International consultation Capacity building of MEN staff through the generalization of the use of online training courses for the benefit of preparatory teachers, Algiers, Algeria At Unicef

Closing date: Tuesday, August 15, 2023

International consultation Capacity building of MEN staff through the generalization of the use of online training courses for the benefit of preparatory teachers

Job no: 564635

Type position: Consultant

Rental: Algeria Division / Equivalent: Amman ( MENA )

School / Unit: Algeria

Department / Office: Algiers, Algeria

Categories: Education

International consultation

Capacity building of MEN staff through the generalization of the use of online training courses for the benefit of preparatory teachers


The establishment of quality pre-school education is today considered as a program intended to improve the efficiency of teaching by ensuring the development and acquisition of basic cognitive and personal skills which are factors conducive to children’s development and academic success. It also pursues an objective of equity in the sense that pre-school education allows children from the most disadvantaged backgrounds to access a cycle which offers them opportunities to acquire these skills and abilities that children from privileged backgrounds receive at least partially from their family and social environment. All over the world,access to pre-school education strengthens the demand for education and is a quasi-guaranteed one to enroll in primary education and to follow full schooling. After promoting primary education for all with the Millennium Development Goals ( WCO ), the international community has introduced access to pre-school as an integral part of the sustainable development objective concerning education ( ODD4 ) [ 1 ] which defines the targets to be achieved in 2030 and especially achieving universal basic education combining primary and lower secondary education. the international community has introduced access to pre-school as an integral part of the sustainable development objective concerning education ( ODD4 ) [ 1 ] which defines the targets to be achieved in 2030 and especially achieving universal basic education combining primary and lower secondary education. the international community has introduced access to pre-school as an integral part of the sustainable development objective concerning education ( ODD4 ) [ 1 ] which defines the targets to be achieved in 2030 and especially achieving universal basic education combining primary and lower secondary education.

Algeria, a long-standing signatory to the declaration of children’s rights but also of the SDGs, has therefore integrated the objective of generalizing pre-school education, as recalled in the Education Guidance Act 08/04. The legislative framework for pre-school education is indeed clearly set by the orientation law on education, which specifies its definition, object, overall objective and operating methods.

Art. 38. Pre-school education brings together, before compulsory schooling, the various stages of socio-educational care for children aged three to 6 years. Preparatory education, within the meaning of this law, corresponds to the final stage of pre-school education ; it is the one that prepares children aged five ( 5 ) and six ( 6 ) years for access to primary education.“

Art. 39. The purpose of preparatory education is, in particular: to promote the development of their personality in children, through fun activities ;

to make them aware of their bodies, especially thanks to the acquisition by play of sensory skills ;

to create good habits in them through community life training ;

to develop their language practice through communication situations induced by the proposed activities and the game ;

to introduce them to the first elements of reading, writing and calculation through attractive activities and appropriate games.

The heads of the preparatory schools must take care, in conjunction with the health structures, of the detection of sensory, motor or intellectual handicaps with a view to their early care.

The Algerian government and the Ministry of National Education with regard to their own national commitments and their adherence to the recommendations of the international community on children’s rights and educational objectives, but also with a view to helping improve the quality of education, therefore formally recognize the relevance of pre-school education. The Algerian Ministry of Education has shown its interest in pre-school education and its concern to improve the level of pedagogical skills of teachers working in preparatory classes.

The COVID period highlighted the need to use digital engineering to sustain quality initial and continuing training. These devices, accessible from all over Algerian territory, develop the digital skills of teachers and directors. By anchoring the appropriation of these hybrid routes in the daily life of the supervisors, Algeria opens up a very wide field of action and reaches all 20,000 teachers in the preparatory schools. New technologies offer multiple supports that maintain participants’ commitment and leave them free to manage this learning time.

Initially, the ministry set up a group of national designers supervised by two international experts to strengthen the didactic and pedagogical skills of management, taking into account international standards and the evolution of knowledge on the development of young children and the achievements of research in neuroscience.

These three courses were designed to promote educational approaches, adapted to young children in particular; the layout of the rooms, « playing to learn » and the appropriation by teachers of adequate professional gestures. These three priority focal points with regard to the advancement of neuroscience and educational sciences have been defined by the designers and validated by the Ministry of Education.

A work of production of video modules, to be used in teacher training, completed the initial project. Sequences were filmed in local classes according to an indexed modular structure, A space of Video-training and development of the teaching professional activity was integrated into each of the courses.

The previous consultation focused on the realization and the online publication on the ONEF platform of these hybrid modules. These productions gave rise to close collaboration with the engineers of ONEF.

This project is a continuation of the design and onlineization of the three hybrid routes. The purpose of this consultation is to support the training of educational supervisors throughout the Algerian territory.

