Logistics Coordinator – Haiti – M/F At ALIMA


THE ALIMA SPIRIT: ALIMA’s purpose is to save lives and care for the most vulnerable populations, without any discrimination based on identity, religion or politics, through actions based on proximity, innovation and the alliance of organizations and individuals. We act with humanity, impartiality and respect for universal medical ethics . To access patients, we are committed to intervening in a neutral and independent manner.

THE VALUES and PRINCIPLES of our action, included in our CHARTER:

  1. Patient First
  2. Revolutionizing humanitarian medicine
  3. Responsibility and freedom
  4. Improving the quality of our actions
  5. Trust
  6. Collective intelligence
  7. Environmental responsibility

CARE – INNOVATE – TOGETHER: Since its creation in 2009, ALIMA has treated more than 13 million patients in 15 countries, and is now deploying its operations in 12 African countries and Haiti. In 2022, we developed 62 humanitarian medical response projects to meet the needs of populations affected by conflict, epidemics and extreme poverty. All of these projects are carried out in support of national health authorities through nearly 511 health structures. We work in partnership, in particular with local NGOs, whenever possible to ensure that our patients benefit from expertise, whether in their country or in the rest of the world. In addition, to improve the humanitarian response, we are conducting operational and clinical research projects, in particular to combat malnutrition and viral hemorrhagic fevers.

OUR PROJECT THEMES: Malnutrition, Sexual and reproductive health including gender-based violence, Primary and secondary health, Pediatrics, Malaria, Epidemics (Hemorrhagic fevers, meningitis, Cholera, Measles, Dengue, Covid-19).

THE ALIMA TEAM: More than 2,000 people currently work for ALIMA. The field teams, closest to the patients, receive their support from the coordination teams generally based in the capitals of the countries of intervention. These receive support from the 4 desk teams and the emergency and openings service team based at the operational headquarters in Dakar, Senegal. The Paris and New York teams are actively working on fundraising as well as representing ALIMA. The rest of the ALIMA Galaxy includes individuals and partner teams who work on behalf of other organizations such as the medical NGOs BEFEN, ALERTE Santé, SOS Médecins / KEOOGO, AMCP, the research organizations PACCI, INSERM, the Universities of Bordeaux or Copenhagen, the NGO Solidarités International and many others.

OUR COUNTRIES OF INTERVENTION: Mali, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Guinea, Sudan, Mauritania, Ethiopia, Haiti.

ALIMA promotes and defends the principles of fundamental human rights. ALIMA has a zero-tolerance approach towards those guilty of acts of gender-based and sexual violence as well as towards inaction in the face of alleged or proven acts of violence. The protection of those benefiting from and impacted by our intervention is our top priority in everything we do. Anyone collaborating with ALIMA commits to:

  • Respect the charter, the code of conduct, institutional policies including the policy of protection against abuse of power and sexist and sexual violence, the policy of prevention of corruption and fraud;
  • Report any violation of policies, framework documents and procedures to a superior or a referent.

ALIMA in Haiti

In November, ALIMA conducted an exploratory mission to Haiti, in order to better understand the current needs, more specifically in Port-au-Prince. Given ALIMA’s mission, we focused on humanitarian needs in terms of health, through the identification of the most vulnerable populations and the obstacles restricting access to health services. What emerged from our assessments is a crying need for health actors and therefore a strong desire to intervene as soon as possible in 2024. A team therefore went to Haiti in February to start activities.

Mission location: Port-au-Prince (Haiti) with regular travel to projects


Level 3: The job holder is responsible for implementing the recruitment process and may be required to make field visits. He/she may therefore be in contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. Consequently, a criminal record check or the presentation of a certificate of good character will be necessary. In situations where it is impossible to provide a criminal record or a certificate of good character, a sworn statement will be requested.


He/she reports to the Head of Mission and to the logistics referent (technical referent) at headquarters.

He/she supervises the entire logistics team; and collaborates with all teams.


1.1. Describes and analyzes his activity in his environment:

– Compiles logistics data and analyzes it;

– Participates in the implementation of tools enabling the desk and teams to participate in monitoring the mission and in decision-making (logistics management tools, sitreps, activity reports, visit reports, etc.).

1.2. Participates in discussions on project management and definition of objectives:

– Travels to ensure supervision and monitoring of logistics activities on projects;

2- Implementation of programs

2.1. Organizes and supervises the logistical operation of the mission

– He/she contributes to the assessment of overall logistics HR needs at the mission level

according to the operations developed.

– He/she contributes to the recruitment of logisticians, mission log supervisors, etc.

– He/she contributes to the accountability and training of logisticians, possibly

during training weeks with the support of the logistics department.

– He/she supports the missions by defining the logistics objectives assigned to Logistics and

to monitor their achievements and updates.

