Online Communications and Social Media Consultant At Equal Access

Request for Proposals

RFP Number: HQ-2024-01

Services being Procured:

Online Communications and Social Media

Issued By:

Equal Access International

1001 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 205

Washington, D.C. 20036

Key Dates:

RFP Re-Issued: Friday, January 12, 2024

Deadline for Questions: Friday, January 26th, 2024, 17:00 EST

Deadline for Submission of Proposals: Friday, February 2nd, 2024, 17:00 EST

Anticipated Award Date: April 2024

Anticipated Commencement Date: To be determined at award

Background information

Equal Access International (EAI), a U.S.-based non-profit headquartered in Washington, DC, invites qualified individuals and firms to submit a proposal to provide Online Communications and Social Media services to EAI.

Instructions to Offerors

1.1 Issuing Office

Equal Access International

1001 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 205

Washington, D.C. 20036 USA


1.2 Anticipated Award Type

The award resulting from this RFP is anticipated to be time and materials based on a fixed hourly rate or deliverables-based. Refer to Annex 1 – Statement of Work for the deliverables. The anticipated award date is stated on the cover page, and the period of performance start date will be shortly thereafter; date to be determined by mutual agreement.

1.3 Period of Performance

The initial period of performance for these services is twelve (12) months. EAI will have the option to extend the services, which will be discussed with the awardee prior to 90 days before the completion of the initial period of performance.

1.4 Basis of Award

The award will be issued to the responsible and reasonable offeror who offers the best value to EAI using a combination of price and technical or non-cost/price factors.

1.5 Submission of Questions

EAI will answer questions regarding the requirements of this RFP. Questions may be submitted via email only at with the subject line title of: RFP-HQ–2024-01.Questions are dueno later than the date and time stated on the cover page. All answers to questions, if any, shall be provided to all potential offerors who submitted questions.

1.6 Submission of Proposals

Proposals must be submitted no later than the date and time stated on the cover page, via email to only. The subject line of the email must reference: ‘EAI RFP HQ-2024-01’ and the Vendor Name.

1.7 Interview/Clarification Questions and Answers

EAIreserves the right to ask questions of offerors and to conduct interviews regarding their proposal, particularly relating to the technical approach and key staff, prior to final evaluation and award. If EAI chooses to conduct interviews, they will take place before the anticipated award date**.**

1.8 Proposal Format

For EAI to conduct the most efficient proposal evaluation, bidders are required to include in their proposal the information as described below.

1.8.1 Technical Proposal

  1. Technical Approach – Offerors must describe their proposed technical approach to providing the services required in the SOW (found in Annex 1). In a Word or pdf document of no more than two (2) pages (not including any Annexes), describe: a) of the activities you would undertake to provide the required services and/or deliverables; b) your past accomplishments providing these or similar services; and c) how you would prevent or mitigate any existing, potential, or perceived conflict of interest.
  2. Key Personnel – Offerors must list a minimum of one (1) and maximum of two (2) key personnel, and—in annex (in Word or pdf) to the Technical Proposal—provide CVs of the key personnel’s work experience and other relevant qualifications (including language proficiency). Key personnel are those who will be responsible for a significant portion of the SOW (as outlined in Annex 1). Each CV must be two (2) pages or less.
  3. References – Offerors should provide—in annex (in Word or pdf)—three (3) points of contact who can reference direct work experience with you and/or your organization related to services provided that were or are similar to the SOW in Annex 1 to this RFP. References should include (at a minimum) the points of contact’s: name; organizational affiliation; email address; and phone number. If you cannot present the requested number of references, please briefly explain why. The annex consisting of all references as well as any additional explanation (if applicable) must be no more than one (1) page total.
  4. Financial Proposal

Offerors must submit a cost proposal/pricing, including hourly rate(s) for services described in Annex 1 – SOW, and/or a deliverable rate schedule. The cost proposal/pricing must be submitted as an illustrative budget for the period of performance. The budget should include hourly rates for the Key Personnel; and, if any other direct costs will be charged: unit/item; unit/item description; unit/item costs; number of units; and subtotals. The cost proposal/pricing may be submitted in Word, pdf, or Excel, but should be no more than one (1) page in print copy in whichever format.

1.9 Evaluation of Proposals

EAI will use best-value determination for the award. A “best value” determination means that, in EAI’s estimation, the selected offer will provide the greatest overall benefit in response to the requirements stated in this RFP. It may be in EAI’s best interest to consider an award to other than the lowest-price offeror or other than the highest-rated technical offer. The evaluation factors and allocated points are as follows:

  1. Technical Approach – Up to 4 points awarded based on the information presented in response to 1.8.1.a above.
  2. Relevant Key Personnel and Organizational Experience – Up to 6 points based on the relevant experience of key staff and the offeror’s organizational portfolio of relevant performance, including references of past clients, as requested in 1.8.1.b and 1.8.1.c above.
  3. Cost – The cost proposal will be reviewed and evaluated for realism and reasonableness. EAI reserves the right evaluate cost/technical trade-offs, and will award to the firm or individual providing the best value to EAI, both cost and technical factors considered.
    1. Validity of Proposals

Proposals submitted shall remain open for acceptance for a minimum of ninety (90) days from the Deadline for Submission of Proposals. The selected Offeror(s) shall supply the services requested at the proposed hourly rate(s) or deliverable rates schedule for the entire period of performance.