Decide that the training will be hybrid, deposited on a platform, accessible to teachers regardless of their region of exercise, responds to a need to generalize the rise in skills of teachers responsible for preparatory classes.

Objective of the consultation : the objective of the consultation is to strengthen the capacities of a national nucleus made up of 60 educational inspectors and 60 directors/primary school trices on the 03 training courses « room layout, « play to learn » and the appropriation by teachers of adequate professional gestures ” through 04 training sessions for trainers, with the support of ONEFD executives for online training.

The inspectors/trices which will be responsible for monitoring participants and organizing times in the face will have to find in the terms of the training which will be offered to them the aids and supports which will be used for them ensure generalization with teachers in their constituency but beforehand with their fellow inspectors of the wilaya.

To do this, the training must give them the keys to use the guide of the accompanist and a real knowledge of the support booklet for users. At the end of this training, the inspectors and directors present will have to master the concepts worked but also the progress of the module programs.

In order for everyone’s motivation and commitment to be supported, these training courses should bring about a rise in participants’ digital skills. These routes will be initial modules which should make it possible to supply the web platform later with a view to series. They will serve as a guide by pointing out the strengths and limits, highlighting any professional feasibility dilemmas.

These trainers will have to operate the levers of motivation, allowing them to engage teachers in a dynamic of professional development.

The pilot inspector of hybrid training courses will have to register the training of teachers and teams according to local needs and problems ( a context, a constraint, a shared ) complexity which contributes to the emergence of learning collectives.

Taking into account in parallel the training of directors in charge of preparatory classes is essential. These are the main links in the implementation of the teams within the establishment. They will be responsible for stimulating and encouraging educational innovations. The director coordinates the projects and declines priorities by being able to take into account the specificities of the preparatory class. He is the first to be able to sensitize his team and local authorities to improve the effectiveness of the specific teaching of preparatory classes. The training of directors initially will guarantee knowledge of the organization and objectives of the future training of teachers of preparatory classes within establishments.

Specific Objectives

  •  Analyze the reinforcement needs in the field of digital skills of training participants.
  •  Make training participants autonomous to generalize the use of hybrid routes.
  •  Institutionalize a training alternation between the field and the distance routes.
  •  Accompany these digital environments and tools designed to encourage, facilitate, and / or develop their uses.
  •  In connection with the expert in didactic and pedagogical training :
  •  Identify pedagogical and didactic skills to be developed among teachers in preparatory classes.
  •  Support for multiplication seminars for the benefit of inspectors and teachers.
  •  Integration by the inspector of the distance dimension and the design of a management of collectives: role and place of the use of video in training.

Expected results

– A rapid diagnosis of the IT equipment needs necessary for generalization

– A diagnosis of the capacities to use a digital platform of participants in training sessions.

– A significant rise in the digital skills of each participant up to the autonomy of ownership of the routes as tutor / tutor.

– An assured knowledge of the educational tools and resources contained in the three courses.

– The training of an inspector and a director per wilaya capable of training the inspectors and directors of each district to support the routes.

– A progressive development of trainers on the use of video viewing in training.

– 20,000 teachers in the preparatory classes for primary education trained through cascading training at the level of the central regions, east, west and south to the concepts present in the routes and to the ability to follow a hybrid course regardless of its place of activity.

– Progressive establishment of a community of support and learning at the scale of the territory.

– Teachers capable of identifying the objectives of each course, finding concrete avenues that can be achieved to act, wondering about the specific profession of the preparatory class and measuring their commitment

Target population

Primary education inspectors ( IEP ),

Directors of schools in which at least one preparatory class is open

Teachers of preparatory classes ( per waterfall )

4 regional sessions ( east / west / south / north ), of the country for 15 inspectors and 15 directors: total 30 people: which corresponds to an inspector/trice and one director per wilaya; they will then be responsible for the multiplication in their wilaya: A total of 60 inspectors and 60 directors / tutors trained ( e ) s : which corresponds to the 60 Directorates of Education distributed on the national territory.

Expected deliverables

  •  Support for the design of the electronic platform to support the remote dissemination of the 03 modules ( videos / educational resources )
  •  In connection with the expert in charge of pre-school didactics and pedagogy, submission of a roadmap and work plan for the training of trainers « hybrid » for the benefit of teachers, inspectors in charge of preparatory classes as well as directors of primary schools: training of a teaching collective
  •  Submission of a training report from 120 inspectors and principals of primary schools.
  •  Submission of a final report including all the resources developed, video-training scenarios and recommendations for scaling up at the national level

Deliverables, deadlines and payment terms The expert ( e ) will produce and submit the following deliverables to the UNICEF office. It is understood that the final versions will necessarily have to take into account the comments made by the bureau on the preliminary provisional versions. Deliverables must be submitted in French in electronic version ( Word and / or Excel format and / or Powerpoint ), a translation in Arabic would be welcome.


