Nursing Care Implementation Support To West Africa Operations H/F At Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders is an independent international medical-humanitarian organization that provides assistance to people in distress, victims of natural or human-induced disasters and victims of armed conflicts, including, without discrimination and regardless of race, religion, creed or political affiliation of any kind. The MSF movement is structured around six operational centres (OCs) and 36 offices around the world. We conduct medical humanitarian operations in more than 70 countries. Medical operations in the field are carried out by field teams and project coordination teams. Field operations are guided and supported by operational units of the Directorates and their support departments.

Three operational directorates, OCBA, OGC and OCP, agreed to strategically organize their medical support to MSF field projects in West Africa. Their effort led to the creation of’a medical platform in Dakar, Dakar, which aims to provide and coordinate the necessary medical support for the implementation of MSF field operations in the region and to develop MSF medical knowledge and expertise on medical issues particularly relevant for’Afrique de l’Ouest.

The Dakar Platform is led by a Platform Manager (HoP) who manages a pool of Specialized Implementations Supports for Operations in West Africa (SI), and is connected to an extensive operational and medical network inside and outside MSF’. The AIM OF the platform is to correctly identify key needs in support of medical implementation as well as the best coordinated response for MSF field programmes in the region. By’assuring to be closely related to CO, the platform aims to foster knowledge and’ expertise benefiting all MSF programmes.

The current portfolio covered by the Dakar platform currently includes MSF field operations in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali, Niger and Nigeria, but it is expected that’il evolves every year according to medical needs.


The main objectives of this position are :

  1. Contribute to the’ identification of nursing needs and accompany the’practical operationalization of the nursing component in OCBA field projects, OCG and OCP managed by the cells based in Dakar in West’ Africa.
  2. In collaboration with the competent Nursing Referrers, provide direct one-time support to the design, and, implementation and monitoring of nursing activities in projects managed by cells based in Dakar, West Africa. More specifically :
  3. Contribute to cross-fertilization within and between CBs, and ensure that nursing care of acceptable quality is provided to our beneficiaries through the’introduction of strategies of « best practices » in treatment, diagnostics and programmatic management in the region.
  4. Actively develop and participate in the’ network of West African expertise with a view to augmenting MSF’s know-how.

Support for the’implementation of nursing care is managed by the Head of the Dakar Platform (HoP), and technically guided/advised by the referents/CO Nursing Advisors of the projects concerned.

Its priorities are based on the annual roadmap of the Dakar Medical Platform and assigned by the HoP in consultation and coordination with the respective operational cells of the COs and the referents/advisors.

He/she will work in direct and sustained collaboration with the CO nursing referents/advisors, the operational unit or units, the country medical coordinators and the projects concerned.

This position should preferably be based in Dakar, although’a remote location can be negotiated, administratively dependent on the Dakar office through a Senegalese contract from MSF.

He/she must be able to devote 80% of the working time in the field, while the remaining 20% will be dedicated to monitoring projects, including, the sharing of knowledge and the strengthening of the MSF nursing network in West Africa from’ to Dakar. Where possible, he/it is expected to devote one month a year to field deployment in non-West African programmes to remain exposed to the diversity of MSF challenges and responses in this area nursing care.

MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES AND TASKS (in collaboration with Nursing References)

  1. Contribute to the’ identification of needs and accompany the practice of’operationalization of nursing techniques :
  • Provide support in the’ needs assessment and strategy development during the development of’a new project and during PoA periods.
  • Propose the necessary means for an appropriate implementation of field nursing activities such as human resources, medical tools and’ equipment, and, as well as capacity development needs, among others.
  • Under the coordination of the HoP, participate in the annual planning of the activities of the medical platform and priorities in collaboration with teams in the field, operational cells and referents/medical advisors.
  • Participate in and execute the planning of field deployments and implementation support in close coordination with the cells, the referent/competent medical advisor and field missions.
  • Propose and participate in operational research projects, concept notes and’study protocols in coordination with CO referents/advisors.

