Individual Consultant-Development and adoption of minimum standards for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene services ( EAH ) in health establishments-Morocco 5 months, Rabat, Morocco At Unicef

Closing date: Saturday, August 26, 2023

Individual-Elaboration Consultant and adoption of minimum standards for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene services ( EAH ) in health-Morocco establishments, 5 months

Job no: 564457

Type position: Consultant

Rental: Morocco Division / Equivalent: Amman ( MENA )

School / Unit: Morocco

Department / Office: Rabat, Morocco

Categories: Health

UNICEF Morocco launches an international consultation call for the development and adoption of minimum standards for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene ( EAH ) services in health establishments in Morocco

Context and justification:The joint monitoring program ( Joint Monitoring Program / JMP ) of WHO / UNICEF is the body mandated by the United Nations to monitor the development of the water sectors, sanitation and hygiene ( EAH ) worldwide. In recent years, this program has attached particular importance to health establishments in its evaluations, due to the great shortcomings noted in water services, sanitation and hygiene at this type of establishment. Faced with this observation, the WHO had adopted in 2019 resolution WHA72.7 by which countries were invited to first evaluate these services and then: ‘ ’ establish and apply, depending on the national context, minimum standards for drinking water supply, hygiene and sanitation services and the fight against infectious diseases,in all health care frameworks, and to integrate standards for drinking water supply services, hygiene and sanitation and anti-infective control in accreditation and regulatory systems… ’ ’

As part of this dynamic, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection ( MSPS ), through the Directorate of Epidemiology and Disease Control ( DELM ), carried out in 2022 with technical support from UNICEF and funding from USAID, a national evaluation of these services including a review of the institutional and regulatory frameworks in this sector. The evaluation made it possible, in particular, to highlight the following synthetic results and to identify public primary health care structures at the rural level as the least well-off in terms of EAH services:

  •  6% of health establishments have no water source ;
  •  9% of establishments lack sanitation facilities ( toilet );
  •  9% of establishments lack functional hand hygiene facilities in consultation rooms;
  •  62% of health establishments do not properly sort biomedical waste ;
  •  18% of health facilities do not have cleaning staff.

This assessment provided evidence to establish and adopt minimum standards for EAH services in all health care facilities, and ultimately integrate these standards into the accreditation systems adopted by the MSPS and into the related national regulations, which will make it possible to set up accountability mechanisms to strengthen the practices and levels of access to services generated.

It is in this context that the MSPS requested technical support from UNICEF for the development of national EHA standards in health facilities for each level of the health pyramid with attention specific on maternity services and primary health care, with a view to ensuring the safety of patients and professionals and contributing to improving the quality of care.

Goals : The purpose of this consultancy is to provide technical support to the MSPS for the establishment and adoption of minimum standards for water, hygiene and sanitation services ( EAH services ) in establishments health, in particular those providing maternity and / or primary health care.

The specific objectives are :

  •  Prepare a detailed methodological note including the analysis of the results of the evaluation carried out in 2022 by the DELM, identification of EAH ES gaps and sub-areas that will be subject to minimum standards.
  •  Carry out a review of the internationally recommended requirements for WASH services at the ES level as well as the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders. This review should include two developed countries, two countries of the same socio-economic level as Morocco, as well as the relevant departments of WHO, UNICEF and any other competent international institution.
  •  In the light of the analysis of the results of the 2022 evaluation and the review of the requirements adopted at international level, propose minimum standards for each level of the health pyramid and maternal, neonatal and child health services. These standards will have to be adapted to the national context and by integrating the gender dimension, for example the need for non-mixed toilets, and facilities for menstrual hygiene, and the inclusive dimension for example for people with reduced mobility.
  •  Participate in a face-to-face workshop to discuss and validate the proposed standards. The organizational aspects of the workshop will be managed by DELM.
  •  Write a report on the progress of the consultation including a summary of the standards adopted.

Deliverables : The consultant must submit the following deliverables to UNICEF and DELM: Deliverable 1 : The methodological note must be a maximum of 10 pages and will be drawn up following the framing meeting made with the MSPS and UNICEF. It must present a clear justification for the choice of the recommended methodological approach, its strengths and limits to meet the objectives and scope of the consultancy and include a summary of the shortcomings of the EAH services in ES and the EAH sub-domains targeted by the minimum standards.