  1. Minimum Bidder Qualifications

Offerors submitting proposals must:

  1. Be officially licensed to do such business in their place of registration and operation.
  2. Provide (in annex) documentation to verify licensure (e.g., tax id, registration certificate);
  3. Not be debarred or suspended by the United States Government and must not appear on any excluded parties list or otherwise be ineligible for award.
  4. Be able to demonstrate adequate management, human and financial resources to perform the contract; and
  5. Have satisfactory records of performance history, integrity, and business ethics.
    1. Late Proposals

EAI shall not award a contract to any organization or individual determined ineligible for award by the US Government.

Proposals received after the submission deadline stated in the cover page of this RFP may not be considered. Bidders will be held responsible for ensuring their proposals are received according to the instructions stated herein. Late proposals may be considered at EAI’s discretion.

  1. Modification of RFP Requirements

EAI retains the right to terminate this RFP or modify the requirements upon notification.

  1. Right of Negotiation and Acceptance of Proposal

This RFP does not legally obligate EAI to award a contract. EAI reserves the right not to make an award to any Offeror. No commitment is made, either expressed or implied, to compensate Offerors for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal.

EAI may reject any proposal that is nonresponsive. A responsive proposal is one that complies with all terms and conditions of the RFP as outlined in this document and any subsequent modifications. A proposal must be complete, signed by an authorized signatory and delivered before the deadline. EAI reserves the right to waive any minor discrepancies in a proposal.

EAI reserves the right to issue an award based on the initial evaluation of proposals without discussion. EAI also reserves the right to enter best and final negotiations, including interviews, with any responsive Offeror for all or part of the proposed scope.



Digital Communications and Social Media

Equal Access International (EAI) seeks to engage a firm or person to provide services to EAI, including (but not limited to) the following:

Manage digital and social media initiatives for EAI globally. Work with the Project Management and Business Development teams, as well as country offices to develop and implement online and digital strategies that increase EAI’s visibility and brand awareness. Ensure that all online communications have consistent messaging and meet EAI’s brand standards and convey company values—from social media posts and website content to newsletters and multimedia content.

Specific tasks and/or deliverables

  • Manage and implement EAI’s global digital media strategy and communications strategy online, including managing EAI’s global internet/digital/social media platforms.
  • Develop and maintain social media and online review and approval systems, processes, and workflows for EAI offices globally.
  • Draft and edit content, communications plans, and other materials for online publication.
  • Manage scheduling and production of deliverables related to online campaigns, key events, and program updates.
  • Work closely with Program Management Teams and country offices to facilitate and coordinate storytelling.
  • Develop social media and press kits, social media postings, and support content development for EAI’s global website.
  • Monitor online communications metrics and analytics to improve EAI’s online presence.
  • Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) across EAI’s communications and storytelling.
  • Keep up to date on digital communications and industry trends and technologies.
  • Attend and cover live (in-person and virtual) events as requested.

Required capabilities and qualifications

  • Minimum 3 years’ experience in communications and digital media (in publishing or outlet, not-for-profit or development cooperation preferred).
  • Bachelor’s degree in communications, Journalism, Marketing, Creative Writing, Business, or another related field.
  • Excellent writing and editing skills —op-eds, blogs, press releases, or editorial content for brands, campaigns, or thought leaders.
  • Strong media relations and/or social media background, and experience working with the press and/or social media influencers.
  • Comfortable working in diverse, international work environments across time zones, and able to multitask in a fast-paced workspace and often rapidly changing environment.
  • Team-oriented problem solver and pro-active relationship-builder with creative energy.
  • Proficiency in Adobe Suite, Microsoft Office, WordPress, Google Analytics, and other applicable software.
  • Experience maintaining and managing organizational social networking accounts (for not-for-profits or internationally operating organizations preferred).
  • Fluent in English; professional proficiency in French a plus.
  • Proficiency in email marketing, CRM, social media analytics, and fundraising platforms preferred.
  • Familiarity with global development, gender equality and social inclusion issues, and media or behavior chance communications preferred.
  • Experience producing and editing video content a plus.

Length of Contract

The duration of the contract will be for an initial period of performance of 12 months (subject to an interim review after the first three months). EAI reserves the option to extend the contract (by mutual agreement).

How to apply

Proposals must be submitted no later thanthe date and time stated on the cover page, via email to only. The subject line of the email must reference: ‘EAI RFP HQ-2024-01’ and the Vendor Name.

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