France – Stage : Assistant.E Support : Gestionadmin/Fin Et Log At Solidarity International

Desired date of taking office : 02/09/2024

Duration of the internship: 6 months

Location: SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL headquarters in Clichy

SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL (SI) is an association of’ international humanitarian aid which, for nearly 40 years, has been providing relief to populations affected by armed conflicts and natural disasters by responding to the vital needs of, drinking, eating, s’abriter. Particularly engaged in the fight against diseases related to unhealthy’, the leading cause of death in the world, SI implements through its interventions an expertise in the field of’access to drinking’water,’sanitation and the promotion of hygiene but also in that, essential, of, food security and means of’. Present in about twenty countries, SI –2000 teams in total composed of’expatriates, staffs nationa ux, permanent headquarters, etc,some volunteers..- intervene with professionalism and commitment in respect of cultures.


L’assistant(e) Support will be attached(e) to the management controller and the logistician of the Desk, with a time distribution of approximately 60% for financial management/accounting tasks and 40% for those related to logistics.


L’assistant(e) Support will be attached(e) to the management controller and the logistician of the Desk, with a time distribution of approximately 60% for financial management/accounting tasks and 40% for those related to logistics :

Under the supervision of the management controller and the logistician Desk, the’assistant(e) :


Assists the manager in his accounting tasks inherent to the missions
Verifies the analytical and accounting assignments of the accounts of the various missions
Checks the’ expenditure tables between the different funders
Supports the annual accounting and/or semi-annual analytical closing of missions
Uses accounting software SAGA (Mission)


Supports the field: manages the needs of field administrators on a daily basis
Participates in the verification of mission budget follow-ups
Participates in the validation of budgets of’operations proposals submitted to donors
Participates in the validation of the interim and final financial reports of the programmes (financial document and budget narrative part) to be submitted to donors
Supports the preparation of financial audits
Participates in the validation of cash flow forecasts
Participates in weekly and monthly meetings (Desk, Accounting, Logistics, Headquarters.).


Examine the documents for’achats files carried out in the field or at the headquarters (purchase order, quotations, analysis of quotations, contract, etc.) and their adequacy with the procedures of Solidarities International.
Participates in the constitution of the logistic documents of the final reports for the donors (checking of the presence of the equipments in the’ state of park, preparation of the annexes equipments, verification of compliance with donor procedures, etc.).
Archive files processed in computer version.
Participates in the processing of the monthly logistics package (parking status, fuel tracking, BCI tracking, etc.)
Verifies and updates logistics tracking documents (phone bills, mission contacts…).

Contributions of the internship :

Discover the functioning of the’une NGO headquarters as well as the relations between the headquarters and the field.
Discover the different professions of International Solidarity in the field.
Have a first approach to the functioning of’a mission and specific constraints.
Know the administrative, financial and logistical functioning of’an International Solidarity mission, in order to leave as’Administrator or logistician in the field.
Know the requirements of donors.
Development of’Excel and mastery of Saga software.
Be in direct contact with the field via expatriates.


Level Bac + 4/5 Master, Business Schools and/or specific training NGO support type Bioforce with a component in management and/or logistics.
Successful and significant professional experience in the field of management (accounting, finance) and/or logistics (purchase, transport, technical).
Mastery of the most common office software, a good knowledge of’Excel is important
Good command of english
Autonomy and rigor
Ability to work in a team


Internship based in the headquarters of SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL in Clichy (92), metro Mairie de Clichy
Intern with compulsory internship agreement.
Legal gratification of 15% of the current hourly social security ceiling.
The gratuity is calculated in proportion to the actual hours of attendance over the month. (Average 1 month = 154h, or 22 days of 7h/day)
Public transport supported at 50% by SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL
Tickets restaurant at 8,90 € /day of internship, with participation of SOLIDARITESINTERNATIONAL at 60 %


Do you recognize yourself in this description ?

If yes, send us your CV and Motivation Letter.

Applications containing only CVs will not be considered.

SI reserves the right to close a recruitment before the date of’ad. Thank you for your understanding.

And to get to know Solidarity International better :

Solidarity International (SI) is committed to preventing and combating any type of’abus – any act of’ exploitation,’abus and/or sexual harassment (SEAH) against members of beneficiary communities or its collaborators, harm to persons and/or property, fraud, corruption, conflict of interest, not declared, etc, financing of’activities infringing human rights – which could be carried out as part of its interventions. SI applies zero tolerance to’ with respect to any type of’abus, particularly acts of SEAH.

Solidarity International is a fair employer that fights all forms of discrimination. SI will never ask for any compensation in order to participate in a recruitment process.


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