Lead Technical Consultant, Beirut, Lebanon At United Nations Environment Programme

Closing date: Saturday, 10 June 2023
Result of ServiceDraft Second National Communication (SNC) & BUR to fulfil its obligations to the UNFCCC (Article 12)

Work LocationMOECC Qatar

Expected duration18 months

Duties andResponsibilities

1. Organizational Setting, Purpose and Objective: The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. The Regional Office for West Asia delivers advisory services and capacity building support to countries to achieve environment and sustainable development objectives. The preparation of the Second National Communication (SNC) and Initial Biennial Update Report (BUR1) is expected to enhance awareness and knowledge on climate change-related issues in Qatar. It should seek to assist in the process of national planning and policy formulation, especially as it relates to mainstreaming vulnerability and adaptation and mitigation measures within the work programme of the various stakeholders. Also, it will contribute to the social and economic development of the country by reducing vulnerability associated with climate change or proposing options to do so in the key sectors while reducing emissions and enhancing sinks of greenhouse gases. The objective of this consultancy is to technically coordinate the preparation of Qatar SNC and BUR1 to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Consultant will be the technical lead and be responsible for guiding and coordinating technical inputs into the two reports (SNC & BUR) as well ensuring quality (before the independent review) of the reports produced. The Consultant will be supervised by the Climate Action Regional Coordinator in UNEP/ROWA and work closely the Ministry of Environment of Environment and Climate Change (MoECC) of Qatar, Qatar University and the local/international consultants recruited for the project. Duties and Responsibilities: Under the direct supervision of the Regional Coordinator for Climate Change at UNEP, and in consultation with the technical team at the MoECC, the International Consultant will carry-out, inter alia, the following duties and responsibilities: National Circumstances and Institutional Arrangements. – Organize and conduct a national inception workshop to launch SNC/BUR1 project and collect preliminary information on national circumstances. All relevant governmental entities, scientific institutions, NGOs and individuals ought to be included. – Describe the institutional arrangement for the preparation of NCs and BURs on a continuous basis, with assessment of roles and flow of functions carefully assessed for effectiveness with recommendations for improvements. – Review the update of information on population, geographic, climate and economic profiles, as well as on key economic sectors (energy, transportation, buildings, industry, agriculture, waste, tourism, and health), education system, including scientific and technical research institutions and development policies relevant to climate change. – Review the compiled information gathered during stock taking exercise and stakeholder consultations in national circumstances. – Circulate Chapter “National Circumstances†for comments to relevant experts. – Incorporate and finalize any comments received and compile Chapter “National Circumstances†of BUR1 and SNC of the State of Qatar under the UNFCCC. National GHG Inventory. – Organize the setting up of the GHG groups representing key sectors and define roles, responsibilities, and deliverables. Oversee the technical capacity building delivered by the National Consultant on training of National Inventory report (NIR) on chosen tools, procedures and methodologies including participation in international/ regional and national workshops, trainings, or meetings on GHG inventories. – Oversee the collection of activity data and inventory database constructed using the UNFCCC/IPCC software used to report GHG emissions. – Review the sectoral inventory reports. – Organize two national workshops on greenhouse gas inventory, the first in 2023 and the second in 2024, to present the results of the National Inventory Report (NIR). – Incorporate review comments into NIR the comments received from the peer review process and finalize the reports. – Compile Chapter “National GHG Inventory†of BUR1 and SNC of the State of Qatar under the UNFCCC. Programmes Containing “Measures to Facilitate Adequate Adaptation to Climate Change”. – Coordinate Qatar University’s establishment of a national vulnerability and adaptation (V&A) assessment team. – Guide the technical capacity-building workshop on V&A and the use of methodologies and tools for conducting V&A assessment delivered by Qatar University. The guidance include training on methodologies, consultation processes and defining of deliverables. – Review the possible climate change scenarios and the adaptation assessments, including the socio-economic aspects, for key sectors. – Circulate Chapter “Measures to Facilitate Adequate Adaptation to Climate Change†for comments to relevant experts. – Incorporate comments received from the review and finalize the Chapter “Measures to Facilitate Adequate Adaptation to Climate Change†of the SNC of the State of Qatar under the UNFCCC. Mitigation Actions and Their Effects – Organize the establishment of the technical working group for mitigation assessment with clear ToRs. – Organize the first national workshop on Climate Change Mitigation with the aim of determining mitigation actions or programmes that have been implemented or are being developed along with any barriers of challenges to implementation and providing training and awareness raising on mitigation measures to sectors with mitigation potential. – Organize technical capacity building and training on chosen tools and methodologies. – Review the draft chapter on ‘Programmes to Mitigate Climate Change’. – Organize a workshop on climate change mitigation to present information on Programmes to Mitigate Climate Change. – Incorporate comments received and finalize the Chapter on ‘Information Programmes to Mitigate Climate Change†of SNC of the State of Qatar under the UNFCCC. – Review the status report on national arrangements for the implementation of low emission development strategy (LEDS) and nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs). – Review the status report on participation of State of Qatar in international carbon market mechanisms. – Review Chapter: ‘Mitigation Actions and their Effects,’ circulate for peer review, comments, and validation. Domestic Measurement, Reporting, and Verification. – Coordinate the establish a national team for domestic MRV. The team may be combined with the the technical working group for mitigation assessment, if seen adequate by the Ministry. – Oversee the technical capacity building for the national team on MRV including participation in the subregional/regional/international workshops/ meetings/ trainings on MRV. – Review the collected and analysed information on different options for establishing a domestic MRV and determine how these would be applicable to the State of Qatar. – Organize a stakeholders’ workshop to present the proposed or established MRV system, including the user operational protocols and procedures for operating the MRV system. – Incorporate feedback and finalise the report on domestic MRV for inclusion in the BUR. Compilation and Production of the SNC and BUR1. – Compile SNC & BUR1 reports in English, circulate them for comments and reviews. – Finalize the compiled reports in accordance with the UNFCCC guidelines. – Coordinate the organization of a national conference at the end of the project to present and review with stakeholders the final results of the SNC and BUR1. Technical Coordination – In addition to UNEP/ROWA, the International Consultant will provide technical coordination and guidance to the national team responsible for the preparation of the BUR1 and SNC in specific approaches, tools and methods to be used for the planned activities under the GHG Inventories, NIR, mitigation assessment & NAMAs, the MRV System, Climate Modelling, vulnerability assessment and adaptation, and other information.

Qualifications/special skillsPostgraduate degree in environmental sciences, climate change, public policy or another relevant subject is required Minimum 7 years’ experience in climate change policy, adaptation, public policy, international development or similar field is required. Understanding and knowledge of SNC and BUR-related processes, including institutional frameworks for multi-sectoral coordination of integrated approaches for development is desirable. Familiarity with the Qatari and regional climate change context is desirable. Experience in reviewing national and sectoral policies and plans is desirable. Ability to conduct research and work independently is desirable.

LanguagesFluency in written and spoken English is required, proficiency in Arabic is desirable



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