ICT project manager Mutualization of Resources in Latin America At Doctors Without Borders

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Project Manager (Resources Mutualization LATAM) – Project Manager (Resources Mutualization)


  • ICT Project Manager Mutualization of Resources in Latin America


  • Possibility of being based in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay or Colombia;
  • Possibility of working from home in accordance with national regulations (depending on the contracting country).

Reports to

  • Hierarchical: Steering Group (GDs and presidents); Functional: Focal Points of the country’s GD for administrative issues


  • From June 2024 to December 2025


MSF’s organizational structure, inherited from a development articulated around European operational centers and their satellites, is currently being reviewed to adjust it to the current needs and aspirations of patients, communities and teams.

Largely organic growth, coupled with a desire to maintain diverse operational approaches, has led to a governance model that is both highly centralized and fragmented according to allegiances to historical sections of MSF.

This architecture led to an increase in the complexity of decision-making and difficulties in adapting to specific needs in some areas of intervention to fulfill MSF’s social mission. It also resulted in duplication and overlapping initiatives.

To address these inefficiencies and foster a culture of shared resources and capabilities, MSF entities in Latin America are committed to reviewing our organizational structure. This initiative focuses on:

  • Review organizational structure to align regional investments with strategic priorities, ensuring optimal use of resources in essential work areas: HR, Supply, Medical, Legal, Associative.
  • Optimize the use of shared resources for collective priorities by leveraging Latin American knowledge and operational experience across the movement.
  • Improve shared capabilities to maintain our direct support spend ratio while reducing overhead through mutualization of services.

This project aims to eliminate redundancies and inefficiencies in Latin America, but also contribute to building a more responsive and unified MSF globally. By embracing shared resources and capabilities, we seek to strengthen our collective effectiveness, ensuring we fulfill our social mission while adapting to current and future challenges.

Furthermore, following extensive discussions carried out in recent years within the MSF movement but also within the regional MSF entities in the Americas, the intention was conceived to propose an Operational Directorate (OD) in the Americas. This idea became a formal declaration that was presented at the joint General Assembly of MSF Lat, CAMEX and Brazil in 2022, an assembly that was characterized by a great sense of belonging and purpose with our social mission.

The areas chosen by the three entities (MSF Brazil, MSF Lat and CAMINO/CAMEX) to begin the mutualization processes focus in a first phase on Human Resources, Supply, Advocacy and Analysis, Medical and associative leadership development, and then identify the strategy, the medical axis will be included.


The objective of this position is to coordinate and support the project management of the three entities (MSF Brazil, Latin America and CAMEX/CAMINO) within the framework approved by the ICT Committee through a consultative and participatory decision-making process. The position requires strong facilitation, project management and stakeholder engagement skills to effectively support the development and implementation of the Operational Management Model in line with mutualisation subsidiarity principles.


Define short and long term objectives:

  • Develop a stakeholder and context analysis for the 5 pillars (Human Resources, Advocacy and Analysis, Supply, Associative, Medical)
  • Develop a consultation strategy/plan that ensures extensive but efficient inclusion of a wide range of stakeholders in the development and validation of the process
  • Propose a robust internal communication plan that includes key MSF stakeholders agreed with the steering committee
  • Organize and lead workshops, webinars, surveys, digital engagement platforms as necessary, together with the Steering Group of the different MSFs involved;
  • Manage stakeholders by maintaining good relationships, effective communication, conflict resolution and (supporting the) transfer of project results.

Develop an Operational Management Model and its implementation plan:

  • Propose an analysis of opportunities and needs and then propose an organizational structure at the regional level that reflects a solid and sustainable operational management model to facilitate the implementation of resource mutualization
  • Guide and lead each entity to integrate the proposed regional organizational structure, identifying in collaboration and cooperation with those responsible for each area of ​​intervention the processes and procedures that must be reviewed.
  • Develop a process adjustment implementation plan defining milestones and indicators
  • In close collaboration with the executive directors and presidents of each entity, define a governance and management model to ensure accountability of the implemented program.

Risk management:

  • Map implementation risks and propose mitigation measures around the 5 pillars.

Capacity development:

  • Support each department/pillar in the capitalization of internal competencies
  • Propose a capacity development plan for personnel in areas of interest in order to increase the capacity of each department/pillar concerned and adapted to the needs of each entity
  • Support each department/pillar in identifying specific training that responds to the identified needs
  • Include the identification of current capabilities, needs analysis, opportunities vis-a-vis mutualization.

Change management:

  • Develop a change management plan and establish the framework for its implementation by defining milestones and indicators
  • Develop and implement a communication plan with the support of the respective department of MSF Brazil, MSF LAT and CAMEX/CAMINO
  • Compile lessons learned to support the capitalization of the process that could be presented to other MSF entities at the movement level.



  • Graduation complete
  • Postgraduate or complete MBA (management, public health, humanitarian affairs, international relations, etc.) is a differential.


  • Consultative and participatory management
  • Managing programs with multiple and different stakeholders
  • Facilitation of workshops and trainings in person or online
  • Availability for international travel in the region and worldwide
  • Operational or executive experience with MSF (desirable)


  • Fluent English
  • Fluent Spanish
  • Desirable Portuguese

Key skills

  • Governance and risk management
  • Knowledge of MSF and MSF stakeholder groups (staff, association, executive) (desirable)
  • excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Active listening
  • Negotiation and mediation

Basic skills

  • Commitment to MSF principles – level 4
  • Strategy view – level 4
  • Initiative and innovation – level 3
  • Leadership – level 3

Specific competencies

  • Analytical thinking – level 4
  • Behavioral flexibility – level 4
  • Teamwork and cooperation – level 3
  • Planning and organization – level 3


Regional with local contract.

Local contract, the salary and benefits of the position will be those in force in the country of hiring of the selected person. For transparency and fairness to all our employees, there is no possibility of negotiating salaries or benefits.

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is an international humanitarian organization that helps populations and victims of natural or human disasters and armed conflicts, without any discrimination based on ethnicity, religion or political ideology.

In congruence with the values ​​that guide our organization around the world, at MSF Mexico and Central America, MSF Brazil and MSF Latin America we are committed to carrying out actions that promote inclusion, diversity, equity and equality in the labor market, and in all the selection processes we carry out.

We seek to serve the general population in the same way, offering equal employment opportunities for all people, such as members of the LGBTQ+ community, indigenous communities, people of African descent, women and people with disabilities.


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