Hiring of consulting services for training on internal policies for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Ecuador At Pan American Development Foundation

Request for Proposals

Title: Contracting of consulting services for training on internal policies for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Ecuador.

Application issuance date: September 17, 2024

Application number: 9001.09.20.2024-CPP

Closing date: September 27, 2024

Closing time: 23:59 Washington, DC, USA (EST) UTC -05:00

Qualifications that may apply: Consulting firms and individual consultants

Contractual mechanism: Fixed Price


The Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) believes in creating a hemisphere of opportunity, for all. We work across Latin America and the Caribbean to make our region stronger – healthier, more peaceful, just, inclusive, resilient and sustainable for current and future generations. For 60 years, we have served the most vulnerable communities, investing resources across the hemisphere. We partner with civil society, governments and the private sector and empower them to achieve good for the region.

With over 60 years of experience across Latin America and the Caribbean and strong partnerships with local communities, civil society, and the public and private sectors, we have an impeccable track record of success with extensive in-country networks and strong financial controls. We are uniquely positioned to develop and implement adaptable programs across multiple technical areas, rapidly deploy to any Latin American and Caribbean country and activate existing local networks, measure and evaluate our impact with comprehensive performance indicators, and communicate our progress through integrated communication strategies.

In this sense, PADF is interested in supporting our partners, grassroots civil society organizations (CSOs) located in the Ecuadorian Amazon, in developing their skills to create internal policies for their organizations.


PADF provides small grants for the implementation of community projects and the development of community-based organizations. To achieve this goal, these fund-receiving partners have received technical assistance and support in the execution of five-month projects, creating benefits for the communities in which they have intervened. To ensure the sustainability of the activities implemented and the institutional strengthening of these partners, PADF convenes this consultancy to train three grassroots CSOs in the development of internal policies and strengthen their skills to create their own internal manuals and procedures.

Objective of the contract

The main objective of this consultancy is to train three CSOs located in Sucumbíos, Napo and Zamora Chinchipe on the creation of internal policies. PADF seeks to hire a consultant or a consulting team to facilitate these trainings and collaboratively develop with the organizations an internal policy document for each organization.

Topics to be addressed:

a. Introduction to the concepts of internal governance and the importance of internal policies and procedures for CSOs.

b. Review of types of internal policies: governance structures, finance and procurement, human resources, operational risk management, gender inclusion, etc.

c. Creation of internal policies: Facilitate and support the creation of internal policies adapted to each CSO, ensuring their alignment with the size and context of the organization.


The trainings must be developed virtually with three groups (one per group) based in the cities of Lago Agrio (Sucumbíos), Tena (Napo) and Zamora (Zamora Chinchipe), Ecuador.

IV. TERMS OF REFERENCE, DELIVERABLES AND DELIVERABLE SCHEDULE (All applicable taxes, tariffs and other costs must be included in the price proposal.)

Calendar of Milestones/Deliverables


Product 1

Estimated completion date: One week after signing the contract

Deliverable: Methodology and Work Plan

Description: This deliverable must describe the methodology planned for conducting the training, including a work plan and schedule of activities.

Percentage of total: 20% of total

Total PADF fee: 300 USD


Product 2

Estimated completion date: One week after the workshop ends

Deliverable: Final Report

Description: The final report should describe the work carried out, the learning outcomes and three internal policy documents (one for each organization).

Percentage of total: 80% of total

Total PADF fee: 1,200 USD



Evaluation Criteria: Does the proposal clearly explain, understand and respond to the project objectives as indicated in the scope of work?

Score: 35


Evaluation Criteria: Knowledge and experience demonstrated with similar projects

Score: 30


Evaluation Criteria: Personnel Qualifications – Do the proposed team members or individuals have the necessary experience and capabilities to carry out the scope of work?