2. Provide direct one-time support to the design, implementation and monitoring of nursing activities managed by the cells of the’office of Dakar :

  • Provide direct support to implementation through field visits to managers/supervisors as well as’aux PMR and MedCo to improve the quality and organisation of nursing care.
  • To ensure that’there is a good coordination and continuity of care in the projects.
  • Support teams in the field in developing and implementing best practices in nursing in accordance with respective CO strategies.
  • Identify learning and development needs related to nursing and contribute to the’ development of training tools and provide tailored on-site training in coordination with the nursing referent/advisor.
  • Support the recruitment and’integration of nursing staff in/for the region where relevant.
  • Assist in defining, adapting to context, and implementing systems, tools, protocols, guidelines, and SOPs in coordination with CB nursing referents/advisors.
  • Support the improvement of the quality of the monitoring and the’assessment (M&E) of nursing activities, including the establishment, of, ’analysis and’ interpretation of nursing data from field teams using existing tools and validated by the OCs.
  • Produce a field visit report within one week of each field deployment, documenting the activities carried out, the main achievements and providing recommendations to ensure the sustainability of the activities implemented. The report must be shared with the relevant field teams, the HoP and the CBs cells and referents/advisors.
  • Maintain regular contact with and supervise nursing teams in the field. Provide feedback to field teams, referents/advisors, HoP and operational cells, maintaining an open communication.
  • Exceptionally, fill gap in field nursing work if urgent needs are identified by the HoP and operational cells.

3. Contribute to collaboration within and between CBs and to the consistent implementation of nursing best practices in the region :

  • As much as possible, participate in the NCWG to stay up to date with MSF’s ongoing nursing priorities and strategies.
  • Provide support and advice on evidence-based nursing practices and MSF procedures in projects in the region.
  • Encourage collaboration between the different technical profiles involved in nursing at project, programme, mission and country level for an effective knowledge sharing dynamic.
  • Work closely with related specialties to ensure consistent medical transversality within and between projects.
  • Assist in organizing nursing monitoring and’evaluation activities by promoting the use of’validated tools in the region.

4. Actively develop and participate in the’ network of West African expertise with the aim of’ increasing MSF’s know-how.

  • Support field teams during nursing-related meetings with other actors (Ministry of Health, WHO, etc.).
  • Liaise and coordinate with other regional actors and platforms (universities, international NGOs) to increase MSF’s nursing network for the exchange of’ experiences and potential partnerships.
  • Participate in internal and external committees and forums related to nursing where relevant.

Experiences / Training

Qualification :

  • Diploma of’ nurse/era of’a qualified university program.
  • Minimum of 2 years of’experience with an MSF project is considered a major criterion, or with another humanitarian organisation in different nursing stations.
  • Knowledge of MSF protocols and nursing resources and their use in the field is an asset.
  • Recent and proven clinical experience as a’ nurse/era with or without MSF (highly appreciated).
  • Mastery of French and’anglais.
  • Previous knowledge and exposure to the highly preferred West African context.
  • Experience in international emergency interventions as a’ nurse/era.
  • Essential mastery of’informatique (Word, Excel and Internet).

Skills :

  • Spirit of’analysis.
  • Orientation towards results, service and quality.
  • Ability to take initiatives.
  • Interest and aptitude for training.
  • Skills in planning and organization.
  • Communication and networking skills.
  • Ability to stay in multicultural environments.
  • Ability to work in stressful environments.
  • The ability to travel intensively and to be flexible with the working hours.
  • ’team spirit, flexibility.
  • Understanding and commitment to the principles of MSF and adherence to MSF policies and rules.

Qualities required

• Commitment to MSF principles
• intercultural sensitivity
• Flexibility behavioral
• Analytical thinking
• Strategic vision
• Orientation results and quality
• Orientation service
• Take of’initiative and Innovation
• ’team and cooperation work



  • Based at home with field trips 80% of the time.
  • Minimum of’ one month per year in similar functions in a non-West African project.
  • Commitment 2024 and 2025.
  • Since it’ is a home-based position, the clauses of the employment contract will be made according to the country of residence
  • The Perdiem will be awarded only during the fieldwork and during the stay in Dakar
  • Start date: september or october 2024


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