National consultant for the xe9 Elaboration of the National Stratxe9gie of Social Protection 2024-2030, Antananarivo, Madagascar At United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)

WFP celebrates and embraces diversity. II is committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity for all of its employees and encourages qualified applicants to apply without regard to race, color, national origin, ethnic or social origin, genetic information, sex, gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, religion or belief, HIV status or disability.

Title:  National consultant for the development of the National Social Protection Strategy 2024-2030

Duration:  11 months

Contract Type and Grade:  Special Services – SSA8

Unit:  Program

Duty station:  Antananarivo/ Madagascar

A roster of qualified candidates could be put in place following this recruitment process to fill any positions with the same profile of equal or lower grade.


The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) is the largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger in the world. WFP’s mission is to help the world achieve Zero Hunger by 2030. Every day, WFP works to ensure that the most vulnerable populations, especially women and children, can access to the nutritious food they need to lead productive and healthy lives.


Madagascar has adopted the National Social Protection Policy (PNPS) 2015-2030, materialized by the National Social Protection Strategy (SNPS) for the years 2019-2023 as part of the implementation of the Government’s Social Protection program. The current SNPS comes to an end at the end of 2023 and the Ministry of Population, Social Protection and Promotion of Women (MPPSPF) is conducting an evaluation of its implementation in order to inform the development of the new SNPS. The new SNPS will cover the period from 2024 to 2030 and will be developed during 2023. The development of the new Strategy will take into account the recommendations of the evaluation of the previous SNPS and will be based on a participatory process both at the central and decentralized levels.

It should be noted that during the first phase of the implementation of the SNPS 2016-2023, strategic axis 1 – social transfer was well developed. The other 3 were in the embryonic phase. In order to establish a sustainable social protection system, the challenge of this next phase will be the strengthening of the other 3 axes, the establishment of a sustainable financing strategy and the foundation of an effective multi-sectorality, by strengthening the development of human capital.

In order to facilitate the process of national and regional consultations and the development of the SNPS, the MPPSPF will recruit a pool of national consultants with the technical and financial support of WFP and UNICEF, and who will work together throughout the process with the support of other national and international consultants who will be recruited respectively by the World Bank and UNICEF.

The mastery of one of the following four challenges or strategic axes: access to basic social services, strengthening of means of subsistence, promotion of the contributory system and the sustainable financing of social protection is a requirement .


The national consultant will be under the direct supervision of the General Directorate of Social Protection (DGPS) at the level of the MPPSPF and the Program Policy Officer – CBT Social Protection at the level of the WFP. The national consultant will be in charge of all the collection of information from the various central and regional institutions.


The objective of this consultancy is to support the Ministry of Population, Social Protection and Promotion of Women in the development of a National Social Protection Strategy for Madagascar for the period 2024-2030.


The national consultant will work in close collaboration with other national and international consultants, each responsible for supporting and facilitating discussions and budgeting on a specific SNPS theme. The national consultant will be responsible for coordinating his/her work plan and tools in order to ensure consistency in the inputs provided to him/her by the drafting of the SNPS, he/she will participate in certain national consultations and in certain regions and will consolidate the inputs collected by other national and international consultants in other regions where he/she will not be able to participate directly. He/she will be ultimately responsible for drafting the SNPS based on input from other national and international consultants.

The development of the SNPS 2024-2030 will be based on eight (08) principles explained below which underlie the effective conduct of the process.

The SNPS 2024-2030 will be articulated with the National Social Protection Policy of the non-contributory scheme, will also be aligned with the General Policy of the State and the international commitments of the Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2063).

1. Le Leadership national

The process of developing the SNPS 2024-2030 will be led from start to finish by the Ministry of Population, Social Protection and the Advancement of Women (MPPSPF). It will provide guidance and facilitate the integration and consideration of all multisectoral stakeholders. Above all, he will ensure the alignment of the SNPS 2024-2030 with Law No. 2017-028 of the PNPS on the non-contributory scheme and the harmonization of the contributions of all the sectoral Ministries and Technical and Financial Partners (PTF), involved in the implementation of the said SNPS, with the vision of the Government of Madagascar in terms of social protection.

2. Diversity, equity and inclusion

The development of the SNPS 2024-2030 will follow an inclusive and participatory process. Each stage of the process will see the involvement of all the players involved in the field of social protection. Appropriate mechanisms will be developed to ensure everyone’s participation in order to guarantee a common understanding and ownership of the changes sought through the development of the said SNPS. This inclusion will have to take into account the needs and specificities of the poorest and most vulnerable targets and of minorities so as not to leave anyone behind.

3. Results-based management

The results-based management approach will focus on analyzes that will make sure to highlight the key problems as well as their major causes so that the solutions envisaged are part of a logic of causality that underlies RBM. Concretely, this will translate, among other things, into the conduct of a causal analysis, the development of a theory of change and a results framework with results indicators.

4. Human Rights Programming

The human rights-based approach is a conceptual framework reflecting the fact that human rights are not only part of the fundamental values ​​but that they are also a powerful engine for change and development. Thus, by adopting this approach within the framework of the development and implementation of the SNPS 2024-2030, the MPPSPF intends to focus not only on the holders of rights, which are mainly specific groups: orphans and vulnerable children, vulnerable women, people with disabilities, the elderly, etc. to enable them to have the capacity to claim their rights; but also all the actors in charge of social protection to fulfill their obligations.