Score: 35


Total: 100


a. Deadline. Proposals must be received no later than 23:59 Washington, DC, USA (EDT) on September 27, 2024. Late proposals will not be accepted. Proposals should be submitted by email to dtorres@padf.org. All proposals must be submitted following the guidelines outlined in this RFP.

b. Validity of the offer: the proposals, including the cost/price, will be valid for 120 days from the submission deadline.

c. Clarifications. Questions may be sent to dtorres@padf.org before the date and time specified in the schedule below. The subject of the email must contain the RFP number and the title of the RFP. PADF will respond in writing to clarifications submitted before the date specified in the schedule below. Answers to questions that may be of common interest to all applicants will be posted on the PADF website and/or communicated by email.

d. Amendments. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of proposals, PADF may, for any reason, modify the RFP documents by means of an amendment which will be posted on the PADF website and/or communicated by email.

e. Schedule of events.

**Request for Proposals Issued:**September 17, 2024

Deadline for submitting questions: September 25, 2024

Full Proposal Submission: September 27, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. – Washington, DC USA (EDT)

Approximate selection made: September 30, 2024


  • Have theoretical and practical experience in creating internal policies for CSOs.
  • Experience in facilitating reflection processes, analysis and applying participatory methodologies
  • Have the ability to work collaboratively with CSOs.
  • Have experience in developing internal policies.


  1. Signed cover page on the applicant’s letterhead and with their contact information.
  2. Technical proposal.
    1. Corporate capabilities, experience, past performance and 3 client references. Please include descriptions of similar projects or assignments and at least three client references.
    2. Calificaciones del personal clave. Adjunte un currículum vitae que demuestre cómo el equipo propuesto cumple los requisitos mínimos enumerados en la sección 7 (Requisitos mínimos).
    3. Enfoque técnico, metodología y plan de trabajo detallado. La Propuesta Técnica debe describir en detalle cómo el solicitante pretende llevar a cabo los requisitos descritos en los Términos de Referencia
    4. Propuesta financiera detallada


Resultado de Acuerdo

Esta SdP no obliga a PADF a ejecutar un contrato, ni compromete a PADF a pagar ningún costo incurrido en la preparación o presentación de las propuestas. Además, PADF se reserva el derecho de rechazar cualquier y todas las ofertas, si tal acción se considera en el mejor interés de PADF. PADF, a su entera discreción, seleccionará la propuesta ganadora y no está obligada a compartir los resultados de la evaluación individual.


Toda la información de propiedad proporcionada por el solicitante será tratada como confidencial y no será compartida con los solicitantes potenciales o reales durante el proceso de licitación. Esto incluye, pero no se limita, a las cotizaciones de precios, propuestas de costes y propuestas técnicas. PADF puede, pero no está obligada a, publicar los acuerdos en su sitio web público después de que el proceso de licitación haya concluido, y el contrato haya sido acordado. Los resultados de la evaluación de PADF son confidenciales y la puntuación de los solicitantes no será compartida entre ellos.

Protección contra la Explotación y el Abuso Sexual (PEAS)

Como parte de los controles internos del contratista y de las normas de conducta de los empleados, el contratista debe garantizar que sus empleados se adhieran a estas normas de conducta de manera coherente con las normas para los empleados de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) en la Sección 3 del Boletín del Secretario General de la ONU – Medidas especiales de protección contra la explotación y el abuso sexual (ST/SGB/2003/13).

Contratación de Empresas Pequeñas, Minoritarias y de Mujeres

PADF tomará todas las medidas necesarias para asegurar que las empresas minoritarias, las empresas de mujeres y las empresas de áreas con mano de obra excedente sean utilizadas cuando sea posible.

Inhabilitación y suspensión

Las entidades que aparezcan en cualquier lista de exclusión, el Sistema de Gestión de Acuerdos (SAM por sus siglas en inglés), la Oficina de Control de Activos Extranjeros (OFAC por sus siglas en inglés), la Lista de Sanciones de las Naciones Unidas y otras listas de vigilancia, no tendrán su oferta evaluada y no serán elegibles para recibir ningún subacuerdo que pueda resultar de esta Solicitud de Propuestas.

Para la licitación completa, por favor visite: https://www.padf.org/procurement-opportunities/

How to apply

Proposals must be received no later than 23:59 Washington, DC, USA (EDT) on September 27, 2024. Late proposals will not be accepted. Proposals should be submitted by email to dtorres@padf.org.

For the full tender, please visit: https://www.padf.org/procurement-opportunities/

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