Monitoring and Evaluation Technician At Plan International

1. Introduction to Plan International Inc.

1.1 Identity

Plan International Inc. (Plan) is an international humanitarian organization, dedicated to the development of children without religious, political or governmental affiliation. Child sponsorship is the foundation of the organization.

Founded in 1937, Plan International is a humanitarian and development organization promoting children’s rights and equality for girls. We work with children, youth, our partners and supporters to address the root causes of the problems faced by girls and all vulnerable children. We defend the rights of children from birth to adulthood and prepare them to face crises and adversities. We promote changes in practice and law at local, national and global levels with our experience and knowledge. For more than 80 years, we have forged solid alliances in favor of children and have an active presence in more than 75 countries.

1.2 Purpose

We work for a just world that promotes children’s rights and equality for girls.

We seek the commitment of citizens and build alliances to:

· Empower girls, boys, adolescents, young people and their communities to generate lasting changes that address the causes of discrimination against girls, exclusion and vulnerability.

· Drive changes in practices and policies at local, national and international levels through our reach, experience and knowledge of the realities that children experience.

· Support girls, boys, adolescents, young people and their communities in adapting and responding to crises and adversity.

· Ensure the safe and positive development of girls and boys from birth to adulthood.

1.3 Our global approach to programs and influence

In order to catalyze sustainable and transformative change at scale, from the local to the global level, we follow our approach: “Promoting Children’s Rights and equality for Girls – Our global approach to programs and influence”, which ensures , that we can fulfill our purpose, and reflects the way we think change happens and how we can support it.

This approach defines our fundamental program and influence commitments and outlines all aspects of their implementation. They are interconnected and interrelated. Many of them share important characteristics.

Child and youth participation

All our work involves children and youth as active participants. Such participation must be transparent and constructive, voluntary, respectful, relevant, child-friendly, risk-sensitive, supported by training, and accountable.

1.4 Global Policy – ​​protection and safety of girls, boys, adolescents and young people

All consulting work must comply with our NNAJ protection and security policy. It declares the following:

«We are totally committed to the protection and safety of all girls, boys, adolescents and young people against all forms of violence with a gender perspective. We take very seriously our responsibility and duty to ensure that we, as an organisation, as well as anyone representing us, do not harm, abuse or commit any other acts of violence against children and young people in any way or expose them to this. type of risks.”

1.5 Global policy – gender equality and inclusion

All Plan work must contribute to compliance with our gender equality and inclusion policy. It declares the following:

«We confront and challenge gender-based discrimination and human rights violations, including gender-based violence and other forms of exclusion. We also challenge stereotypes and unequal power relationships between women, men, girls and boys to promote gender equality, girls’ rights, and inclusion. We foster an organizational culture that embraces and exemplifies our commitment to gender equality, girls’ rights and inclusion, while supporting our staff to promote good practices, positive attitudes and principles of gender equality and inclusion.

2. Background/Context of the project

Background: Plan’s Canada Office (CNO) has received funding from Global Affairs Canada (GAC) to implement a project in Venezuela through local partners. GAC funding will allow Plan to work with Venezuelan organizations to address the critical needs of the country’s most vulnerable population.


· More than 7.3 million Venezuelans have been displaced by the humanitarian crisis.

· The public health system is in decline, with shortages of supplies and personnel.

· Adolescent girls and young women are especially vulnerable to lack of access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).

2.1 Project objective:

Improve the realization of SRH rights for vulnerable adolescent girls, young women and women of reproductive age in Venezuela.

2.2 Approach:

· Triple approach to address demand challenges, reduce supply barriers and improve accountability.

· Implementation by two experienced Venezuelan feminist organizations: Tinta Violeta and PLAFAM.

· Participation of key interest groups, such as community, health and educational structures.

