PIROI – Assistant(e) logistics – general means and purchasing At French Red Cross


The French Red Cross (CRf) has been implementing since 2000 a regional Disaster Risk Management (CRM) program from the « Regional Action Platform of the’Indian Ocean » (PIROI)) based in the’island of Reunion. In close coordination with the international components of the Red Cross and the National Societies members of the PIROI (Comoros, Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius, France – Reunion/Mayotte, Mozambique, Tanzania), it aims to reduce the impact of natural and health-related disasters and the effects of climate change on the populations of the southwestern zone of the Indian Ocean’.

The 2021 – 2025 strategic framework of the PIROI includes the following four strategic axes :

  • Axis 1: The knowledge and skills of disaster management actors are improved regarding risks related to natural hazards, health crises and climate change.
  • Axis 2: The capacities of disaster management actors are strengthened in the management of risks related to natural hazards, health crises and climate change.
  • Axis 3: The populations of the southwest of the’Indian Ocean are better informed and prepared in the face of risks related to natural hazards, health crises and climate change.
  • Axis 4: Populations affected by a disaster related to natural hazards receive emergency assistance’ meeting their priority needs and contributing to their recovery.

These four strategic axes are complemented by a facilitating action (the construction of the PIROI Center) and five commitments (ensuring the Nexus prevention, preparedness, response ; integrated approach to resilience ; community commitment and taking into account individual specificities ; becoming climate-smart ; S’ based on sustainable and balanced partnership relations).

General description of the position

The/the holder of the post has the following objectives :

  • Objective 1 : Ensure the proper functioning of the general means of the PIROI Center in a constant approach of’optimization
  • Objective 2 : Support procurement management in accordance with internal and external procedures
  • Objective 3 : Provide logistical support to’ all CRf programs

The/the holder of the position will be required to make occasional trips to the region.

Description of tasks / Responsibilities

Objective 1: Ensure the proper functioning of the general means of the PIROI Center in a constant approach of’ optimization

  • Identify technical needs, problems and solutions in equipment and materials ;
  • Propose points of’improvement or’optimisation techniques ;
  • Follow-up of the site (office, common areas, training room, catering area, meeting room, warehouse, parking etc.), regulatory controls and certifications, etc, and technical and contractual follow-up with service providers ;
  • Support the’organisation of’space, move-in/move-out ;
  • Ensure the booking and preparation of meeting rooms, training and catering space ;
  • Ensure the proper functioning, maintenance and provision of work equipment (maintenance/renewal of equipment, provision to staff, donations..) ;
  • Monitor and update the annual maintenance plan for the building and equipment as well as its budget ;
  • Carry out maintenance operations and first-level work according to needs in various trades (preventive and curative maintenance, adjustment, replacement, assembly of simple parts) ;
  • Ensure the proper implementation of safety rules and standards (Updating the safety register, ensuring the safety of people in the’ warehouse, compliance of fire extinguishers, etc, rolling stock and electrical circuits, doors..) ;
  • Carry out inventories of’equipment/property ;
  • Support the provision of functional workstations for the’team of the PIROI ;
  • Ensure preventive and curative maintenance of vehicles and ensure their compliance with legislation (insurance, technical control, registration) and plan the availability of vehicles ;
  • To ensure the classification and the’archiving of documents relating to the management of general means

Objective 2: To support the management of procurement in accordance with internal and external procedures

  • Apply the CRf (MOPI – Manual of International Operations) and other procedures (donors, legal etc…) in force in its field of activity ;
  • Participate in the update of the tools for planning and monitoring of purchases ;
  • Support the drafting of specifications with the technical specifications related to its functions ;
  • Participate in the’ registration of’achats applications and follow up on the various steps with the requesting departments ;
  • Proceed with the procurement and maintain good relations with suppliers ;
  • Receiving goods/services/works and checking the invoicing elements then ensuring the’archiving of’achats files (physical and digital).

Objective 3: To provide logistical support to the’ programme set of the PIROI Center

  • Contribute to the mobilization of logistical resources during operations (emergencies or developments) ;
  • In conjunction with the other departments of PIROI, support the logistic organization of events, workshops, training, exercises and/or meetings: travel of participants and equipment, etc, accommodation and meals for participants, preparation of training sites or rooms, provision of’ equipment and necessary equipment (loading, unloading, connection) ;
  • Guarantee the maintenance of the equipment of the operational room (CCO) and proceed to its activation/deactivation during the cyclonic season, in accordance with the DROP (PIROI Operational Response System) ;
  • On-time support to support services for various administrative work (printing, filing, reception, standard).

Hierarchical links

  • Works under the hierarchy of the logistics manager purchasing and general means (N+1)

Functional links

  • Works with the various support and operational services of PIROI

Skills and knowledge required

  • Autonomy, rigor and faculty of’adaptation ;
  • Very good relational skills (team work, negotiation), including intercultural skills ;
  • Appreciated knowledge in mechanics, electricity, building, computer science ;
  • Ability of’supervision of technicians,’workers and’artisans ;
  • Ability to manage a large volume of work, including in the context of’urgency ;
  • Mastery of’informatics (Google Workspace, Excel, ERP etc.).

Training & Experiences

  • Bac+1 type training in logistics or administration with proven professional experience of more than three years in a similar position ;
  • Experience in administrative management, general means and vehicles ;
  • Desired experience in an associative context ;
  • Driving licence required (B) ;
  • Electricity appreciated.

Language :

  • English: current, read spoken and written

Conditions & remuneration

  • Fixed term contract of 12 months
  • Position expected for January 15, 2024
  • 39h weekly (work evenings and weekends recovered)
  • 23 RTT and 5 weeks of paid leave per year
  • Gross monthly remuneration: according to collective agreement,

+ End of’ premiumyear of 1/12th of the basic gross remuneration

+ Mutual support up to 50% by L’employer

How to apply

Send your applications (motivation letter + CV) to


Deadline for application : 31 december 2023

Subject to’ obtaining financing

PIROI reserves the right to close the recruitment before the deadline for the submission of applications

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