Logistics Coordinator – Kinshasa – DRC At First International Emergency

9 months – Fixed term contract – ASAP

PUI in all corners of the world

With its 40 years of’experience, First International Emergency :

  • Helped out nearly 6 million beneficiaries
  • With a budget of more than 100 Millions € per year
  • Distributed in 22 country, on 5 continents
  • Thanks to the’involvement and’engagement of :
  • More than 2000 national collaborators
  • About 200 expats of 45 different nationalities
  • And 90 employees at headquarters

PUI works in 10 sectors of’intervention and is distinguished by the implementation of’an integrated approach in its response. This method aims to identify and understand the’ set of needs of people affected by a crisis. Our teams are mobilizing to provide a global response to the’ set of basic needs of populations victims of humanitarian crises in the’ emergency to allow them to regain autonomy and dignity.

To learn more about our historyour valuesour fields of’intervention.

Focus on our activities in DRC

Our mission in the DRC has existed since 2001. PUI is developing its integrated approach with projects in primary health and the fight against malnutrition. PUI intervenes in Kinshasa with a project for the prevention and management of STIs, in the Mai Dombe and in Ituri with projects in health nutrition, health and, and in North Kivu through an integrated approach in health nutrition of’ emergency supplemented by activities in food security.

And the.the Logistics· Coordinator – Kinshasa in all this?

As a Logistics Coordinator of the· you will be responsible for the mission of implementing’a logistics framework adapted and organized around an efficient’ supply chain, a correctly dimensioned logistics of support. You will be the guarantor of’application, compliance with policies, rules, procedures and good logistical practices on the bases and in capital.

For this purpose, your responsibilities will be as follows :

  • Chain d’supplies : You will actively contribute to the implementation and coordination of the’ sourcing strategy for the mission. You will ensure that the administrative and operational components of the’supply chain are in place and functional. You will be responsible for ensuring that· complies with the procedures, policies and processes related to the purchasing, transportation and storage functions. You will ensure that close ties are woven with the seat in order to’avoid delays, losses, breaks in the supply chain seat – terrain.
  • Logistics support : You will ensure that the teams are provided with the means, resources and tools they need to carry out their activities. You will actively contribute to the dimensioning of the mission in terms of buildings, materials, equipment, services allowing the proper functioning of the bases.
  • Security : You will ensure the’ existence of the means and frameworks necessary for the’application of rules related to communications, travel and building management.
  • ’team management : You will be responsible for the HR dimensioning of the logistics department and the validation of the job profiles of the members of the’ team. You will directly manage the employees who depend on you hierarchically in accordance with HR policies and procedures from recruitment to’s performance evaluations.
  • Strategy : You will take a proactive approach and follow the logistics strategy of the mission, in connection with the’ supply chain, the support logistics in close connection with the headquarters and the’ coordination team.
  • Coordination : You will centralize and disseminate the’logistic information within the mission and towards the headquarters. You will consolidate internal and external reporting in this area.
  • Representation : You will represent the’association in the forums, with partners, authorities and various local actors involved in the fields of logistics.

The challenges ahead of you:

1) Continue the work of setting up procedures and practices of good logistics management on the mission. 2) Accompany the bases in the good management of the various logistical aspects, especially in terms of’ supply, in order to make them show in autonomy and gain in efficiency. 3) Contribute to developing the logistics strategy of the mission (appro strategy, equipment management, financial management, etc.). 4) Strengthen good practices in the management of medical procurement, in collaboration with the programme teams.

What’it will take you to succeed

  • Formation

You can justify of’a higher degree (Bac + 2 to Bac + 5) in the logistics sector (purchase, transport etc.).

  • Experience

You are strong of’at least two years of professional experience in the logistics sector and of’a year of’experience in international solidarity or a fortiori abroad’. Do you have’ experience in safety management ? This will be highly appreciated. Have you worked with First International Emergency ? It will be an undeniable asset!

  • Skills

You are familiar with inventory procedures, vehicle fleet management, telecommunications, as well as institutional donor procedures (OFDA, ECHO, AAP, UN agencies…), and demonstrates’a good editorial quality. The mastery of computer techniques of communication,’energy,’electricity will be appreciated.

  • Qualities required

You are able to work autonomously and assume responsibilities in a proactive approach, with good priority management. You know how to delegate and supervise the work of’a multidisciplinary team, have a good capacity for’analysis, discernment, and the meaning of negotiation. You are demonstrating’adaptability, reliability, rigor, and’a good resistance to stress.

  • Languages

French and’anglais have no secrets for you ? So much the better, it’is essential for this post !

The word from the manager

« PUI RDC celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2022, but remains a very dynamic mission, in the image of the Congolese context. The years 2021 and 2022 have allowed PUI to see its operational volume increase, and’ 2023 will be focused on structuring and stabilizing the mission. With this in mind, the role of the/of the Logistics Coordinator will be fundamental to develop this strategy and to ensure the rise in operational efficiency. »

PUI will propose

  • Status: Framework in Contract with Determined Duration
  • Gross monthly salary: 2 650,00 – 3 130,00 EUR according to your experience in international solidarity + 50€ per semester of’ seniority with PUI
  • Assurance including medical and complementary health coverage, 24/24 assistance, repatriation and pension
  • Hébergement en maison collective / Statut accompagné et pack famille à l’étude
  • Frais de vie (« Per Diem »)
  • Régime de breaks: 5 jours ouvrés à 3 et 9 mois de mission + prime de break
  • Régime de Congés Payés: 5 semaines de CP/an + billet d’avion A/R au domicile tous les 6 mois

Nos engagements

Première Urgence Internationale considère la diversité des nationalités, genres, croyances, profils et statuts au sein de ses Ressources Humaines comme un atout majeur pour son action humanitaire, et s’astreint donc au strict respect du principe de non-discrimination tout au long de son processus de recrutement.

Première Urgence Internationale pratique une politique de tolérance zéro envers l’exploitation, les abus sexuels et à la maltraitance, sous toutes ses formes, des femmes, enfants et toutes autres personnes vulnérables. Elle mobilise l’ensemble de son personnel dans la promotion, la diffusion et le respect des principes édictés dans sa charte éthique.

Veuillez noter que Première Urgence Internationale ne sollicitera en aucun cas une participation financière pour des frais administratifs liés au recrutement. Toute information allant dans ce sens serait frauduleuse, merci de ne pas en tenir compte.

Vous vous reconnaissez dans ce profil et vous adhérez à nos engagements ? Vous vous sentez prêt·e à relever le challenge et à rejoindre la grande famille PUI ?

How to apply

Thanks for follow this link and fill out the form on our career website.

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