Head of delegation – H/F – MOROCCO – Rabat At French Red Cross

As a major player in the social and solidarity economy, the French Red Cross manages a network of more than 600 institutions and services in the health, medico-social and training sectors. It is also the head of 12 regional institutes for health and social training.

At’international, the CRF intervenes in 16 countries alongside National Societies and 2 regional platforms (PIRAC and PIROI), on the following themes: Health and Disaster risk management.

Just as in the professions that’elle develops and implements in France, the French Red Cross at’international inscribes all its missions in a sustainable humanitarian action plan. This is reflected in an articulation of the activities of’urgency, post-emergency, crisis exit and reconstruction aimed at the best efficiency. The’objective is to carry out actions with lasting effects and to allow the populations to regain their full autonomy.

Our association is also committed to strengthening its presence and promoting its priority commitments within the International Movement.

By joining us, you will share our commitment and ethics and develop your skills.

On September 8, 2023, an earthquake shook Morocco causing nearly 3,000 deaths and 6,000 injuries. The Moroccan Red Crescent and the CR/CR Movement are immediately on the ground, in close coordination with local authorities, to’ assess the situation and provide assistance to those affected.

The French Red Cross is quick to mobilize in response to the crisis. On September 9, 2023, a call for donations is launched with the aim of contributing, as part of the response of the CRCR Movement, to the relief actions on the spot, and to supply basic necessities.

The CRf then organizes, in early October, an exploratory mission to meet the Moroccan Red Crescent to support the emergency response to the earthquake. After identifying the needs not covered and defining the modalities of cooperation, the French Red Cross wants to support the Moroccan Red Crescent and act by opening a delegation on the spot.


Function :

Under the hierarchical supervision of the Middle East Geographical Manager, Le/La Chef.fe de mission will be responsible for’ ensuring the coordination and strategic positioning of the CRF in Morocco, France, d’ ensure the implementation and operational monitoring of activities, supervise the management of financial, logistical and HR resources.

He/she will also be in charge of’insuring the management of safety, monitoring,’assessment, accountability and’learning as well as ensuring the direction and’animation of his team.

Responsibilities :

Mission 1 : Ensures the’opening of the delegation

Mission 2 : Ensures strategic coordination and positioning

Mission 3 : Ensure the development of project proposals and the implementation of activities

Mission 4 : Supervision of the management of financial and logistical resources

Mission 5 : Ensuring the management of security

Mission 6 : Ensure follow-up,’assessment, accountability and’learning

Mission 7: Participate in good partnership relations and the development of National Societies

Mission 8 : Ensure the effective and dynamic management and’animation of his team

Mission 9 : Participates in the’ identification of the needs and priorities of SN

Hierarchical link : Insured by the/the manager of geographical desk Middle East

Operational link : Ensures the management of the’ all the national and expatriate staff of the mission.

Collaborates internally with :

L’adjoint.e desk in charge of Morocco
Technical services and headquarters support

Collaborates externally with :

Governance and the national executive’ of the Moroccan Red Crescent
Ministries supported in the context of projects
Humanitarian and operational partners of the CR-CR Movement
Technical and financial partners


You want to join a large association that works daily with vulnerable people !

You are looking for meaning and want to flourish within’a company committed and carrying values.

You give importance to the principles and values defended and carried by the French Red Cross (Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary work, Unity, Universality)


Practical information related to the position

’emploi conditions

Type of status : expatriate
Type of contract : CDD under French law/precarity premium paid at the end of the contract
Salary : salary range, according to the classification of the position on the CRf grid and according to the’experience of the/of the candidate
End of year bonus’: equivalent to a 13th month at the pro-rata at the time of presence
Perdiem: daily perdiem that varies by country
Leave : 5 weeks of paid leave/year and 21 days of recovery – Ticket of’avion supported 100% by the CRf for home journey/mission for leave to 6 months
Health coverage : CFE + Mutuelle MSH (covered 100%) – 75% supported by the CRf
MedEvac Insurance/repatriation: YES
Status: Delegate in International Mission (DMI), expatriate status
Other insurance : pension (death-invalidity)


Location: Rabat – MOROCCO
Duration:12 months
To be filled : 15 December 2023

The French Red Cross reserves the right to close a recruitment before the’ deadline date of the announcement and submission of applications. Thank you for your understanding.

Without further contact from us within 3 weeks, please consider that we do not give favorable follow-up to your application. Female applications encouraged.

Training on line :

To get to know the Red Cross Movement better, we invite you to take two free online training courses accessible to all. The realization of these training courses is a plus in your application : W.O.R.C. (World of Red Cross and Red Crescent): this training course addresses topics such as the origin and history of the Movement, its fundamental principles, the emblem, the International Federation, the ICRC and national societies. Stay Safe, meanwhile, aims to develop a common culture of safety management within the Movement. You will find these courses on the’learning Platform of the International Federation: https://ifrc.csod.com/client/ifrc/default.aspx

Bac+4/5 training in humanitarian project management or equivalent training. Significant experience in an identical 3-year position required. Experience in the’appropriated delegation opening. Experience within the desired RC/RC movement.


Mandatory requirements for the position

Autonomous, versatile, adaptable
Relational, diplomatic ability
Good project management skills
Mastery of the’computer tool (complete autonomy on Word and Excel)
Writing skills and experience in project writing and’ reporting
Good analytical and synthetic mind.

Skills appreciated

Mastery of the Office pack (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), networking (G-Suite/Google Workspace)
Knowledge of the Red Cross Movement
Knowledge of the mechanisms of response to the’urgency
Rigour, flexibility and the ability to’adaptation

Skills related to the’specific mission environment :

Writing of project proposal
Appetence for health projects


Excellent level of French compulsory (spoken and written)
English desired
Arabic appreciable


’ passportvalidity greater than 6 months at the time of scheduled departure
Up-to-date vaccination record /ability to travel
Comprehensive vaccination schedule required


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