Established in 1922, DanChurchAid (DCA) is a Danish non-governmental organisation whose’action is rights-based. Established in CAR since 2015, DCA provides assistance to the poorest communities in conflict and post-conflict situations through its’Action Humanitaire Programme «Safe Communities » <TAG1> : education on the risks of Small and Light Weapons (SALW), Remains and Explosives of War (REG) ; Reduction of Armed Violence (RVA) and Social Cohesion & Social Psycho Support , Income Generating Activities (RMAs); distribution of non-food and household goods (NFIs), Conditional and unconditional cash (food vouchers, etc.), distribution of seeds and tools, etc, support to civil society organisations (CSOs) for their involvement in the reform of the Security Sector (SSR).The DCA in CAR is funded by DANIDA, the Humanitarian Fund, UNICEF, the European Union, the Peacebuilding Fund; other funding is being negotiated.

Under the supervision of the Program Manager MEAL, the’Officer MEAL will carry out all related monitoring and evaluation activities in the field, including the testing of data collection forms, management and participation in the collection of qualitative and quantitative data, support for the registration of beneficiaries and the implementation of other project monitoring activities in the identified areas.


Purpose / purpose :

Carry out the collection and the’ analysis of data for the follow-up and the evaluations of the project.

Test and train project teams and investigators in the use of data collection tools, define their objectives and track achievements.

To collect qualitative and quantitative data through group discussions and interviews with key informants.

Manage the tablets used for data collection, ensuring proper functionality, fast download and requesting maintenance or replacement if necessary.


List of main activities :

Implementation of the MEAL system (Monitoring – Evaluation – Accountability – Learning)

  • Develop the MEAL plan for each of the projects and ensure its implementation
  • Support’ development/revision of indicators (qualitative, quantitative)
  • Develop RTDs and methodological tools (questionnaire, SSE and FGD guides, etc.) for the whole MEAL process
  • Create/adapt data collection and’ analysis tools: rapid needs assessment, surveys, baseline study (Baseline), REAL TIME Evaluation (RTE), end line study’ impact studies, etc, follow-up field visits, focus groups, etc.

Evaluation, analysis and data collection

  • Parameterization of questionnaires on’ data analysis applications
  • Organize all monitoring activities assessment, accountability and learning : rapid needs assessment, surveys, basic studies ;
  • Recruit investigators and consultants, train them, supervise them and supervise/evaluate their work and guarantee the quality of the work ;
  • Participate in needs assessments and’ project development

Monitoring and reporting of project activities

  • Collect field data (quantitative and qualitative data), analyse them and produce reports and other requested documents
  • Keep the calendar of events up to date for all projects
  • Provide advice and coaching in MEAL to program people
  • Organiser des r réunions de suivi impliquant tout le staff clé de chacun des projets
  • Suivi du respect du cadre logique, de la réalisation des activités, des résultats et du respect du calendrier
  • Elaborer un tableau de bord de tous les projets en cours
  • Participer à l’élaboration des Rapports internes et des rapports aux bailleurs de fonds

Production des évidences et gestion des connaissances

  • Rédiger des success stories et produire des images (photos, vidéo) et constituer une base de données
  • Produire les bulletins mensuels, des documents de capitalisation et les bases de données et les gérer
  • Favoriser la diffusion de bonnes pratiques, les leçons apprises au sein de l’équipe et entre les différentes équipes
  • Produire des résumés des documents et les partager


  • Renseigner les autres documents clés de suivi et redevabilité : Accountability Improvement Plan
  • Mettre en place un mécanisme de retour d’information des bénéficiaires, des partenaires et des parties prenantes

Relations :

Interne : Travailler en étroite collaboration avec les équipes de DCA et les conseillers techniques

Externe : Assurer la liaison avec les représentants du gouvernement, les ONG locales et les ONG internationales sous délégation et en très étroite collaboration avec le Coordinateur Consortium, le Directeur de Programmes et le Chef de Mission


  • Compétences techniques en suivi et évaluation :
    • Bonne capacité d’analyse et d’interprétation des données qualitatives principalement les données liées aux domaines de santé mentale, consolidation de la paix et la démocratie
    • An ability to make a thorough analysis of the dynamics of conflicts and to contextualize it
    • Experience working with young people, especially young women and the challenges they face in CARNB: The position is reserved only for candidates of Central African nationality.

How to apply


Candidates(e)s interested(e)s must send their complete file (CV detailed specifying the references, cover letter, etc, Copy of diplomas and certificates of services rendered) sent by Mail to :

Deadline for submission of files : 19 January 2024 to 17 : 00 (time of the CAR)

Only shortlisted candidate(e)s(e)s will be contacted(e)s.

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