Build strong partnership with private sectors, SMEs, market players and Government entities for sustainable business relationships, Facilitate access to financial services for increased access to credit, Train 20,000 farmers in Natural Resource Management and Climate Change all these are geared towards improved livelihoods.

2.0 Purpose

The purpose of this assignment is to produce audiovisual stories (short videos and photos) featuring the Scaling Sustainable & Equitable Value in Cereals Value Chains in Uganda (S4S) farmers. The stories will showcase/highlight project success and the impact caused in the areas of operation.

2.1 Background

Most people in Uganda and beyond might not be aware of the impact that the project caused in Lango, Sebei and Acholi Subregions. Therefore, as a result there is a need to document the success of the project for visibility as well publicity purposes. In several videos, we will use the english subtitles to bridge the communication gap.

2.2 Expected Project Outcomes

  1. Showing the success of Scaling Sustainable & Equitable Value in Cereals Value Chains in Uganda (S4S)
  2. Reporting on the progress of the Scaling Sustainable & Equitable Value in Cereals Value Chains in Uganda (S4S) project in Uganda

2.3 Objectives (of the service)

The objectives of recording these videos are to report on the progress of theScaling Sustainable & Equitable Value in Cereals Value Chains in Uganda (S4S) project in Uganda or as well as showing its success in the area where it was implemented.

2.4 Methodology

The consultant will together with the Project Manager, Communications team carry out the recording as guided by scripts in various parts of Uganda as indicated by the itinerary, record the videos of the farmers as well as take some pictures for the projects. The consultant will use a period of 7 to 14 days to deliver all the content in both raw and edited copies as guided by the producers of the production.

2.5 Responsibilities of Consultants/Scope of Work

  1. Pre-Production: Development of the work plan and review of the shooting script provided by the client for this documentation. Participate in an inception meeting, develop the roadmap
  2. Production: Shooting and editing to deliver a high level interview highlighting success of Scaling Sustainable & Equitable Value in Cereals Value Chains in Uganda (S4S) to the farmers as guided by the script.

Shooting and editing 5 different video clips each taking 3 minutes, covering thematic areas on effects of success of the project.

  1. Post production: Submit edited draft pieces and edit recommended changes by Solidaridad

2.6 Deliverables

  1. Site visit to farmers’ areas including Kapchorwa, Bukwo, Lira, Pader where we shall be interviewing farmers.
  2. Interviewing and documenting female and male farmers under Scaling Sustainable & Equitable Value in Cereals Value Chains in Uganda (S4S) according to the agreed interview scripts provided by the project team of Solidaridad
  3. 5 high-quality videos highlighting individual interviews edited for broadcast according to the Solidaridad videography guidelines
  4. Transcripts of the interviews.
  5. One version with English subtitles and names of interviewees, another version without subtitles or name tags
  6. A minimum of 50 high-resolution photographs, edited (post-processed), tagged, and captioned according to the Solidaridad photography guidelines.
  7. Farmer’s statements/quotes on thematic issues (at least one caption/powerful statement per interviewee)
  8. Providing raw footage to Solidaridad staff concerned Incorporating additional footage in the editing process as may be provided from time to time

2.7 Expert/Consultant’s Profile:

Consultancy firms/companies/individuals with verifiable experience in photography and video production and who also fulfill the requirements are encouraged to express their interests

2.8 Consultancy Period:

Activities and Deadline

  1. Interested parties should submit a Technical and Financial proposal Budget proposals should include logistics costs (transport, communications, meals and accommodation) – 27/06/2024
  2. Detailed work plan produced by the selected consultant with tangible timelines on deliverables – 28/06/2024
  3. Contract signing – 29/06/2024
  4. Field visit – 5/06/2024
  5. Submission of first drafts – videos – for review – 21/06/2024
  6. Submission of final edited videos – 30/06/2024


Individual/s with the following requirements are encouraged to express their interests.

Selection criteria

  • Should be based in Uganda.
  • Should have strong experience working with small scale farming communities.
  • Relevant academic qualifications in media, videography or relevant studies.
  • Excellent communication and written skills in English and Luganda.
  1. Outstanding; top-notch videography skills matched with photography expertise;
  2. Outstanding video, audio, and photo editing skills;
  3. A proven track record (samples of previous similar assignments need to be presented) specifically on documenting development project stories;
  4. Experience with documenting international development work.

The technical proposal should include the following:

  • Organization Profile (max 1 page) explaining why they are the most suitable for the
  • work;
  • Relevant Experience (max 1 page);
  • Detailed methodology framework with expected deliverables, timelines, man-days, and financial resources required (3-5 pages);
  • Recent CV’s for the team;
  • Company Registration and PIN certificates;
  • 3 testimonials from 3 organizations for which the service provider executed a similar assignment.

The financial proposal should include the following:

  • Fixed professional fee for the assignment including preparation, fieldwork (photography & amp; videography), data analysis, writing process, final editing, and reporting;
  • Government taxes;
  • Fixers;
  • Permits (if applicable);
  • Translators;
  • Other related costs.

The service provider is responsible for his/her own equipment (e.g. cameras, laptops), including the proper insurance of such items and software.


In consideration of the fees paid, the videographer expressly assigns to Solidaridad any copyright arising from the works the videographer produces while executing this contract. Solidaridad herewith has non-exclusive world rights to selected images in all media (so including non-Solidaridad media) in perpetuity. Solidaridad will not use the images for other purposes than promoting Solidaridad (in the widest sense of the word).

In printed materials with a colophon, Solidaridad will credit the photographers. In external media, photographers can be credited with a combination of the name of Solidaridad with the name of the photographer, so: © Solidaridad/John Doe.

In digital media, posters, and banners photographers are usually not credited. All images (whether used for online or print purposes) must include the videographer’s name in the metadata. The videographer may not use, reproduce or otherwise disseminate or authorize others to use, reproduce or disseminate such works without prior consent from Solidaridad.

How to apply


Submissions are by email to procurement.eca@solidaridadnetwork.orgbefore or on May 30, 2024 at 5:00 pm (EAT) with the subject as “Production of mini documentary videos and photos on success of Scaling Sustainable & Equitable Value in Cereals Value Chains in Uganda (S4S) in Bukwo, Kapchorwa, Lira and pader Districts in Ugnada.

Attn: Managing Director

Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa Expertise Center

Kilimani Business Centre, Kirichwa Road,

P.O. Box 42234 – 00100 GPO


Note: Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification. If you do not receive any feedback from us one month after the submission deadline, consider your application unsuccessful.

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