Deliverable 2: Report of the requirements review / minimum standards adopted at international level ( at least 20 pages ) This involves making an inventory based on requirements adopted by two developed countries, two countries of the same socio-economic level as Morocco, and those recommended by the relevant departments of WHO, UNICEF and any other competent international institution.

This inventory should be proposed in the form of a table comparing the requirements adopted by each country and institution included in the benchmark

Deliverable 3: Version ‘ ’ 0 ’ ’ of the minimum standards proposed. This document should build on the existing and take into account the latest international guidelines from WHO and UNICEF on the subject in order to adopt and institutionalize best practices. This document should be easy to use with diagrams and illustrations.

Deliverable 4: Validation workshop progress report including the highlights of the discussions and the consensus reached by stakeholders with the final version of the minimum standards adopted.

Deliverable 5: Final report of the consultation and a summary note of at least 3 pages.

Duration and payment schedule :

The duration of the consultation is estimated at 22 working days over a period of 5 months. Certain tasks may be done remotely while others will require the physical presence of the consultant in Morocco.


Number of days


% of payment

Deliverable 1: Conceptual note including the synthesis of the analysis of the evaluation 2022


Sept 2023


Bookable 2: Report of the review of requirements / standards adopted at international level


Sept-Oct 2023

Deliverable 3: Version ‘ ’ 0 ’ ’ of the proposed standards


Oct-Nov 2023


Deliverable 4: Validation workshop progress report and final version of the adopted standards


Nov-Dec 2023

Bookable 5: Final report of the consultation including a summary note


January 2024


22 days


Profile of candidates : An international expert meeting the following requirements :

  •  A graduate diploma in water engineering and sanitation, environmental health, public health or other equivalent fields
  •  A minimum of 5 years of experience in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene programs internationally
  •  Knowledge and experience desired in the field of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in institutions and in particular health establishments
  •  Work workshop facilitation skills
  •  Mastery of the French language, read, written and spoken, essential.

Application file: This call for consultation is open to individual international consultants. The consultant will be recruited on the basis of a service contract concluded with the UNICEF office in Morocco.

The application file will include:

  •  A technical offer with the following elements:
  •  A cover letter ;
  •  A methodological note describing in a synthetic way the approach that will be followed to respond to the terms of reference of this consultation and including an implementation schedule;
  •  A detailed CV, mentioning previous experience in the field and the skills required for this consultation as well as 3 professional references;
  •  Copy of diplomas
  •  A financial offer for each of the services in dollars (USD), with the estimated number of days and the daily rate including travel expenses and any other charge related to the performance of the services.

NB: The fees must be gross and the declaration of taxes is the responsibility of the consultant.

All these documents must be attached on the system during submission.

The application deadline is August 26, 2023

**** Any incomplete file will be considered inadmissible ****

Submission of applications: To submit your application, please use the following link

For detailed Terms of Reference or for any questions regarding this consultation, please contact Mrs. Dominique Brunet dbrunet

Individuals engaged under a consultancy or individual contract will not be considered “staff members” within the meaning of the UN Staff Regulations and Rules and UNICEF policies and procedures. , and will not be entitled to the benefits provided thereon ( such as leave entities and medical insurance coverage ). Their terms of employment will be governed by their contract and by the General Conditions of Contracts for Consultant Services and Individual Contractors. Consultants and individual contractors are responsible for determining their tax obligations and paying any taxes and / or duties, in accordance with local or other applicable laws.

UNICEF is committed to respect for diversity and inclusion within its work force, encourages all applicants, regardless of gender, nationality, religion and ethnicity, including persons with disabilities , to apply to be part of the organization. The feminine candidacies are deeply encouraged.

UNICEF operates a zero-tolerance policy for behavior inconsistent with the goals and purposes of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also supports to strict child protection principles. All selected candidates will be required to adhere to these standards and principles and will therefore be subject to rigorous reference and background checks. The background check will include verification of academic creditors and employment history. Selected applicants may be required to provide additional information to complete a background check.

Advertised: Jul 26 2023 Greenwich Standard Time

Close application: Aug 26 2023 Greenwich Standard Time

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  •  Close Aug 26 2023Individual Consultant-Development and adoption of minimum standards for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene ( WASH ) services in health establishments-Morocco, 5 months in Morocco

    The purpose of this consultancy is to provide technical support to the MSPS for the establishment and adoption of minimum standards for water, hygiene and sanitation services ( WASH services ) in health establishments, in particular those providing maternity services and / or primary health care.


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