FRANCE–ASSISTANT.E of the Institutional Cooperation Service At Solidarity International

What we do …

Date of taking up desired function 02/10/2024

Internship duration : 6 Months

Localization : SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL headquarters in Clichy

Convention of compulsory internship

INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY(SI) is an association of’international humanitarian aid which, for nearly 40 years, has been helping people who are victims of armed conflicts and natural disasters by meeting the vital needs, drinking, eating, sheltering. Particularly engaged in the fight against diseases related to unhealthy’, the leading cause of mortality in the world, SI implements through its interventions an expertise in the field of access to DRINKING’water,’ sanitation and the promotion of’ hygiene but also in the essential, food security and means of existence. Present in twenty countries, SI – teams 2,500 people in total composed of’national and international employees, in the countries of intervention and at headquartersas well as some volunteers – intervene with professionalism and commitment in the respect of cultures.

Integrated within the Directorate of Accountability and Development of Partnerships (RDP), the Service of Institutional Cooperation (SCI) is structured around 3 pillars :

  • monitoring and’ maintenance of the relationship between SI and its institutional (public) donors/partners of financing to feed the institutional strategy of SI ;
  • the production/strengthening of the internal knowledge of institutional donors/partners and their procedures ;
  • diversification of the donor/institutional partner portfolio and prospecting.

Job description

L’assistant.e will carry out its functions under the tutoring of the head of the Service Institutional Cooperation, within’a team composed of the head of service, two in charge of institutional cooperation and the’assistant.e.

He/she will actively contribute to the search for funding and to the knowledge of donors/institutional partners and their procedures.

His tasks will lead him to work with the other departments of IS (programs, quality of programs and communication in particular).

Main tasks:

  • Ensure a watch of funding opportunities and the’news of institutional donors through a weekly newsletter : research/selection of funding opportunities, synthesis, dissemination. The monitoring of funding opportunities will also be carried out via the new internal business management software ;
  • Draft and disseminate summaries of calls for projects, funding opportunities and reports from institutional donors ;
  • Support the person in charge and those responsible for researching and drafting synthetic documents on different institutional donors in order to strengthen internal knowledge on these donors, their financing mechanisms and procedures ;
  • Support the service in the updating and the’archiving of information and documents relating to donors, in particular in the context of the transfer of information to the new management software of the activities of the’organisation : list of contacts, report of donor meetings, summaries of’ calls for projects, documents on the operation of donors, etc.;
  • Support the manager and those responsible for prospecting new institutional donors ;
  • Participate in internal and/or external meetings of the department and write reports ;
  • Translate working documents from’anglais to French, and vice versa, to’ using available software and tools.

Your profile

  • Higher education (bac level +4/5) focused on political, human and social sciences, law, international relations, or any other relevant field ;
  • Excellent writing skills, synthesis and formatting skills in both French and English language ;
  • Critical spirit and’analysis, autonomy, rigor ;
  • Strong interest in the causes defended by SOLIDARITIES INTERNATIONAL ;
  • Interest in the functioning of donors/institutional partners (public) and the financing of’ humanitarian aid and international cooperation ;
  • Professional mastery of French and’anglais ;
  • Proficiency in Microsoft 365 tools and appetite for’information management software.

If you will be offered the following conditions

  • Internship based in the headquarters of SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL in Clichy (92), metro Mairie de Clichy
  • Intern with compulsory internship agreement.
  • Gratification : 4,90 euros/hour
  • The gratuity is calculated in proportion to the actual hours of attendance over the month. (Average 1 month = 154h, or 22 days of 7h/day)
  • Public transport supported at 50% by SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL
  • Tickets restaurant at 8,90 € /daily internship, with participation of SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL at 60%

How to apply

Do you recognize yourself in this description?

If yes, send us your CV and Motivation Letter !

Applications containing only CVs will not be considered.

Solidarities International reserves the right to close a recruitment before the date of’ deadline of the’ad. Thank you for your understanding.

And to get to know Solidarity International better:

Solidarities International (SI) is committed to preventing and combating any type of’abus – any act of sexual exploitation,’abus and/or harassment (SEAH) against members of beneficiary communities or its collaborators, harm to persons and/or property, fraud, corruption, conflict of interest, undeclared, etc financing of’activities infringing human rights – which could be carried out as part of its interventions. SI applies zero tolerance to’ with respect to any type of’abus, particularly acts of SEAH.

Solidarity International is a fair employer that fights all forms of discrimination. SI will never ask for any compensation in order to participate in a recruitment process.

Solidarity International (SI) is determined to prevent and fight all type of abuse – all act of exploitation, abuse and/or sexual harassment (SEAH) against members of beneficial communities or collaborators, fraud, corruption, violation of persons and/or property, funding of activities harmful to human rights – that could be perpetrated in the frame of its interventions. SI implements a zero-tolerance policy regarding acts of abuse, notably acts of SEAH.

Solidarity International is an equitable employer committed to find all forms of discrimination. SI will ever ask for any remuneration to take part in a recruitment process.


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