Open Call for a pool of Media Sector trainers At Media in Cooperation and Transition

MiCT is having an open call for a Pool of Trainers and is looking for motivated trainers in who have demonstrated experience in training in technical media and journalistic sectors. If selected from the pool, trainers will be part of a group ready to provide facilitation, moderation and training services in Arabic to media outlets and journalists throughout the Middle East region.

The project will start in November and will continue throughout 2024.

About MiCT:

Media in Cooperation and Transition (MiCT) gGmbH is a German media development organisation that implements projects in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. MiCT’s activities focus on the interplay between conflict, media coverage and reconciliation.

For the past 12 years MiCT has been conducting investigative reporting training and has produced investigative reports in cooperation with local journalists in Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan & South Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, as well as several countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

For more information on MiCT please visit our website:

Technical expertise:


Trainers with expertise in:

  1. Video Production (Scriptwriting and Editing), with focus on the short promotional videos used for social media platforms such as Instagram and tiktok.
  2. Fact-checking and Source Credibility
  3. Storytelling and Creative Writing for different media Platforms
  4. Podcast production
  5. Editorial Management for media platforms
  6. Journalistic writing
  7. Radio presenting and vocals
  8. Recording and audio mixing

Communication and Social media:

Trainers with expertise in:

  1. Using Social Media Platforms for Content Dissemination and Promotion
  2. Communication Strategy, including Identifying Audience Characteristics and Analyzing Trends.
  3. Social media strategy and marketing the content of the media outlets.
  4. Content production for social media
  5. Copyrights of the internet content, and the related social media rules and regulations with special focus on the MENA region.

Safety and Security:

Trainers with expertise in:

  1. Digital Security
  2. Psychological health and coping with mental stress resulting from working in conflict.

Fundraising for media institutions:

Trainers with expertise in:

  1. Fundraising process from donor agencies and government institutions which includes writing proposals and submission of documents
  2. Building economic strategy for media outlets and looking for sustainable resources

Administration and leadership:

Trainers with expertise in:

  1. Team and Media Institutions Management, with a Special Focus on Economic Management.
  2. Creating Media institution Policies (Editorial, Code of Conduct, Non-Discrimination Policies)

How to apply

Please apply by sending your application to attaching a cover letter illustrating your suitability for the specific position below (putting the title and the topic of the training in the subject line e.g Training pool: Video production trainer) including listed qualifications, competencies, skills together with a detailed curriculum vitae. All documents must be in English or Arabic. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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September 2024