5. Promoting gender and people with disabilities

The promotion of gender and people with disabilities, which will be highlighted as part of the development of the SNPS 2024-2030, will aim to understand the gaps in the situation of accessibility to basic social services, the causes of these inequalities and discriminations as well as the way in which these groups are affected in the process of human capital development. Specifically, it will seek the causes as well as solutions to the situation of the gaps that result from power dynamics between women and men, girls and boys, and how these dynamics shape their roles in decision-making and empowerment within the household.

6. Risk-based programming

This approach leads to considering the reduction of natural risks and socio-economic risks as an integral part of development. Thus, the SNPS 2024-2030 process will take into account: (i) the identification of risks related to disasters, climate change, covid-19 epidemics and other socio-economic shocks; (ii) analysis of the profile of households likely to be affected by shocks and analysis of the impact on their poverty and vulnerability; and (iii) analysis of the roles and responsibilities of the various actors in risk management and resilience.

7. Evidence-Based Programming

The principle consists of a systematic effort to bring the best data (qualitative and quantitative) to support decision-making in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programmes. It underlies both the use and the generation of data in the programming cycle.

Based on this principle, the SNPS 2024-2030 will be developed and implemented based on the most recent evidence to confirm the relevance of the problems highlighted as well as the choices of the solutions envisaged. This data will include: (i) data on the status of groups in situations of poverty and vulnerability; (ii) data on the beliefs, values, principles and preferences that guide their lives and that are likely to influence their opinion on the services they will receive as part of the implementation of the SNPS; and (iii) data on the benefits, risks and other elements associated with the types of programs to be implemented under the SNPS. This will be relevant data from the best published research.

The three (03) main stages of the SNPS 2024-2030 development process are as follows: (i) analysis of the situation; (ii) formulation of results; (iii) business planning.

8. Switching from the register of beneficiaries to the single social register

The Single Social Registry (RSU) is a social targeting mechanism whose benefits are expected by all stakeholders involved in the reform policy of the main social protection programs, more particularly the social safety nets project for the purpose of better coordination for more impact. It is a technical tool serving a primary purpose, that of managing the allocation of public resources devoted to the fight against poverty and vulnerability, with a dual concern for efficiency and equity.

The achievement of this purpose is conditioned by the availability of a reliable social database, a rigorous selection of target populations, transparent governance of the system and a mechanism for monitoring the impact of targeted programs. The rigor of the eligibility process is linked to the choice of variables relating to household resources, their weighting, the collection of information and their verification.

One of the challenges that will face the establishment of the system is to avoid political interference and manipulation. The mode of delivery of social assistance or cash transfers to beneficiary households is another performance criterion for RSU schemes. Finally, the success of the new targeting mechanism presupposes its anchoring in a reform of the system of social safety nets protecting poor and vulnerable households from current and future risks until 2030.


The national consultant will produce the following deliverables:

  •  A methodological note no later than 15 days after the start of the contract. The note will propose a methodology and a timetable for the implementation of activities at central and regional level, the proposed methodological approach and the tools for collecting information, analysis and budgeting that will be used by the entire team of other national and international consultants. This note will be finalized in consultation with other national and international consultants through the consideration and harmonization of their inputs;
  •  A first draft of the SNPS 2024-2030 by the end of October 2023 at the latest. This first draft will detail all the axes and activities of the SNPS and will be presented to the main national and regional stakeholders for comments and recommendations before the document is finalized;
  •  The final version of the SNPS 2024-2030 which takes into account the recommendations made during discussions with stakeholders. This final version of the SNPS will be associated with a work plan and a budget for its implementation for the period 2024-2030.



(Excluding deadlines for approval of deliverables)

Methodological note

01 week after signing the contract

First draft of the SNPS 2024-2030

End of October 2023

Final version of the budgeted SNPS 2024-2030 after consultations and validation

End of December 2023

The consultancy will be carried out for 90 days from August 2023 and will remain under contract with the WFP for a total period of 11 months.


Education Advanced university degree (Masters or above), preferably in international affairs, economics, agricultural economics, nutrition/health, agriculture, environmental sciences, social sciences, public affairs administration or any other relevant field.


  •  A social protection expert with minimum 15 years of professional experience in institutional support to the Government to set up adaptive social protection systems. Prior experience in Africa and low-income countries would be an asset;
  •  Having expertise in one of the following strategies; access to basic social services, strengthening of means of subsistence, promotion of the contributory system or the sustainable financing of social protection
  •  Good understanding of the operational and strategic challenges of the social protection sector in low-income countries;
  •  Previous experience in the development of national strategies in the social sector in contexts similar to that of Madagascar;
  •  Having already worked in the social sector would be an asset;
  •  Previous work experience with United Nations system agencies or the World Bank highly recommended;
  •  Ability to work with the team of the Ministry of Population, Social Protection and Promotion of Women;

Language skills:

  •  Excellent knowledge of French, written and oral
  •  Good knowledge of English

DEADLINE: August 06, 2023


WFP applies a zero-tolerance approach to behaviors such as fraud, sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of power and discrimination. All selected candidates will be required to meet WFP’s standards of conduct and will therefore be subject to rigorous background checks either internally or through third parties. Selected applicants will also be required to provide additional information as part of the verification exercise. Misrepresentation of information provided during the recruitment process may result in disqualification or termination.

WFP will not request payment at any stage of the recruitment process, including the offer stage.



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