FRANCE – Referent.e Fight against abuse (H/F) – SIEGE At Solidarity International

Desired date of taking office : 28/01/2024

Contract: CDI

Location : International Solidarity Headquarters, Clichy ; possibility of teleworking ; field trips


SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL (SI) is an association of’international humanitarian aid which, for more than 40 years, has been
assistance to populations affected by armed conflict and natural disasters by meeting vital needs, drinking, eating, sheltering. Particularly engaged in the fight against diseases related to unhealthy’, the leading cause of death in the world, SI implements through its interventions an expertise in the field of’access to drinking’water,’sanitation and the promotion of hygiene but also in that, essential, food security and means of’. Present in about twenty countries, SI – 3000 teams in total composed of’expatriates, national staffs, permanent staff at headquarters, some volunteers…intervene with professionalism and commitment in respect of cultures.


The Referent.e Fight against abuse is placed under the responsibility of the/of the head of the Ethics and Internal Audit service and works in close collaboration with the various heads of poles and departments of the headquarters on the management of reports related to abusive behavior.

The main mission of the/referent’s Fight against Abuse is to support the/the Head of the Ethics and Internal Audit department and the General Management in the deployment and the’operationalization of’a framework for combating abuse. He/She will be more particularly in charge of the’ elaboration and the’improvement of standards, and, from the development and the’ accompaniment to the implementation of the logics and practices of prevention and detection and finally of the management of reports and response to abuses. He/She has a specific role of reception and follow-up of alerts at headquarters and in matters of’ administrative investigation – follow-up-advice or possible direct involvement -.

He/she may be required to move punctually on the ground at the request of his/her hierarchical superior (up to 20% of the time off leave).

Through 3 essential pillars of the position that are prevention and dissemination, response and management of reports and guidance or advice in matters of administrative investigation ; it / it (non-exhaustive list) :

Participates in the development of internal norms in the fight against abuse,
Contributes to the development of’a culture of prevention and fight against abusive behavior in-house, at the headquarters as well as in the field, through adapted’ tools, the’animation of’ workshops and dedicated training, and, etc.
Ensures a watch on good practices in prevention on the fight against Fraud, Corruption or any other form of abusive behavior, including SEAH cases.
Produces training tools and techniques to enhance awareness, prevention and detection of alerts and alerts.
Develops and strengthens the internal reporting management framework.
Support for the definition and qualification of reports and allegations received at headquarters and in the field and provides analysis and advice on their management : management of communication lines, management of communications, etc, conduct of the’ investigation and adapted methodology, evaluation of the potential’ impact and’amplitude of the’abus, advice on corrective measures and follow-up actions, etc.
S’ ensures the follow-up and the good management of the reports and communicates any potential drift on the treatment of the abuses observed to its hierarchical superior
Capitalizes on reports and their management using’a centralized, anonymous, protected and secure database, built in accordance with the legal frameworks surrounding in particular data protection.
Ensures a follow-up of the corrective measures to be put in place following a specific report, and makes sure to make the link with the tools available to the internal’audit (risk matrices, etc, follow-up of recommendations, etc.)
Actively participates in the working group on combating internal abuse


Organization of work requiring to carry out tasks of funds while ensuring an operational daily whose volume and priorities may vary.
Variable presence of equivalent positions in the field, assuming to adapt the level of’involvement and monitoring according to the countries.
Position well integrated in the’organization (opened in 2021) but for which the processes implemented are not all framed. Involves a capacity for’adaptation and formalization of decisions and orientations taken to strengthen the’inking of managed processes.
Important turning point taken by the structure in recent years on the topics of prevention and treatment of misconduct. Position taking is’ in addition to’an organizational evolution requiring an ability to accompany change while integrating recent organizational achievements.


Specific skills/experiences required :

Experience(s) humanitarian field confirmed(s) on the trades « support » to coordination positions.
Experience(s) in the management of professional’alerts mechanisms in the humanitarian sector.
Special knowledge and sensitivity on the ethical standards of the humanitarian sector and donor requirements in this area.
Mastery of the techniques of’administrative surveys and the management of risky behaviors (safeguarding)
Appetence for the management of organizational risks.
Perfect mastery of French and English both at the’oral and’ at the written.
Mastery of the office pack.
Teamwork ability, pedagogue, conscientious(se) and practical common sense.

One more :

A previous experience within Solidarities International or within’a headquarters of’a Humanitarian Organization
Knowledge of the methodologies of internal’audit, of the’analysis of risks and maps of risks
’adaptation capacity and resistance to stress.
A sense of diplomacy
Notions of’Spanish with written and oral’ / Some notions of’Arab

Language : Excellent command of French and’anglais, to the’written and to the’oral.


Position based at the headquarters of the’organisation in Clichy (92), metro Mairie de Clichy, with occasional trips on the ground
CDI framework status
Monthly gross remuneration 3,502 € or 3,647 € according to profile and experiences, including,
Possibility of teleworking: 4 or 12 days of Teleworking per month or 100% of teleworking with 3 days of mandatory face-to-face per month (package TT paid monthly). In accordance with the Telework Charter in force and the manager.
25 Days of leave and 12 days of RRT /year
Mutual (80 %), restaurant tickets (60%), transport tickets (50%) supported by the’association ; telework package (if option 100%)
Days of recovery and medical coverage taken care of 100% during the field trips.


Do you recognize yourself in this description ?

If yes, send us your CV and Motivation Letter.

Applications containing only CVs will not be considered.

Solidarities International reserves the right to close a recruitment before the date of’ deadline of the’ad. Thank you for your understanding.

And to get to know Solidarity International better:

International Solidarity ( SI ) is determined to prevent and combat any type of abuse – any act of exploitation, abuse and/or sexual harassment ( SEAH ) against members of beneficiary communities or their collaborators, harm to people and / or property, fraud, corruption, undeclared conflict of interest, funding for human rights activities – which could be carried out as part of its interventions. SI applies zero tolerance to any type of abuse, particularly SEAH acts.

Solidarités International is a fair employer who combats all forms of discrimination. IF will never request any compensation in order to participate in a recruitment process.


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