-He/she contributes to the briefings and debriefings of all expatriate logistics staff

2.2. Management of logistics activities and monitoring of tools:

– Update mission history tracking and archiving tools;

– Supervises the management of mission movements

-He/she participates in the development, deployment and monitoring of new tools at the mission level

2.3 Organizes and controls the supply and storage of projects:

– He/she ensures that all international and local orders, storage, reception, delivery, transport, etc.

– He/she supports teams in monitoring procedures and meeting supply deadlines.

– He/she ensures the implementation and monitoring of procurement plans for all projects.

– he/she works in collaboration with the purchasing department, and supervises the quality and adequacy of needs, compliance with schedules, organization of resources and the required monitoring.

-He/she ensures good quality of supply in compliance with ALIMA logistics procedures.

– He/she ensures that logistics and supply management tools are applied in all missions and carries out their regular analysis (purchasing timetables and supply plans).

– He/she is responsible for the technical validation of logistical means according to needs.

– With the purchasing department, he/she supports the mission teams in monitoring international orders in compliance with established procedures.

– He/she ensures the monitoring of asset management at the mission level (vehicles, IT and communication equipment, generators, HF / VHF radio, biomedical equipment, etc.)

– He/she liaises with freight forwarders to facilitate customs clearance of all imported goods.

– He/she ensures that the ALIMA countries’ procurement policy follows the American anti-terrorist list procedure.

– He/she connects the mission and the MSF supply unit via the portal.

– He/she ensures that the mission’s supply policy allows for maximum

autonomy to the project.

-He/she guarantees the quality and condition of storage of inputs according to standards at the mission level

– He/she Ensure compliance with ALIMA stock management procedures (and lessors if necessary); Ensure a regular inventory (monthly, quarterly and annual) of the various goods stored at the mission level

-He/she centralizes and controls monthly, quarterly and annual inventories

-He/she monitors and analyzes the consumption of food, fuel and common consumables (chlorine, hygiene products, patient kit, stationery, etc.).

-He/she, in conjunction with the Procurement Manager, ensures and controls the quality of storage in the warehouses.

-He/she ensures proper stock management through stock records, by implementing control tools

2.4. Plans and monitors the logistics programs of the various projects in line with medical needs

– Status report, priorities, budget, technical choices, advanced supervision of projects.

2.5. Organizes and supervises the operation of the mission’s logistics:

– Meeting with his team, briefing of visiting staff, support for field log.

2.6. Ensures the adequacy of equipment, its maintenance and renewal:

– He/she sizes the equipment according to operational needs, procedures, fleet management, anticipates, plans, renews, sets up a plan for equipment servicing and maintenance, etc.

– He/she ensures the security and monitoring of the mission’s communication and IT equipment (identification, maintenance of the fleet, inventory and allocation); In conjunction with the coordinators (programs and support) and the IT specialist, identify the mission’s IT hardware needs

-He/she ensures the internet quality of the mission

2.7. Limits the risks taken by the teams, by ensuring the presence, reliability and proper use of the means and methods used for security:

– Updated safety guide, information, equipment, briefing, training, etc.

– Ensure that all security procedures put in place are strictly respected;

– ensure that passive safety procedures are respected;

Hibernation and incident management rooms:

  • Ensure that hibernation rooms are identified at the coordination and field level and a critical incident management room at the coordination level. A descriptive sheet exists and is known to all;
  • Ensure that food trunks exist, are regularly updated and comply with the existing standard list;
  • Ensure that these rooms are equipped in accordance with standards (existing list)

Passive Security:

  • Ensure that passive safety procedures are followed at the level of houses, offices, coordination and grounds (see the list of what is required for this)[2] [3]


  • Provide training on the various tools and procedures (logistics, RT, Drivers, guards, etc.)
  • Fire procedures training

2.8. Ensures the financial and logistical management of the program:

– Develops the logistics budget and ensures budgetary revisions based on work in progress and plans future activities;

– Guarantee the quality of the procurement files for the various projects;

– Ensure the application of appropriate procedures and tools in the execution of all technical files following ALIMA procedures;

– Definition of logistical implications in the “proposals” (need, cost, planning, procedures, possible exemption);

3- Human resources management

3.1. Team composition:

– Organizes the recruitment of staff in its activity (with the support of HR Coordination);

– Organize with supervisors the replacement of absent staff.

3.2. Team management:

– Leads and organizes regular team meetings and produces shared meeting minutes;

– Organizes the circulation of information within his team and with the projects

3.3. Evaluation and POP:

– Conducts evaluation interviews for the activity managers for whom he is responsible and delegates the conduct of evaluation interviews for other personnel in accordance with ALIMA policies;

– Identifies potential within his team;

Continuing education:

– Defines the training needs of his team in line with the project objectives;

– Participates in the training of team members through support in their work.

