France-Responsible Programme Eha H/F-Mayotte At Solidarity International

Desired date of taking up a position : 03/06/2024

Duration of the internship : CDD – 7 months

Location: Mayotte


INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY( SI ) is an international humanitarian aid association which, for almost 40 years, has provided relief to populations victims of armed conflict and natural disasters by meeting basic needs, drinking, eating, take shelter. Particularly engaged in the fight against diseases linked to unsafe water, the leading cause of death in the world, SI implements, through its interventions, expertise in the field of access to drinking water, sanitation and the promotion of hygiene, but also in that, essential, food security and livelihoods. Present in around twenty countries, the SI – teams in total, and made up of expatriates, national staff, permanent staff at headquarters,some volunteers..- intervene with professionalism and commitment in respect of cultures.


Since March 2020, SI has been working in France to respond to the COVID 19 health crisis in four territories. Our projects are aimed at the public living in degraded’habitats sites such as slums, camps or squats and having in particular limited access to basic services, in terms of’ potable water,’ sanitation, etc, and’access to the products of’ hygiene of first necessity. In times of health crisis, « non-connected » people are more vulnerable and have, more than ever, need of’ access to these services Water Hygiene and Sanitation to be able to apply barrier gestures and improve their living conditions.

Opening of’a mission in Mayotte : SI has been questioned by local associative actors, concerning the crisis of drinking’water which is facing a high share of the population living in the department of Mayotte.

The significant difficulties of’access to’eau,’ hygiene and’ sanitation of these people, and therefore the health risks to which they are exposed, led SI to establish a base in Mayotte at the end of 2022 to support local actors through 4 axes :

  • Coordination of local actors
  • L’restimation of epidemic risk
  • L’technical support for the development of local projects for’access to’eau and’
  • Advocacy and capacity building of local actors


General objective :

Technical Influence :

  • Follow-up and support to’hygienist trainers
  • Specialized training on cholera in associations

Implementation of the containment program ( Targeted interventions around cholera / cluster cases ) and prevention ( Access to safe water and sanitation, hygiene awareness ), home filter distributions and hygiene kits

Main Challenges :

Strong xenophobia, strong police presence impacting activities, inertia of public authorities, laborious partnership, lack of competence

Priorities for the first 2/3 months :

  • Continue training with local actors
  • Launch activities related to the community mobilizer on the hot spot of cholera
  • Monitor ( or even rehabilitate ) of the last technical installations ( wells and community filter )
  • Launch the project for the recovery of’rain water in’a small school, and follow the other project in progress in’a future center of’accommodation


Training :

technician on the themes of’eau and’sanitation (ex: GEMEAU or Bioforce)

Technical experience and skills :

  • 5 Years or more experience in the humanitarian sector
  • 5 Years or more of experience in a similar position
  • Control of epidemic aspects (cholera, typhoid, etc.), ability to set up and provide training.
  • Design and implementation of’a programme for the containment of waterborne diseases and prevention in precarious neighbourhoods in EHA
  • Installation and maintenance of latrines, potabilization devices or rainwater recovery systems at pilot sites
  • Ability to implement an EHA ( project, in particular small hydraulic works ) with external service providers or yourself
  • Pedagogy for transmission of know-how / good external relational ( inhabitants, providers, technical services
  • License B and ability to drive utilities

Languages :



An employee position : According to experience, from EUR 2310 gross per month ( 2100 basic salary + 10% annual leave allowance paid monthly ).

SI also covers accommodation and travel costs between the country of origin of the expatriate and the place of employment.

Social and medical coverage : Expatriates receive insurance that reimburses all health costs (including medical and surgical expenses, dental and ophthalmological care, etc, repatriation) and a contingency system including war risks. Vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are reimbursed.

Conditions of living :

  • Bi-weekly’eau cuts.
  • Increased vigilance regarding the security context and potentially forced displacement.
  • Cost of important life. Supply of some products difficult and long.
  • Insular context – Limited extra-professional activities (risk of’ isolation)

Safety :

Territory subject to security constraints, particularly around travel (traffic hours to be respected, increased vigilance on the roads during and outside working hours, increased vigilance on the areas of’ intervention, etc, permanent monitoring of the local security context, health issues – cuts of’au and limited medical availability)


Do you recognize yourself in this description ?

If yes, send us your CV and Motivation Letter.

Applications containing only CVs will not be considered.

SI reserves the right to close a recruitment before the date of’ad. Thank you for your understanding.

And to get to know Solidarity International better :

Solidarity International (SI) is committed to preventing and combating any type of’abus – any act of’ exploitation,’abus and/or sexual harassment (SEAH) against members of beneficiary communities or its collaborators, harm to persons and/or property, fraud, corruption, conflict of interest, not declared, etc, financing of’activities infringing human rights – which could be carried out as part of its interventions. SI applies zero tolerance to’ with respect to any type of’abus, particularly acts of SEAH.

Solidarity International is a fair employer that fights all forms of discrimination. SI will never ask for any compensation in order to participate in a recruitment process.


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