Human Rights Brigadista on the ground At Peace Brigades International

PBI is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), registered with the United Nations (UN) organization, which maintains teams of international observers / companions. It works under the principles of non-violence, non-interference and non-partisanship. The objective is to protect the space of action of human rights defenders who suffer repression for their non-violent work in favor of human rights. PBI always works through local requests. To achieve this objective, the GDP Teams remain on the ground accompanying threatened individuals or organizations, making regular visits to conflict zones, distributing information on the evolution of the conflict, carrying out advocacy with civil authorities, as well as with state agencies, NGOs,diplomatic corps and international organizations to promote international coverage.


  • Solid personal reflection on your motivations for working with GDP on the ground.
  • Good level of Spanish: spoken, written and read.
  • Previous experience in grassroots, social, community organizations, human rights or cooperation NGOs.
  • Availability to commit for 12 months of work in Guatemala.
  • Commitment to work following the principles of non-violence, non-partisanship and non-interference.
  • Availability to work horizontally under consensus.
  • Teamwork experience and group coexistence.
  • Having basic computer skills: word processors, e-mail or databases.
  • Have availability to participate in the training and selection process.
  • Have two references that can account for your professional skills and personal qualities (it can be in the associative, solidarity, NGO or academic fields).
  • A minimum age of 22 years.
  • Not having Guatemalan nationality.

To assess:

  • Knowledge of the current Guatemalan reality and its history.
  • Work experience in the area of dialogue with authorities, communication, advocacy, etc.
  • Capacity for political analysis.
  • Knowledge of the field of human rights.
  • Work experience in the field of research and information management.
  • Experience to work through the consensus decision-making process.
  • Work experience in a GDP structure.

GDP policies against age discrimination of projects in the field
Age is not an impediment to working on projects. However, there is a need for mature volunteers because the organization requires an experienced image when interacting with high-ranking authorities in countries where there are projects on the ground and also because volunteers must be able to responsibly assess risk and safety issues.

Guatemala PBI policy against discrimination in the team on the ground.
PBI Guatemala recognizes the potential of everyone to join the team on the ground and celebrates diversity. Therefore, all interested persons who meet the identified selection criteria are welcome to apply to GDP.

How to apply

How can you start:

  • Visit our website, section “Volunteer on the ground“.
  • Check carefully the documents that you find available on this website: Information document on the Training and Selection ProcessReference Form and Application Form.
  • If you have questions, contact the Guatemala project Training Team:
  • Send the Training Team the application form (annex above) completed before the deadline. Applications will not be accepted after this date.
  • Ask your two referents to complete the References form (if possible in Spanish or English) (annex above) and send it directly to the Training Team email ( before the deadline. We only consider the references sent directly by the referring persons. The candidate only has to send the request and make this request to the references.
  • With your request and the references sent before the deadline, Your application will be part of the selection process and you will follow the different stages of the process detailed in the Information Document on the Training and Selection Process (annex above).
  • After reviewing your application you will receive an email where we will inform you whether or not you go to the next stage of the selection process that will consist of an online interview. This interview will be decisive in inviting you to the face-to-face training and selection week as long as you make the previous self-training notebooks at the stipulated times.
  • The final stage of the selection consists of participation in the face-to-face training and selection week. The selection decision will be made after this week and will be communicated via email and a subsequent call. Therefore, participating in this meeting does not imply automatic selection.
  • Joining the team is not always immediate after the final decision, For this reason, people who have already been selected are asked to keep up to date on the situation in Guatemala until they join the team.


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