2.3 Target population:

· 10,648 adolescents (12-19 years)

· 1,754 young men and women (20-24 years old)

· 1,242 women of reproductive age (25-49 years)

2.4 Expected results:

1. Greater access to CSE, SGBV,

2. Reduction of sexual and gender-based violence.

3. Greater empowerment of adolescent girls and young women.

2.5 Programmatic Alignment:

· ODS 5, Meta 5.6

· Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP)

· SRHR initiatives, policies and plans of the Venezuelan government

2.6 Impact:

· Contribution to poverty reduction.

· Prosperous future for children and young people.

2.7 Methodology:

· Based on evidence and best practices.

· Participatory and inclusive approach.

· Rigorous monitoring and evaluation.

2.8 Financing :

· $5,235 million Canadian dollars

· Project duration: 3.5 years

3. Objective, responsibilities and deliverables of the contracting of services for professional fees

Position: Monitoring and Evaluation Technician

3.1 Objective: Coordinate the implementation of the monitoring, evaluation and follow-up processes of the results and activities planned in the RESPOND project in an articulated manner with the implementing partners, the Plan International offices (CNO and ROAH) and other relevant actors

3.2 Activities and Responsibilities

  • Implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems:
  • Implement monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems to track project progress. Enter the project into the PMERL international Plan monitoring system.
  • Ensure that indicators are aligned with project objectives and donor expectations.
  • Data Collection and Analysis:
  • Coordinate data collection in the field, ensuring protocols are followed and data quality is maintained.
  • Ensure that the data collected is disaggregated by age and sex, and as required by the project.
  • Clean and process collected data to measure project indicators and effectiveness.
  • Lead Needs Assessments if necessary, in coordination with the Regional Plan office.
  • Monitoring Reports:
  • Support the preparation of periodic reports on the status and progress of the project for the general coordinator and donors.
  • Prepare data visualizations for the socialization of results to different key actors of the project.
  • Present findings and facilitate discussion of the technical teams and other key project actors about them.
  • Training and Technical Support:
  • Provide training and technical assistance to project staff and implementing organizations on M&E aspects.
  • Develop training materials, M&E tools, and scoring and weighting systems for measuring project indicators.
  • Provide technical guidance on ethics to the project team, in accordance with Plan International guidelines.
  • Information management:
  • Keep the progress of the logical framework, indicators, results and products updated.
  • Ensure all M&E documents are organized and accessible.
  • Communication with Stakeholders:
  • Participate in coordination meetings and relevant committees to discuss progress and challenges of project monitoring.
  • Audit and Compliance:
  • Ensure that M&E activities comply with ethical, legal and organizational standards.
  • Support in the preparation for internal or external audits related to project monitoring.
  • Innovation and Continuous Improvement:
  • Identify opportunities to improve M&E systems and implement innovations that can increase project efficiency.
  • Ensure that the M&E approach contributes to the gender perspective and the empowerment of women and girls.
  • Collaboration with Partners and Other Entities:
  • Work collaboratively with implementing partners and other entities to integrate M&E systems and share best practices.
  • Coordinate with the communications team to disseminate project results and their impact.
  • Responsible for providing data on Plan projects to humanitarian coordination.


  • Work collaboratively with the project team to design a comprehensive M&E strategy that aligns with the project objectives and indicators established in the Performance Measurement Framework (MMR).
  • Ensure the implementation of feedback and complaints mechanisms.
  • Incorporate feminist principles into the M&E strategy, ensuring that a comparative Gender Based Analysis (GBA+) is included and gender-related drivers of change are identified.
  • Collaborate with partners and participants in monitoring key performance indicators, as well as co-building appropriate data collection tools and scoring and weighting systems to establish indicator frameworks.
  • Validate data collection tools with participants and partners to ensure their relevance and effectiveness in the field.
  • Develop a detailed M&E plan in collaboration with partners and participants, including timelines and responsibilities for data collection, analysis and reporting.
  • Follow up on ethics approvals for information gathering consultancies (baseline, end line)
  • Lead the baseline and endline process
  • Monitor implementation of the M&E plan, ensuring deadlines are met and data is collected in an accurate and timely manner.
  • Use mixed methods to collect quantitative and qualitative information, including surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, and observations.
  • Compile and analyze data disaggregated by gender and age to better understand specific needs and facilitate a more effective response.
  • Coordinate external evaluations (baseline, end line), using criteria of effectiveness, relevance, efficiency, impact, sustainability and coherence).
  • Participate in the preparation of narrative reports on project progress, contrasting results with established objectives and providing recommendations for improvements.
  • Develop and deliver M&E training for local implementing partners, ensuring their relevant and effective participation in monitoring and evaluation activities.
  • Facilitate participatory workshops to analyze and interpret the data collected, promoting shared learning and joint construction of knowledge.
  • Ensure that ethical considerations and best practices are implemented in all M&E activities, including the preparation of safeguarding and risk assessments.
  • Ensure consent for data collection and protection of participant privacy, as well as the inclusion of voices from marginalized groups in M&E processes.
  • Collaborate closely with the project management team, partners and participants to ensure effective coordination of M&E activities with other areas of the project.
  • Communicate M&E findings and results in a clear and timely manner to all relevant stakeholders, including the Technical Advisory Group and the Project Steering Committee.

