M&E and complaint management (f/h/x) – Morocco At Doctors of the World – Belgium


Doctors of the World is an international medical development NGO that is part of an international network. We provide medical assistance to vulnerable groups in Belgium and in the rest of the world. We want universal health care coverage where every person has access to care, without barriers.

In Belgium and around the world, our projects are aimed at all people who have no or no access to health care. In particular, they are structured in five axes: people on the margins of society, children in vulnerable situations, women, etc, migrant or displaced persons and victims of crises or conflicts.

To carry out our mission, we rely on three pillars :

  • Heal : give real access to care to the population.
  • Change: more than helping, we want to change things in the long run.
  • Testify : we do not remain silent. Thanks to our experience and our presence on the ground, we challenge the powers (local, regional and (inter)national) with facts, figures and realities.

Our projects follow a series of values common to our entire organization: Social justice, Empowerment, Independence, Commitment, Balance.


Doctors of the World intervenes in Morocco since 2013 to ensure’ access to inclusive and quality care and protection services to all people in vulnerable situations.
MdM-Belgium works in Morocco in close collaboration with the Moroccan civil society organizations.
The themes of’intervention in the country are: the Health and Rights in Migration (SDM), the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SDSR) with Violence Based on Gender (GVB) and MHPSSin transversal and the main axes are: technical and programmatic support to local partners, consortium coordination, advocacy and mobilization of networks around the themes of interest.

In response to the’ emergency situation following the earthquake occurred in september 2023, in, Medecin du Monde and its partners have launched an emergency’ response in the most affected areas in order to provide appropriate assistance to the most vulnerable people affected by the earthquake.

Our interventions focus on 3 areas mainly: Oriental Region, Rabat-Sale Region and Marrakech-Taroudant Region.


The/a M&E and Complaints Manager is responsible for setting up and monitoring the M&E systems&E emergency projects and migration projects and also to set up the CLIMBING Management Mechanism of’Information and feedback (MGRI) at the level of projects implemented in Morocco.

Hierarchical link: Program Manager Morocco


As an M&E officer, you are responsible for setting up and monitoring M&E systems for projects implemented in Morocco

Example tasks

  • Provide support to the’ project team in the collection, input and processing of data ;
  • Contribute to the development of tools for monitoring and evaluating project activities and guide their uses (data collection, evaluation of regular activities, Baseline, …) ;
  • Manage the various project databases ;
  • Compile and centralize the information to inform the indicators of the projects implemented ;
  • Regularly monitor the integration of BEST practices in Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Team Learning during the execution of activities ;
  • Produce analyses to feed reporting or advocacy actions ;
  • Participate in the production of internal M&E reports and donors ;
  • Participate in the capitalization and evaluation exercises on the Morocco mission ;
  • Participate in regular data verification and’audit exercises to assess the quality of reported data and address any anomalies identified in collaboration with project teams ;
  • Conduct follow-up field visits based on identified needs.

As a complaint manager, you are responsible for setting up the’Information and Feedback Rise Management Mechanism (MGRI) at the project level implemented in Morocco.

Example tasks

  • Implement the CLIMBING Management Mechanism of’Information and feedback, adapted to the context, which beneficiaries and partners can access with confidence ;
  • Monitor and evaluate complaints received and initiate a response (follow-up) process by developing and maintaining a follow-up mechanism ;
  • Build capacity and understanding of MDM staff, partners, and contractors on the IMPORTANCE of ACCOUNTABILITY to beneficiaries ;
  • Support programme teams in outreach, awareness-raising of beneficiaries on the MGRI and as well as local authorities and other stakeholders ;
  • Regularly update the complaint management database and provide timely updates to project staff based on the nature of the feedback ;
  • Categorize, analyze trends and patterns of complaints received to guide decision making and help improve program management ;
  • Generate monthly, periodic reports and ensure that reports are shared with project teams and MEAL ;
  • Conduct periodic field visits to ensure that complaint management systems are functional and that the necessary support is provided as required in the field.
  • Regularly evaluate the’ effectiveness of the MGRI in order to identify deviations and propose improvements in collaboration with the MEAT coordinator, project managers and others ;
  • Collect stories (« success story »), photos and videos illustrating the activities of MdM BE in coordination with project staffs (question preparation and scenarios, etc, taking photos and videos, organizing and presenting the material collected, etc.) and the Reporting Officer.
  • Execute all other tasks according to needs and according to its field of competence on request of the hierarchy ;

These responsibilities will be implemented in a specific and transversal way on the basis of the annual individual’action plan (including the’ identification of projects), and, established in collaboration between the person in charge and the incumbent of the position in question.
Activities may evolve depending on the context.



Studies /training and Experience

  • Have a university degree (Minimum Bac +3) in Statistics, Computer Science, Public Health, project management, Social sciences or similar disciplines ;
  • Experience of’at least 2 years in the field of Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning ;
  • Experience in data collection of’ quantitative and qualitative surveys ;
  • Excellent writing, reporting and communication skills ;
  • Experience in database management.

Skills and qualities required

  • Good knowledge of the Humanitarian Principles and Accountability ;
  • Mastery of the’computer tool and data collection software : Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint and Outlook ;
  • Professional knowledge of ODK/Kobo and PowerBI ;
  • A good knowledge of French and Arabic (optional) ;
  • Meaning of’organisation and planning ;
  • Ability to take initiatives and focus on results ;
  • Ability to work under pressure in a complex and demanding environment ;
  • Team SPIRIT, sense of diplomacy and ability to manage conflicts ;
  • Rigour, autonomy and discretion ;
  • Dynamism, flexibility and openness of’ spirit ;
  • Strong integrity and respect for MdM-BE values.


  • A dynamic and international working environment with close support from the MdM-BE headquarters in Brussels ;
  • A field mission at the heart of the activities of Doctors of the World ;
  • Fixed-term contract (CDD) 12 months in single posting ;
  • Salary Conditions :
    • Status Expatriate : gross salary of 2698,13 € for 3 years of’experience ; gross salary of 2892,76 € for 10 years of’experience ; Perdiem 587 Euro. Depending on your tax residence, it may be that’a withholding tax is deducted.
    • National Status : CDD of Moroccan law, salary conditions according to the salary grid and conditions proposed locally.
  • Place of mission : Rabat – with frequent trips to Marrakech.
  • Post office : 22/7/2024 ideally.

How to apply

Thank you to’ address your application using the application form appropriated by 11th of July.

We reserve the right to finalize a recruitment before the closing date of receipt of applications. MdM-Be does not request any financial participation in the recruitment process.
Doctors of the World S’ is committed to people with disabilities and fights against all discrimination.
We inform you that the data concerning you are computerized, they will be treated confidentially. In the context of this application, your data is kept for a period of 6 months. Only persons authorized by our General Privacy Policy will be able to access your data for strictly internal purposes.


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