Mine Action AoR Coordinator / AVR Specialist – Jordan At Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion

Place: Amman, Jordan – with visits to Gaza when the conditions will allow
Starting date: 1st July 2024
Duration of contract: 6 months
Closing date for applications: 20th June 2024

Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international solidarity organization, which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflicts and disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, it acts and speaks out to meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. More info: www.hi.org

At Handicap International-Humanity & Inclusion, we truly believe in the importance of inclusion and diversity within our organisation. This is why we are engaged to a disability policy to encourage the inclusion and integration of people with disabilities.

Please indicate if you require any special accommodation, even at the first interview.

The Palestine mission is part of the Mashriq regional programme, which covers Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine. HI in 2023 has been implementing a mix of humanitarian and development projects in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

The new conflict between Hamas and Israel in October 2023 has created a major humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip and growing needs and access constraints in the West Bank HI has launched some emergency activities in both areas and is planning to scale up his response in the coming months, both for the emergency phase during the conflict and for the recovery phase after a ceasefire.

HI current response spans these sectors: physical rehabilitation, humanitarian mine action, humanitarian logistics, education in emergencies, emergency preparedness, disability mainstreaming/inclusion in humanitarian action, advocacy and distribution of health, hygiene, and NFI kits.

Main challenges: severe lack of security and humanitarian access in Gaza; security risks, access constraints, and potential further escalation in West Bank and East Jerusalem.

As armed violence transcends separate sectors, a comprehensive cross-sector response is needed. This requires HI practitioners to think outside their particular programming mandates and to consider the entirety of the challenges at hand. Complex situations require comprehensive approaches. HI implements a so-called Comprehensive Models to Mine Action (CAMA) and to Armed Violence Reduction (AVR) to maximize the benefits of a given project to contribute to a world where people can lead safe and fulfilling lives in peaceful and inclusive communities.

HI AVR unit deals directly with the instruments of war, their impact and root causes by:


A key component of this mandate is supporting Humanitarian Mine Action coordination.

Under the line management and upon delegation of the Palestine Country Manager, The Co-coordinator will carry out the following 6 core functions as per WoS Mine Action Aera of Responsibility (AoR) functions:

1. Joint strategic planning and prioritization for the Mine Action AoR response:
– Facilitate contributions to the Humanitarian Programme Cycle process and products;
– Contribute to harmonize needs assessment processes, tools and standards and indicators across response areas to inform the HNO;
– Contribute to the ISG by ensuring that deliverables represent the views of the sector coordinators, who in turn represent the views of their sector partners, of the response areas;
– Contribute to MA AoR IM response monitoring, reporting and contributions to HPC processes.

2. Mine Action AoR policy positions and harmonized advocacy efforts including guiding principles on critical issues affecting all response areas:
– Lead the development of the annual advocacy agenda for Mine Action in Palestine within the MA AoR through a consultative process;
– Provide leadership and support advocacy efforts of Mine Action in conjunction with the MA AoR coordinator, other UN agencies, and MA AoR members/partners;
– Identify fora/meetings at national and international level to speak about protection of civilians/ MA/Explosive Ordnance contamination;
– Representing the MA AoR along with / or instead of the MA AoR coordinator with donors/potential, UNSC State Members, Global Protection cluster Advocacy meetings, conferences dedicated to Protection of Civilians;
– Guide the MA AoR members/partners in the collection, analysis and use of sex and age dis-aggregated data, and the inclusion of disability data collection.

3. Palestine HI Mission AVR policy:
– Utilize internal and external advocacy platforms including social media channels to build broader awareness of the Program’s activities, lessons learned, and results;
– In collaboration with the Senior MEAL Officer and regional AVR Specialist, support production and development of IEC materials, MEAL materials (fact sheets, infographics etc) and any other relevant documents (guidelines, policies, tool kits etc.).

4. Supporting effective inter-response area operational planning and response:
– Facilitate proactive information-sharing across sectors to enable effective inter-sector cross-response area coordination;
– Conduct regular analysis of project data and external secondary data on AVR needs and interventions in close collaboration with the Operations and MEAL team;
– Liaise with national mine action authorities and other line ministries and participate in different forums to advocate for policy changes;
– Maintain strong bilateral coordination with other international and national organisations implementing AVR activities.

5. Enhance Mine Action mainstreaming in the cross-response areas and cross-sector information sharing:
– Facilitate proactive information sharing across response areas and sectors that can be linked with Mine Action;
– Analyse lessons learned/ best practices of implementation approaches on Mine Action AoR with/within other sectors and ensure cross-fertilization.

6. Representation of the AoR:
– AoR Coordinator and Co-Coordinator are both able to represent the views of the sector. Official representation will ideally be conducted jointly as a priority, or otherwise with prior notice and transparency. All external messaging will be based on agreed upon Mine Action AoR positions, in a manner that is neutral, without preference to any single agency’s position, or any specific location/area. The Sector Co-coordinator will work impartially with all members of the Sector/Cluster/Working Groups, and serve and represent these groups as a whole. Mine Action AoR Co-coordinator will work closely notably with the Protection Cluster, the humanitarian architecture, and donors as and when requested to do so with the humanitarian coordination acting similarly.

– Master in Social Science/International Relations/Community development: or relevant field;
– Minimum of five years of experience in providing technical support and strategic guidance pillars of the Armed Violence Reduction Programming (RE, VA, Survey, clearance, conflict transformation); – Experience in Advocacy in low to middle income countries & experience working as technical Project implementer;
– Proven experience in strengthening the capacities of National Mine Action authorities or national operators and coordination with Mine Action operators/stakeholders;
– Knowledge of the international frameworks for AVR (Humanitarian Mine Action, Risk Education, SALW, Conflict Transformation, Victim Assistance specific efforts);
– Sense of diplomacy and capacity to work in an intercultural environment: open minded, calm, flexible, with great sense of humour.

At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission. https://hi.org/en/join-the-team

  • 6 months International contract starting from July 2024:
  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
  • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals;
  • Pension scheme;
  • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution;
  • Repatriation insurance paid by HI;
  • Salary from 2757€ gross/month upon experience;
  • Perdiem: 673.23€ net/month – paid in the field;
  • Paid leaves: 25 days per year;
  • R&R: Level 1: 11 days per year => + possible transport/package support;
  • Position: unaccompanied;
  • Housing: Collective or Individual taken in charge by HI

If you are resident in the country: local package

How to apply

Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link: https://apply.workable.com/j/A7632F666D

Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying!
Only successful candidates will be contacted.


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