3.3 Deliverables

  1. Detailed document describing the project’s M&E strategy, including monitoring and evaluation objectives, key indicators, data collection methods, schedule of activities and responsibilities.
  2. A robust and secure database that contains all the information collected, with a structure that facilitates analysis and generation of reports.
  3. Documents that summarize the results of quarterly monitoring, including data on product progress, milestone achievement, budget execution, and other performance indicators.
  4. Detailed report presenting the results of the baseline evaluation, including the initial situation in terms of outcome indicators, identified gaps and priority intervention areas.
  5. Rapid Needs Assessment Report if necessary
  6. Detailed end-line report presenting the final results in comparison to the baseline values ​​and the goals established for the indicators.

4. Profile

Education and formation.

Preferably, the M&E technician should have a solid academic background in areas related to social sciences, statistics, program evaluation, international development or other relevant fields. A college degree in these fields is essential, and a graduate degree or additional certifications in M&E would be advantageous.

Professional experience.

You should have previous experience working in project monitoring and evaluation, preferably in the field of international development, health, gender, humanitarian aid or similar areas. This includes experience in designing data collection tools, data analysis, reporting, and using technologies for M&E.

Specific knowledge.

Must have solid technical knowledge in monitoring and evaluation methodologies, including indicator design, qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques, statistical analysis, and impact evaluation. Additionally, you should be familiar with performance measurement frameworks and international standards in M&E.

Skills and competencies.

  • Must possess strong analytical skills to interpret data, identify trends, analyze results, and draw meaningful conclusions. This involves the ability to use statistical software and data visualization tools to present information in a clear and understandable way.
  • It is important that the M&E technician has project management skills to efficiently coordinate monitoring and evaluation activities within the project framework. He must be able to work as a team, set priorities, manage deadlines and ensure the quality of deliverables.
  • The M&E technician must be results-oriented and have a practical approach to using data in decision making. He must be able to identify areas of improvement and propose evidence-based recommendations to optimize the impact of the project.
  • Must have excellent verbal and written communication skills to interact with different stakeholders, present reports, facilitate workshops and train staff on M&E related topics. It is also important to be able to communicate results clearly and persuasively.

Attitudes and Values:

  • Commitment to the principles of gender equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • Cultural sensitivity and respect for local communities and their traditions.
  • Integrity and professional ethics in all activities and labor relationships.
  • Ability to work in changing environments and under pressure, maintaining a positive and proactive attitude.

How to apply

5. Presentation of technical and economic proposal

Applications must include:

  1. Motivation letter/Cover letter
  2. Proposer’s resume
  3. Profesional references
  4. Economic proposal: Detail the value of the monthly payment for professional services

Contract duration: 12 months

Please send your request to Plan International Panama ( until May 24, 2024, referring to the position that applies to the matter and including the indicated supporting documents.

Note: Proposals sent to any other email or recipient other than the one mentioned above will invalidate your participation and will not be considered.


USD$ monthly 2,318.24 maximum (includes local taxes)

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