Haiti – Emergency Coordinator At COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale

COOPI is looking for a’Urgence Coordinator in Haiti

COOPI has been present in Haiti since the earthquake of 2010, providing relief to communities affected by the disaster, following the successive crises caused by the cholera epidemic (since 2010), hurricanes Sandy (2012) and Matthew (2016). Our activities in the country have been developed in the urban context of the’agglomeration of Port-Au-Prince, especially in the communities of Tabarre, Cite Soleil, Port au Prince and Gressier. Over the years, COOPI has established a strategy based on emergency response and disaster preparedness, support for children’s education and health, food security, etc, the drought and the development of cultural organizations for artisans and artists with funding ECHO, USAID/OFDA and PAM. At present, COOPI’s intervention is limited to the management of a single WFP-funded project in the urban area of Port au Prince, particularly in the municipality of Bombardopolis, which is our priority from which we can assess the possibility of extending our activities to other sectors.

Position objective

Under the direct supervision of the LAC Regional Coordinator and with the support of the Head of the Emergency Unit, ensure the development, direct coordination and monitoring of the emergency program in Haiti, with a particular focus on the humanitarian response in the regions where COOPI has strategically decided to intervene. It will also be engaged in the preparation of proposals and in direct discussions and negotiations with the donors concerned. Represents COOPI to donors, institutions, NGOs, local and international government agencies.


Programming and management of’urgence projects

  • Ensure the implementation of in-depth emergency assessments with a focus on key areas of COOPI : food security, education ( including child protection and education in emergency situations ), NFIs / shelters
  • With the support of the country administrator, coordinate the initial implementation and development of all project implementation plans and budgets within the framework of the established emergency response program and strategy
  • Supervision the economic-financial management of projects, Coordination and financial and economic planning of the country
  • With the support of the head of the emergency unit, assist and advise the Foundation in seeking funding from donors (mainly ECHO, UNICEF, UNHCR, BPRM and BHA) for emergency projects
  • Coordinate project design and preparation and submission of proposals for institutional and public funding by ensuring the existing strategy

Strategic management

  • Collaborate with the Regional Coordinator in the development and updating of the new country strategy
  • Monitor the humanitarian emergency and, on the basis of the established strategy, propose and adapt activities accordingly
  • Oversee and establish partnerships to ensure adequate implementation and monitoring of activities by partners
  • Ensure that the various sectoral activities are implemented in a coordinated and integrated manner, in close collaboration with local partners

General management and leadership

  • Establish and maintain relationships with other NGOs, UN agencies, the host government, bilateral and multilateral donors and other key stakeholders, including military forces if present and if necessary
  • Create the necessary conditions to ensure effective teamwork and good morale
  • Provide adequate support to identified local partners and help them proactively review their capabilities and fill gaps

Human Resources

  • Plan the needs of national staff and their budget coverage over the entire mission
  • With the support of the department Admin/RH, recruit, manage and support the team necessary to start the COOPI program in the country
  • Provide strategic guidance to project managers in accordance with the national strategy


  • Provide strategic guidance to the logistics manager in coordination with the logistics coordinator at headquarters

Candidate profile


  • University/postgraduate training and/or demonstrated experience in international cooperation, humanitarian aid, development and the’environment, social sciences or similar
  • At least 5 Years of’experience in humanitarian interventions and project management
  • Control of the procedures of the main donors : European Commission, ECHO, USAID / BHA, WFP, FAO, etc.
  • Interinstitutional coordination capacities / experience and inter-agency ( diplomacy )
  • Excellent editorial and communication skills
  • Excellent mastery of French, spoken and written
  • Excellent knowledge of the Microsoft Windows and MS Office operating system ( Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook )


  • Work experience in Haiti and / or in similar contexts
  • Experience and willingness to work in a multicultural environment
  • Excellent mastery of italian, spoken and written

COOPI reserves the right to close a recruitment before the date of’ expiry of the announcement. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Interviews will be ongoing and the position will be closed as soon as it is filled, thank you for your understanding.

COOPI is an independent and secular Italian non-governmental organisation founded in Milan in 1965. For over 50 years, the, COOPI is committed to the fight against poverty with long-term support and a constant presence on the ground next to the populations affected by the war, socio-economic crises and natural disasters. The activities of COOPI are aimed at encouraging development and responding to situations of’urgency. In Africa, Latin America and the Middle East COOPI promotes access to water, as well as the right to health and education of the poorest communities.


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