Indicative submission dates

Method of payment of fees

  •  A methodological note and a work plan / calendar.

10 days after signing the contract


  •  Report on strengthening the capacities of inspectors and directors on the use of the platform

03 months after signing the contract


  •  Final report

1 month before expiration of the contract


Working conditions The work of the consultant will take place over a period of 9 months from the 1ster October 2023. The work can be carried out partly remotely, at least two missions to Algeria will be planned. The number of working days estimated at approximately 14 days remotely / and in a face-to-face manner. He / she will collaborate with design inspectors and ONEFD executives and work under the direct supervision of the Education Specialist.

Fees The consultant’s fees will be negotiated and agreed on the basis of the financial offer presented by taking charge of two plane tickets to Algeria and the costs inherent in the various trips to Algeria as well as perdiems for approximately 20 days in Algeria. Visa fees are borne by the consultant. Payments will be staggered and made after receipt and acceptance of the deliverables by UNICEF and the Ministry of National Education.

Competences and Qualification of the Expert / Consultant

The expert must have the following qualifications and skills :

  •  Specialist in education and training engineering in pre-school and primary education with an excellent knowledge of international standards and standards in student skills
  •  Having at least one BAC + 5 or more diploma in education or similar sciences and justifying an experience of at least five ( 5 ) years in in-service training for teachers and supervisory staff of teachers including at least three ( 3 ) years in continuing education
  •  A university degree in education with experience in improving class practices
  •  Have already done similar training in partnership with international organizations and the United Nations system ;
  •  Knowledge of the Algerian context and the education system in progress ;
  •  Perfect mastery of the French

Knowledge of Arabic and the Algerian context would be an asset.

Documents to be provided during submission

The candidate must include in the application file :

  •  A technical offer including
  •  an introduction to understanding the Terms of References including any comments
  •  the methodology recommended for carrying out the work
  •  a timetable for the performance of the various tasks
  •  a letter presenting the assets which the expert judges to be able to take advantage of to carry out this work satisfactorily ( academic training, professional experience, similar research work. ).
  •  A financial offer offering
  •  the desired rate of remuneration specifying and taking into account the days worked in Algeria and / or remotely
  •  international travel expenses based on advance missions
  •  all other costs including visa and travel costs
  •  CV ( s ) detailed ( s ) up to date ( person ) s ( contributing to the study, P11 of the consultant ) e ( main ) e (
  •  References of people who can be contacted in connection with similar work carried out by the consultant ( e )

It should be noted that financial offers will only be examined if the technical offers are deemed admissible and of acceptable quality.

Technical criteria


Max points: 80

General answer

Complaintness of the answer


Concordance between proposal and request


Critical reading ( additions or modifications proposed )


Profile of expertise

Capacity building and training engineering experience with educational services as well as in the Maghreb region ( Algeria is an asset )


Profile of experts ( s ) in education and specialized educational services,


Certificates provided by customers


Methodology and approach

Detailed explanation of the methodology used and any tools to use


Financial criteria

Adequacy of skills and services to TdRs

Max points: 20

The evaluation of financial offers will be made only for candidates who have obtained at least a score of 40 points at the end of the technical evaluation.

Any incomplete file will be considered inadmissible.

The consultant ( e ) will be recruited ( e ) on the basis of an individual contract.

The application file including all the required documents must be posted online.

Additional documents to be provided during submission

In addition to the technical and financial proposal described above, the tenderer must provide the following documents :

  •  Detailed and updated CV
  •  Bidder references

NB : UNICEF is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion among its staff, and encourages all applicants regardless of gender, religion and ethnicity, including people with disabilities, to apply to be part of the organization. Female candidates are strongly encouraged.

UNICEF applies the zero tolerance policy with regard to sexual abuse and exploitation, and to all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment and discrimination. All candidates selected for recruitment will be subject to a rigorous verification of references and background.

Only ( es ) the candidates ( preselected ) es ( will be contacted.

*Individuals engaged under a consultancy or individual contract will not be considered “ staff members ” under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations and UNICEF’s policies and procedures, and will not be entitled to benefits provided thereon ( such as leave entities and medical insurance coverage ). Their conditions of service will be governed by their contract and the General Conditions of Contracts for the Services of Consultants and Individual Contractors. Consultants and individual contractors are responsible for determining their tax liabilities and for the payment of any taxes and / or duties, in accordance with local or other applicable laws.

Advertised: Aug 01 2023 W. Central Africa Standard Time

Close application: Aug 15 2023 W. Central Africa Standard Time

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  •  Close Aug 15 2023International consultation Capacity building of MEN personnel through the generalization of the use of online training courses for the benefit of teachers in the preparatory in Algeria

    International consultation Capacity building of MEN staff through the generalization of the use of online training courses for the benefit of preparatory teachers


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