Head of Press Relations and Campaigning H/F – CDI At CARE France

Presentation of CARE France

Founded in 1945, CARE is one of the world’s largest non-political and non-denominational humanitarian networks. Our mission is to fight extreme poverty. CARE implements projects of’urgency and development in complementary fields: education, food security, drinking water health, etc, developing’ income-generating activities by involving communities and collaborating with local partners. CARE advocates for women’s rights and supports their empowerment. In 2023, CARE France worked in 51 countries and is the managing director of CARE International country offices in Lebanon, Cameroon and Madagascar. The annual volume of resources is 67 M€. The’team brings together 75 employees based at Headquarters and twenty’expatriate.e.s.CARE France is the first French NGO to have obtained the label Professional Equality between Women and Men from’AFNOR in 2019 and 2024. To learn more about : www.carefrance.org

Description of the mission

L’objective of the mission :

Attached(e) directly to the communication center, you manage the media awareness of CARE France and the dissemination of our messages. Your objective is the’ increase of the media reputation of CARE France.

Your mission will be to :

Press Relations :

  • Development of media strategies adapted to the annual and specific objectives (specific campaigns) of CARE France’s notoriety around climate, gender, humanitarian action
  • Identification and preparation of the spokespersons of the’association, including the two co-DGs
  • Proposal and implementation of the mechanisms for implementing this strategy and analysis of the results
  • Animation of the press and influence network (management and expansion of the journalists and partners database, press release writing, proactive coordination of’ interviews, setting up press conferences, etc, monitoring and implementation of collaborations/press trips/virtual or physical assets)
  • Being a force of proposal to push a greater diversity of’innovations in terms of media relations with a team of’s and coordination within CARE France and sometimes our international CARE network
  • Propose a strategy and manage media emergencies and crisis communication – availability in the evening and on weekends if necessary
  • Train the CARE France and CARE International teams in media speaking, including advocacy teams and programs
  • Represent CARE France in the CARE International network media meetings
  • Ensure quarterly and annual reporting on the perimeter
  • Ensure the rotating permanence of the media telephone

Campaigning or citizen mobilization actions :

  • He /She contributes to the reflection on the development and positioning of the campaigning » within the Communication department in collaboration with the advocacy department, with a view to’efficiency and’ continuous improvement.
  • He/she participates in the implementation of the campaigning actions in connection with the advocacy service
  • He/she mediates these operations

Profile sought

Experiences / Training :

  • Bac + 4 in communication, journalism or political science
  • Minimum 5 years of professional experience in media relations in NGOs or agencies

Languages : Common french and english

Skills :

  • Excellent knowledge of the media
  • Very good network in the media
  • Excellent writing abilities
  • Relational ease with journalists
  • Knowledge of CP management tools is a plus
  • Spirit of’analysis and synthesis
  • Ability to prioritize tasks
  • Knowledge of the terrain or themes of’care intervention would be a plus (climate, gender, location, humanitarian etc.)
  • Knowledge of associative issues or international solidarity is a plus

Qualities sought :

  • Responsiveness and proactivity
  • Creativity and strength of proposal
  • Autonomy and rigor
  • Ability d’ listening
  • Project management
  • Very good relationship, dynamism and spirit of’team

Note that CARE intervenes on humanitarian emergencies, it is therefore necessary to be available to work punctually outside office hours (with of course the possibility of recovering these hours later).

Terms & conditions

Contract type : Permanent contract (CDI)

Status : Framework

Working time : 212 Days per year (package days)

Desired start date : ASAP (thanks to’indicate your availability)

Salary : between 41 604,54 € and 43 338,06 € gross annuals according to profile

Advantages : mutual support 100% by CARE France ; tickets-restaurant d’a face value of 9€, including 5€ supported by CARE France ; reimbursement up to 75% subscriptions to the public transport network or sustainable mobility package ; possibility of partial teleworking from the 3rd week of the contract (package of 40 or 80 days of teleworking in the first year ; 120 Days from’un an d’seniority).

Work place : CARE France Headquarters, 71 rue Archereau – 75 019 Paris.

Movements to plan : occasional

How to apply

Interested candidates must send their curriculum vitae and a cover letter in French to’ address: recrutement@carefrance.org as soon as possible and before 30/08/2024

Thank you’indicate in object of the mail the reference : Resp RP Campaigning


CARE France encourages diversity in its recruitmentWith equal skills, CARE France studies the applications of women and men in a fair way.

CARE France applies zero tolerance to the’ exploitation, sexual abuse and abuse of women and children and mobilizes all its employees in the implementation of its overall policy.

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