4. Implementation of preventive measures against abuse of power, sexist and sexual violence:

– Participates in training and awareness sessions;

– Applies standards relating to the prevention of abuse;

– Ensures that his team members follow training and awareness sessions and apply standards relating to the prevention of abuse;

– Helps create and maintain a nurturing and protective environment.

5. Environmental responsibility within the logistics department and the mission

– Implements the relevant means;

– Immerses itself in the ALIMA environmental load to carry out these logistics activities.

– Sizing of energy, transport and waste management needs according to environmental standards

– Analysis and collection of the carbon footprint of the mission

-He/she implements the relevant means in line with environmental policy: Energy, supply, transport, etc.

-He/she is responsible for the medical waste management policy in the structure while respecting the destruction protocols.

-He/she implements the recycling policy for engine oils – printer cartridges

6. Security management applied at mission level

– He/she supervises security management in conjunction with the Head of Mission (risk analysis, monitoring of movements, drafting of guides, security memos, etc.).

– He/she assesses and coordinates the implementation and compliance with risk reduction measures throughout the mission: updating tools, choice of buildings, briefing, etc.

– He/she Limits the risks taken by the teams, by ensuring the presence, reliability and proper use of the means and methods used for security (information, equipment, briefing, training, etc.).

– He/she helps missions mitigate the risks taken by the teams.

– He/she helps to apply the PAX policy which corresponds to the EU list of non-approved airlines.

– He/she supports the mission for the proper use and reliability of all means and methods used for security and safety purposes.

– He/she contributes to the definition and implementation of all passive/active elements of security and safety policies (premises, travel management, data protection, communication, air transport of PAX, health structures).

– He/she contributes, in conjunction with the Head of Mission and the Program Manager, to regular updates and revisions of mission security management tools and shares his/her

security and safety expertise.

7. Management of construction/rehabilitation works at mission level

-He/she draws up the draft work plan, the work specifications, the estimated quotes, and the work schedule.

-He/she ensures the monitoring of construction sites according to specifications, provisional and final acceptance of works according to specifications

-He/she ensures the maintenance and rehabilitation of infrastructure

-He/she proposes the plan for improving its infrastructure according to operational needs

-He/she is the guarantor of the quality choices of office buildings and houses at the mission level

8. Wash management at mission level

-He/she ensures the implementation of Wash activities in our hospital structures according to the standard protocol

-He/she is responsible for the wash/PCI standards at the mission level

-He/she ensures good quality of hospital hygiene and vector control in health structures, offices and homes

9. Representation and reporting

-He/she ensures active collaboration and actively participates in the various wash clusters, UN log and inter-NGO forums, sharing meeting reports within the coordination and with the Desk if relevant.

-He/she participates in the MINI MAP & MAP

– He/she is responsible for the analysis and compilation of the monthly and weekly report of his/her activities

– He/she is responsible for monitoring logistics packs on the mission, their analysis and their archiving on the drive

– He/she ensures lessor logistics reporting for all lessors and on all mission projects.

-He/she writes incident reports and meetings with the log and project teams

-He/she organizes meetings with his/her team and participates in coordination and project meetings



  • Successful experience of at least 2 years in a similar position (with a high volume of activities).
  • Proven experience in the implementation and monitoring of NGO logistics and security management plans
  • Experience in a context of intervention for the management of malnutrition.
  • Experience in team management.

Qualities of the candidate

  • Leadership
  • Strategic vision
  • Sense of diplomacy
  • Flexibility and stress management
  • Teamwork and cooperation
  • Capacity for analysis and synthesis
  • Organizational capacity
  • Autonomy, curiosity and critical thinking
  • Flexibility and stress management
  • Patience and professional maturity
  • Ability to work in a team in multicultural contexts
  • Good physical condition
  • Basic computer skills (Word, Excel and internet).


  • Good command of French (reading, writing, speaking) essential
  • English is an asset.


Duration and type of contract: Fixed-term contract under French law for 6 months with possibility of extension

Starting date: As soon as possible

Salary: ALIMA salary scale + experience recognition + daily Per Diem

ALIMA supports:

  • travel expenses between the expatriate’s country of origin and the place of assignment
  • 2.08 days of leave per month
  • medical coverage from the first day of contract to one month after the departure date from the mission country for the employee and their dependents
  • the break policy every 3 months (for 6 months of mission)
  • evacuation for the employee

How to apply

To apply, please send your CV and Cover Letter online.

Applications are processed in the order in which they are received. ALIMA reserves the right to close the offer before the deadline initially indicated if an application is accepted. Only complete applications (CV in PDF format + Cover Letter) will be considered.

Female applications are strongly encouraged.

Application link: https://hr.alima.ngo/jobs/detail/11229?utm_campaign=Campagne+d%27offres+&utm_medium=Website&utm_source=relief+web

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