Mission France – Internship : Logistics and finance (H/F)- Paris At Solidarity International

To be filled : 3 January 2024
Duration: Internship 6 months
Place : Paris (travel on other possible bases)


SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL (SI) is an association of’international humanitarian aid which, for more than 40 years, has been
assistance to populations affected by armed conflict and natural disasters by meeting vital needs, drinking, eating, sheltering. Particularly engaged in the fight against diseases related to unhealthy’, the leading cause of death in the world, SI implements through its interventions an expertise in the field of’access to drinking’water,’sanitation and the promotion of hygiene but also in that, essential, food security and means of’. Present in about twenty countries, SI – 2000 teams in total composed of’expatriates, national staffs, permanent staff at headquarters, some volunteers…intervene with professionalism and commitment in respect of cultures.

The International Solidarity project ( SI ) in France helps people in precarious situations living in precarious habitat sites ( type slums or squats ) around Toulouse, Lille, Nantes, Marseille as well as Ile-de-France and Mayotte. The difficulties of the target audiences are characterized by the barriers they encounter in accessing essential services ( in particular maintenance and hygiene products ) and by highly degraded housing conditions which do not allow decent living conditions due to a very degraded environment. SI meets the needs of the populations targeted by the installation of infrastructures for access to drinking water, sanitary infrastructures and the distribution of hygiene kits.


L’assistante logistics and finance of the base of Paris (with support to other areas when necessary) performs its functions under the authority of the manager log admin Nord and works in collaboration with the teams EHA (Water, Hygiene and Sanitation) and community mobilization techniques.

Objectives of the internship :

Discover a mission within’une NGO and understand the relationship between headquarters, coordination and the field
Discover the activities on the ground by travelling in metropolitan France on the different’ intervention sites
Discover the different professions on the ground
Understanding the functioning of’a mission and its constraints
Understand the relationships between the different humanitarian actors
Discover and put into practice the different procedures of’achat
Putting project monitoring management into practice
Discover the different financial monitoring tools

List of main responsibilities :

Assist le.la log-fin manager in the market knowledge and the updating of tools related to purchases in compliance with the rules of donors
Ensure program and logistics orders as well as purchase tracking
Ensure the transport of goods, the delivery of purchases and the storage of goods before the intervention of technical teams
Assist le.la log-fin manager in the search for product donations for hygiene kits
Assist in the implementation of distributions, move around the field to participate in distributions
Ensure the’archiving and centralization of logistics documents
Ensure the updating of accounting logs and the’archiving of accounting records
Track billing and make prepayments


From’a training in humanitarian logistics, accounting and/or financial management, project management, development, international relations, political science
Excellent knowledge of the Microsoft Office package (Word and Excel mainly)
Very good skills of’analysis and writing
Good synthesis and prioritization capabilities
Proactivity and critical thinking
Organization & anticipation
Relationship skills
Ability to work under pressure
Interest for the context : the’access to the’eau on the French territory
Commitment to the principles and work of Solidarity International


Internship based within the France mission of SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL in Paris

Intern with compulsory internship agreement.
Gratification : 4,70 euros/hour
The gratuity is calculated in proportion to the actual hours of attendance over the month. (Average 1 month = 154h, or 22 days of 7h/day)
Public transport supported at 50% by SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL
Tickets restaurant at 8,90 € /daily internship, with participation of SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL at 60%


Do you recognize yourself in this description ?

If yes, send us your CV and Motivation Letter !

Applications containing only CVs will not be considered.

Solidarities International reserves the right to close a recruitment before the date of’ deadline of the’ad. Thank you for your understanding.

And to get to know Solidarity International better: www.solidarites.org

Solidarity International (SI) is committed to preventing and combating any type of’abus – any act of’ exploitation,’abus and/or sexual harassment (SEAH) against members of beneficiary communities or its collaborators, harm to persons and/or property, fraud, corruption, conflict of interest, not declared, etc, financing of’activities infringing human rights – which could be carried out as part of its interventions. SI applies zero tolerance to’ with respect to any type of’abus, particularly acts of SEAH.

Solidarity International is a fair employer that fights all forms of discrimination. SI will never ask for any compensation in order to participate in a recruitment process.


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